The Crafty Gardener. Becca Anderson
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Название: The Crafty Gardener

Автор: Becca Anderson

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Кулинария


isbn: 9781633538719


СКАЧАТЬ your own loofah sponges? They are actually gourds (genus Luffa) and are available through many garden catalogs. Plant now and you can harvest next fall, not only for your family, but also to give as gifts. To use, let the gourd ripen on the vine (it turns from green to yellow as it ripens). But don’t let it get fully yellow—slightly green means it will be a more tender sponge. When it’s time to harvest, cut it off the vine, peel the skin like an orange, and let the gourd dry for about ten days. Then cut it open from the big end, remove the seeds by shaking, and strip off any remaining skin. Rinse the inside fibers and then submerge the sponge in water for 12 hours. Peel off the outside layer if any remains, and dry in the shade. If the sponge is too hard, you can soften it by boiling it in water for 5 minutes.

      No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth…and no culture comparable to that of the garden…but though an old man, I am but a young gardener.

      —Thomas Jefferson

      Spring Cleaning for Body and Soul

      You can give your skin a great spring cleaning with all-natural products.

      For oily skin: Mix 1 egg white and 1 tablespoon of oatmeal. Apply in a thin layer to face and neck and leave on for 15 to 20 minutes. Egg white contains papain, a natural enzyme that eliminates subcutaneous dirt and oil: the oatmeal is rich in protein and potassium and will give your skin a vital mineral boost.

      For dry skin: Spread a thin, even layer of honey on face and neck, taking care to avoid eyes. Honey is a natural humectant and traps moisture in the skin.

      Homemade Alpha-Hydroxy Mask: Cook half of a diced and peeled apple in ¼ cup of milk until soft and tender. Mash, then cool to room temperature and apply to skin. Thoroughly cleanse with warm water after 15 to 20 minutes.

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