Arcadia. Sir Philip Sidney
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Название: Arcadia

Автор: Sir Philip Sidney

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература

Серия: Renaissance and Medieval Studies

isbn: 9781602358614


СКАЧАТЬ hear-say, pictures, or a window look,

      with one good dance, or letter finely penn’d

      that were in court a well-proportioned hook

      where piercing wits do quickly apprehend.

      Their senses rude plain objects only move,

      and so must see great cause before they love.

      Therefore Love, arm’d in her, now takes the field,

      making her beams his bravery and might.

      Her hands, which pierced the soul’s seven-double shield,

      were now his darts, leaving his wonted fight.

      Brave crest to him her scorn-gold hair did yield,

      his complete harness was her purest white.

      But fearing lest all white might seem too good,

      in cheeks and lips the tyrant threatens blood.

      Besides this force within her eyes he kept

      a fire to burn the prisoners he gains,

      whose boiling heart increasèd as she wept,

      for ev’n in forge cold water fire maintains.

      Thus proud and fierce unto the hearts he stepped

      of them (poor souls), and cutting reason’s reins,

      made them his own before they had it wished.

      But if they had, could sheep hooks this resist?

      Claius straight felt and groanèd at the blow,

      and called, now wounded, purpose to his aid.

      that it was love that shined in shining maid,

      if him new-learnèd manners had not stayed,

      for then Urania homeward did arise,

      leaving in pain their well-fed, hungry eyes.

      She went, they stayed, or rightly for to say,

      she stayed in them, they went in thought with her.

      Claius indeed would fain have pulled away

      this mote from out his eye, this inward burr,

      and now, proud rebel, gan for to gainsay

      the lesson which but late he learned too far,

      meaning with absence to refresh the thought

      to which her presence such a fever brought.

      Strephon did leap with joy and jollity

      thinking it just more therein to delight

      than in good dog, fair field, or shading tree.

      So have I seen trim books, in velvet dight

      of silly boys, please unacquainted sight,

      but when the rod began to play its part,

      fain would, but could not, fly from golden smart.

      He quickly learned Urania was her name,

      and straight for failing graved it in his heart.

      He knew her haunt and haunted in the same

      and taught his sheep her sheep in food to thwart,

      he might on knees confess his faulty part

      and yield himself unto her punishment,

      while nought but game the self-hurt wanton meant.

      Nay even to her home he oft would go,

      where, bold and hurtless, many plays he tries—

      her parents liking well it should be so,

      for simple goodness shinèd in his eyes.

      There did he make her laugh in spite of woe,

      so as good thoughts of him in all arise,

      while into none doubt of his love did sink,

      But glad desire, his late embosomed guest,

      yet but a babe, with milk of sight he nursed.

      Desire, the more he sucked, more sought the breast,

      as dropsy folk still drink and are athirst,

      till one fair evening, an hour ere sun did rest

      by neighbors praised she went abroad thereby,

      Never the earth on his round shoulders bare

      a maid trained up from high or low degree

      that in her doings better could compare

      mirth with respect, few words with courtesy,

      a careless comeliness with comely care,

      self-guard with mildness, sport with majesty—

      which made her yield to deck this shepherd’s band,

      and still, believe me, Strephon was at hand.

      A-field they go, where many lookers be,

      and you, seek-sorrow Claius, them among.

      Indeed you said it was your friend to see—

      Strephon, whose absence seemed unto thee long.

      While most with her, he less did keep with thee.

      No, no, it was in spite of wisdom’s song,

      which absence wished. Love played a victor’s part:

      The heaven-love lodestone drew thy iron heart.

      The Rules and Moral СКАЧАТЬ