Karl Barth. Paul S. Chung
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Название: Karl Barth

Автор: Paul S. Chung

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Религия: прочее


isbn: 9781498270311


СКАЧАТЬ telos of which “centers on the increase of capital,” is condemned “as a means to greater profit.”159 However, in the midst of capitalist society, “the social movement reveals itself as the true way to God for our race.”160 The social movements such as the political organization, the labor union, and the cooperative “made workers members of a reputable community and brought them under the discipline of the community.”161 The better economic order, that corresponds to the gospel, is the socialistic one because the spirit of socialism is in complete economic solidarity. What Ragaz argued for is “a religious rebirth,” “a Spirit-guided community” and “a radical renewal of the spirit.”162

      In 1909 Ragaz first came into contact with Blumhardt of Bad Boll in Germany. Like Kutter and Barth, Ragaz was greatly influenced by him. Ragaz found in Blumhardt’s message of eschatological waiting for the kingdom of God an activist and social dimension. Seeing the sign of the coming kingdom in the socialism and labor movements, Blumhardt was deeply engaged in the social struggle from 1899 to 1906. Kutter saw the kingdom only as a movement out from God, whereas Ragaz stressed a task of human participation in the kingdom by distinguishing an absolute hope from a relative hope in the kingdom of God. For Ragaz, relative hope can be seen as a sign pointing to the kingdom and a summons for human participation in the movement for social justice. Absolute hope, by contrast, is based on God’s action alone; absolute hope measures and judges relative hope.