Chakra Foods for Optimum Health. Deanna M. Minich
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Название: Chakra Foods for Optimum Health

Автор: Deanna M. Minich

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 9781609250652


СКАЧАТЬ Red onion © Massimiliano Pieraccini

      Interior illustration, page 16 © Song Speckles/

      Printed in the United States of America


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      The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials Z39.48-1992 (R1997).

       To Sharon—my mother, teacher, and friend, who led me to this rainbowed path




       My Rainbowed Being

       Note to Reader

       CHAPTER 1 The Vibration of Food and the Spirit of Eating

       CHAPTER 2 Our Dancing Chakras

       CHAPTER 3 Discovering Your Chakra Issues

       CHAPTER 4 Foods for Grounding and Protection: Feeding the Root Chakra

       CHAPTER 5 Foods for Feelings and Flow: Feeding the Sacral Chakra

       CHAPTER 6 Foods for Power and Transformation: Feeding the Solar Plexus Chakra

       CHAPTER 7 Foods for Love and Compassion: Feeding the Heart Chakra

       CHAPTER 8 Foods for Communication and Truth: Feeding the Throat Chakra

       CHAPTER 9 Foods for Intuition and Imagination: Feeding the Third Eye Chakra

       CHAPTER 10 Foods for Purification and Clarification: Feeding the Crown Chakra

       Frequently Asked Questions

       Recipes for the Chakras

       Sample Chakra-Balancing Menus

       Appendix A List of Foods, Substances, and Processes that Deplete the Chakras

       Appendix B List of Foods and Their Activating and Balancing Effects on the Chakras

       Appendix C Chakras and Corresponding Foods

       Appendix D Health Conditions and Corresponding Chakras




      Giving thanks is one of the best parts of writing a book. You don't do anything alone in life, and it's so rewarding to step back and admire the web you are intimately enmeshed in. Writing these acknowledgments gives me this opportunity.

      Above all, my deepest, most soul-full, heart-full gratitude goes to Spirit . . . for the inspiration, knowledge, and seamless thread of words that were gifted to me and flowed from my fingers to the keyboard.

      I often tell others that I wouldn't be speaking or writing about this material if it weren't for my mother. Not just because she gave birth to me, but also because her epiphany when I was nine years old fueled so much of what my life is about now: food and spirituality. I admire her grace, strength, and dedication to her true path. She set an example for me to live my life to the fullest. I am grateful to the rest of my family: Dad, for instilling the genes of passion within me; Brenda, for her sharp-mindedness and humor; and Ian, for his bountiful creativity.

      My (spiritual) teachers, Patrice Connelly, Cyndi Dale, Char Sundust, Caroline Myss, Louise Hay, Jeffrey Bland, and Paramahansa Yogananda, have imparted gracious gifts of wisdom, insight, and love—all of which have made a profound difference in my life.

      I give heartfelt thanks to all of the participants who took part in Nutrition for the Soul classes and workshops, especially those who helped me get them started in the summer of 2007. Without all of your continuing requests for this book, I may not have had the same drive to get this material into book form. Therefore, I write this for all of you. You've helped me to implement what I was inspired to create.

      My heart extends those who have helped me in the publishing process: my agent, Krista Goering, for passionately believing in this text and being able to take it to the next level, and my remarkable editor at Red Wheel, Caroline Pincus.

      And finally . . . I bow to my teacher, my support, my love . . . Mark.


      Perhaps you've been working on small pieces of yourself—like your diet, or becoming more aware of your body, or maybe you've been exploring your spirituality. I have noticed that many people are hungry for a spiritual connection with something greater than themselves. Their souls wander a path of longing and questioning. Similarly, others struggle with the needs of their physical bodies. They are in continual search for the ultimate understanding of why they remain unsatisfied with their appearance or why they have numbing pain. Still others are confused about how to eat. Their minds are swirling in all the diet information that bombards us on a daily basis. And most of us, if presented with the choice, would want to have it all: how to bring our bodies and souls to a higher, more contented spot and park there indefinitely.

      Of course, we cannot live without the body or the soul, as both are wrapped into СКАЧАТЬ