Название: Agape and Hesed-Ahava
Автор: David L. Goicoechea
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Религия: прочее
Серия: Postmodern Ethics
isbn: 9781630878870
Agape and Hesed-Ahava
With Levinas-Derrida and Matthew at Mt. Angel and St. Thomas
(A Doxology of Reconciliation)
David L. Goicoechea
Postmodern Ethics Series 7
with Levinas-Derrida and Matthew at Mt. Angel and St. Thomas (A Doxology of Reconciliation)
Postmodern Ethics 7
Copyright © 2015 David L. Goicoechea. All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical publications or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. Write: Permissions, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3, Eugene, OR 97401.
Pickwick Publications
An Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers
199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3
Eugene, OR 97401
isbn 13: 978-1-62564-621-7
eisbn 13: 978-1-63087-887-0
Cataloging-in-Publication data:
Goicoechea, David L.
Agape and hesed-ahava : with Levinas-Derrida and Matthew at Mt. Angel and St. Thomas (a doxology of reconciliation) / David L. Goicoechea.
Postmodern Ethics 7
xx + 356 p.; 23 cm—Includes bibliographical references.
isbn 13: 978-1-62564-621-7
1. Lévinas, Emmanuel. 2. Derrida, Jacques. 3. Bible. Matthew. 4. Reconciliation—Religious aspects. I. Title. II. Series.
b2430 D484 g55 2014
Manufactured in the USA.
Postmodern Ethics Series
Postmodernism and deconstruction are usually associated with a destruction of ethical values. The volumes in the Postmodern Ethics series demonstrate that such views are mistaken because they ignore the religious element that is at the heart of existential-postmodern philosophy. This series aims to provide a space for thinking about questions of ethics in our times. When many voices are speaking together from unlimited perspectives within the postmodern labyrinth, what sort of ethics can there be for those who believe there is a way through the dark night of technology and nihilism beyond exclusively humanistic offerings? The series invites any careful exploration of the postmodern and the ethical.
Series Editors:
Marko Zlomislić (Conestoga College)
David Goicoechea (Brock University)
Other Volumes in the Series:
Cross and Khôra: Deconstruction and Christianity in the Work of John D. Caputo edited by Neal DeRoo and Marko Zlomislić
Agape and Personhood with Kierkegaard, Mother, and Paul (A Logic of Reconciliation from the Shamans to Today) by David Goicoechea
The Poverty of Radical Orthodoxy edited by Lisa Isherwood and Marko Zlomislić
Theologies of Liberation in Palestine: Contextual, Indigenous and Postcolonial Perspectives edited by Nur Masalha and Lisa Isherwood
Agape and the Four Loves with Nietzche, Father, and Q (A Physiology of Reconciliation from the Greeks to Today) by David Goicoechea
Fundamentalism and Gender: Scripture—Body—Community edited by Ulrike Auga, Christina von Braun, Claudia Bruns, and Jana Husmann
Future Volumes:
David Goicoechea is producing “Millennial Meditations on 2000 Years of Christian Love: A Postmodern Summa—Agape as Reconciliation,” of which the present volume is the third of nine.
IV Agape and Bhakti with Bataille and Mark, at Loyola-St. Francis (A Mysticology of Reconciliation based on Hindu Karma from Arjuna to Augustine)
V Agape and Karuna with Foucault and Luke, at Brock Philosophy Department (A Therapeutology of Reconciliation based on Buddhist No-Self from Buddha to Francis)
VI Agape and Rahim with Deleuze, Brock Philosophy Society, and John (An Atheology of Reconciliation based on Islamic Sharia from Muhammad to Luther)
VII Agape and Zen with Kristeva, Wilhelmina, and Catholic School (A Semiology of Reconciliation based on Japanese No-Drama from Nishida to John XXIII)
VIII Agape and Jen with Cixous, Carolyn, and Pauline School (A Phenomenology of Reconciliation based on the Confucianist Family from Tu Wei-Ming to John Paul II)
IX Agape and Tao with Irigaray, Johanna, and the Johannine School (An Eschatology of Reconciliation based on Taoist Gendering from Moeller to Benedict XVI)
For my Seminary Communities
with whom I still pray daily
Father Ambrose
My Confessor
Father Louis
Our Phys. Ed. Director
Father Bernard
Our Rector
Detailed Line of the Argument
Part One: Experiencing Problems
I At Mt. Angel
I, 1 Mt. Angel’s Spiritual, Intellectual, Vital, Physical Values
I, 1.1 Our Alma Mater’s Spiritual Nourishing
I, 1.2 Our Alma Mater’s Intellectual Nourishing
I, 1.3 Our Alma Mater’s Vital Nourishing
I, 1.4 Our Alma Mater’s Physical Nourishing
I, 1.5 Father Bernard and the Spiritual