Karl Barth. Paul S. Chung
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Название: Karl Barth

Автор: Paul S. Chung

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Религия: прочее


isbn: 9781498270311


СКАЧАТЬ Unlike Thurneysen, Barth saw the political nature of the drinking party and its connection to the relationship between the ruling class and the people. Barth rejected the accusations of slander and defamation because he defended himself by saying that he did not characterize the textile work as hell and Mr. Hochuli as the Devil.231 The Hochuli affair tells us the realities of late capitalism. Barth’s politically motivated pastorate had its foundation in his experience of the brutality of social relationships within capitalism. Already in the sermons of 1913, Barth condemned child labor and pleaded with parents to endure economic plight rather than deliver their children too early into the world of the factory. However, those sermons were without success. In this situation he came to a radical, revolutionary conviction that reforming and moderating actions can be explained from the objective misery of this place.

      For Ragaz: it is of importance to consider “experience of social needs and problems.” The “Ethical demand” is necessary.

      For Kutter: What is central is “experience of God.”

      For Ragaz: there is an emphasis on “belief in development.”

      For Kutter: the kingdom of God is understood as promise.

      For Ragaz: there is an “optimistic evaluation of Social Democracy” and “opposition to the church.”

      For Kutter: “the Social Democrats can never understand us.” “Religious responsibility” must be taken “in the church in continuity with the pietistic tradition.”

      Ragaz calls for “Religious-Socialist Party with conferences and new ways,” and emphasizes sympathy with workers and other laymen. He is in expectation of martyrdom and in protest against war.

      Kutter, however, calls for “circles of friends for spiritual deepening and for work.” With concentration primarily on the pastors his concern lies in “the building of dams for a much more distant future.”

      God as the New World in the Bible

      In his article “The Strange New World within the Bible” (“Die neue Welt in der Bibel”), which was delivered in the church at Lentwil in the autumn of 1916, Barth finds the Bible to be the canon of theological discourse on God, humans, and the world. In other words, the СКАЧАТЬ