Embracing Life After Loss. Allen Klein
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Название: Embracing Life After Loss

Автор: Allen Klein

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9781642500073


СКАЧАТЬ for a Lifetime

      The Healing Power of Humor

      The Courage to Laugh

      Secrets Kids Know…That Adults Oughta Learn

      L.A.U.G.H.: Using Humor and Play to Help Clients Cope

      Embracing Life After Loss

      A Gentle Guide for Growing Through Grief

      Allen Klein

      Foreword by Gloria Horsley, PhD,

      President and cofounder of Open to Hope


Mango Publishing Coral Gables

      Copyright © 2019 Allen Klein

      Published by Mango Publishing Group, a division of Mango Media Inc.

      Cover Design: Jermaine Lau

      Cover Photo: HelloRF Zcool (Shutterstock)

      Layout & Design: Roberto Núñez

      Lyrics from the song “You’re There,” lyrics by Alix Korey, music by David Friedman, ©MIDDER Music Publishing, Inc. Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved.

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      Embracing Life After Loss: A Gentle Guide for Growing through Grief

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication number: 2019931489

      ISBN: (print) 978-1-64250-006-6, (ebook) 978-1-64250-007-3

      BISAC category code: SEL010000, SELF-HELP / Death, Grief, Bereavement

      Printed in the United States of America

      To hospices everywhere,

      who do incredible work with the dying,

      the grieving, and their families.

      I always try to balance the light with the heavy; a few tears of human spirit, in with the sequins and the fringes.

      —Bette Midler, American entertainer

      Table of Contents


       Dear Reader

       Opening Diary

       Step One


       In Shock

       Why Me?

       Rising Above Your Loss

       The Big Picture

       Triumphing Over Tragedy

       Endings Are Also Beginnings

       Death Is Part of Life

       The Hero’s Journey

       Ask the Horse

       One Step at a Time

       Your Unique Grief

       When You Least Expect Them

       Setbacks Are Normal

       You Are Not Alone

       Pat Yourself on the Back

       Additional Thoughts on Losing

       Step Two


       The Seasons

       Inner Strength

       Take Courage
