Quantum Supplements. Deanna M. Minich
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Название: Quantum Supplements

Автор: Deanna M. Minich

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Медицина

Серия: Conari Wellness

isbn: 9781609251024


СКАЧАТЬ stability, safety, and trust by imparting its “building” energy, or ability to form new structures. Real-world example of how this manifests: High-protein diets became a popular trend after the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in New York City in 2001, possibly in an effort to promote a sense of safety and security in society at large.

       Fat and the sacral chakra: Fat is needed in the body for establishing flow, whether flow of menstrual blood, waste through the kidneys and colon, or communication between cells. On an energetic (symbolic) level, it enables us to effectively express creativity, emotions, and the senses. The nature of the fat represents its effects in the body: the more liquid and flowing the fat, the more it contributes to the expression of aspects of the self. Real-world example of how this manifests: Many people, especially women, are fat-phobic and will not eat dietary fat because they fear it will “make them fat.” Although this has been debunked by science, the perception remains. Adding to this observation, I have noticed that women who avoid fat also seem to have difficulty expressing emotions. They tend to become preoccupied with stuffing the emotion down with food rather than letting the emotion come out and be fully expressed.

       Carbohydrate and the solar plexus chakra: Carbohydrates, whether sugars or starches, are burned for energy in the body, and this energy is used to fuel activity, including defining who we are through our outward projection of a job or career, accomplishments, or expression of our opinions, desires, and dreams. On an energetic (symbolic) level, it imparts to us the ability to harness our energy and be powerful. Real-world example of how this manifests: In today's society, most people's lives are full of stress. One way that we cope with stress and from being worn out from the exchange of energy that happens repeatedly, consistently throughout the day, is by sinking into sweet foods: the rush from candy, cookies, and soft drinks gets us to the next moment. However, at the end of the day, we feel even more depleted and empty, physically and spiritually.


      On an energetic level, micronutrients support all of the energy centers of the body. Whereas the macronutrients provide the general body structure and connect strongly to the lower chakras (root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras), vitamins and minerals support the body's ability to be animated—to function and be active—by serving as catalysts in a multitude of biochemical reactions. Although they are needed in lesser amounts, their importance to the body is not small.

      The fact that vitamins and minerals can work together either synergistically or antagonistically is relevant from an energetic perspective as well: the circuit of energy centers is interdependent. If a single energy center is deficient in a micronutrient, the effect cascades through to the whole energy circuit. When certain vitamins and minerals are taken together, they may assist more than one chakra at a time.

      From an energetic perspective, vitamins are the vital substances that invigorate the human being, allowing it to come to life. Without vitamins, we wouldn't be able to hold the current of life energy within us or to extract it from foodstuffs. Consequently, minerals provide a direct conduit to the healing, grounding energy of the earth and resonate strongly with the root chakra, or the earthy, primarily bodily composition of a human being. An herb carries an energetic vibration that is quite different from the vibrations of macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients have a steady resonance, almost like the consistent beat of the heart. They are parental and guardianlike, shepherding the body into existence and providing sustenance for function. The micronutrients are the energetic helpers of the macronutrients; the two have a strong interrelationship. On the other hand, herbs are in a category all their own. Since they are independent life forms, their energy is more complex and multidimensional than that of the isolated nutrients, making their effects very potent. They can impact all of the energy centers, even simultaneously. Their potency is not unreasonable to fathom considering that the origin of many pharmaceuticals is based on plant compounds.

      CHAPTER 4


       It is only by grounding our awareness in the living sensation of our bodies that the “I Am,” our real presence, can awaken.



      The physical world we live in has its roots in a dense, slow-moving vibration. Sometimes it may feel as though we are living in slow motion—we spend our days working long hours, in congested traffic, and our health may not change as quickly as we'd like. The nuts and bolts of our survival are what our root chakra brings to our energy palette. How we live—our shelter, our family, our meals—are all components that take time to create, grow, and experience. Think of the steady, consistent time it takes to go to school for a degree, to save up enough money to buy a house, or to procure a job we enjoy. All of these aspects of everyday living funnel into the energy of the root chakra, and the time it takes for them to come into existence mirrors the methodical, gradual layering process embraced by the steady vibration of this center.

      Words associated with the root chakra: ancestors, being present, blood, body, earth, family/tribe, flesh, grounded, instinct, nature, origins, physical matter, protection, red, safety, security, survival.


      The root chakra gives us a physical form—starting with DNA, our ancestral life force; the warm river of blood that runs through us; our immune defenses that ward off invaders; and the large framework of our skeleton and muscle tissue. It governs excretion through the rectum and creation in men through the sperm produced by the prostate gland. The outer layer of the skin provides the visible barrier to the external world. Overall, the root chakra gives our being its origin and protects that creation through internal and external defenses.

      Root chakra anatomy: Adrenal glands, blood cells (red and white), bones, DNA, feet, immune system, joints, legs, muscle, prostate gland, rectum, reproductive organs (male), skin and tailbone.


      A person who is comfortable with their physical self (root chakra) is someone who knows they can survive adequately in the world; is comfortable with receiving from or providing support to a family or tribe; is trustworthy and trusts others; accepts himself, especially their physical body and their earthly existence; maintains healthy boundaries; believes they have has a right to exist.


      If you answer yes to a majority of the following questions, your root chakra may need healing:

       Do you feel out of place within or at war with your family of origin? People with root chakra imbalances usually have not come to terms with challenging family issues, especially those involving acquiring a home or shelter, making a living, and carrying on family traditions. These individuals often find it difficult to bond with family members in a way that is meaningful and solidifies a feeling of unity and cohesion.

       Do you constantly feel on guard or that you have to expend much of your internal resources to be safe or to defend yourself? Spending significant energy to feel safe, whether constantly being on guard physically by being especially careful about your possessions or even trying to protect yourself emotionally like not getting too close to СКАЧАТЬ