Money People Deal. Stefan Aarnio
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Название: Money People Deal

Автор: Stefan Aarnio

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Недвижимость


isbn: 9781948484275


СКАЧАТЬ You may want to read this book with a notepad and pen to write down your thoughts as you move through the material.


      Part 1



      To win the game, you must first know the rules.

      If you don’t know the rules, the game is impossible to win.

      This section shows you how to play the game

      of Money, People, Deal.

      I outline broad concepts, ideas that must be understood, and rules

      that must be known to play the game to win.


      Chapter 1

      The Four Fastest

      Ways to Profit


      t any crossroads in life, there are always two paths: the common road and the road less travelled. When it comes to money, most peo-

      ple take the slow way by going to school, getting a good job, and saving for retirement. Like most people, I travelled on the slow road. I went to a good school and graduated with a degree, but my path had a twist on it. After finishing school, although I had earned a degree, I didn’t have a set career path or an easy way to success. After I finished school with a major in English and a minor in music, my first job out of school was a ten-dollar-per-hour sales job on straight commission in the middle of the night. I was selling luxury hotel rooms over the telephone and knew the path I was on was not where I wanted to be. I had to learn how to change directions and head down a new avenue. Making ten dollars per hour in the middle of the night was not going to help me live my dreams, and the cold reality of that first job out of university was that I was making more money working part time to pay my way through school than I was earning post education with a degree. In some ways, I may have wasted four years of my life earning that piece of paper that I thought would validate me, but I had also accidentally enrolled in the best school in the world—the school of life.

      The Four Fastest Ways to Profit


      The blessing in disguise and the lesson I learned very early in life, at age twenty-two, was that there is no set path to success. For myself, I had no illusions. There was no meal ticket; no safe, secure job to cling to; no golden handcuffs to hold me down; no job security to worry about. I had to become an entrepreneur and carve a niche for myself or crawl back into school for more education. Further education was not an option, because I believed the words of Einstein: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” Instead, I began to study money, business, and entrepreneurship in the school of life, and I learned the most important concept to create all of the wealth I would ever need: Money, People, Deal.

      Henry Ford, one of the greatest entrepreneurs of all time, was once asked, “So what, you’re a billionaire! What would you do if you lost it all tomorrow?” Mr. Ford replied, “I would have it all back in five years . . . and more!” Donald Trump, one of the most famous real estate investors of our generation, was nearly nine billion dollars in the hole, and he came back richer than ever. Steve Jobs, arguably the best entrepreneur of all time, was kicked out of Apple, the company he founded, only to start a succession of very successful tech companies and return to Apple to make it the most valuable company in history.

      What did Henry Ford, Donald Trump, and Steve Jobs all understand that the average person does not? When I began studying business and money, I used to wonder what separated these men, with their ability to create wealth and value out of thin air, from others. What is amazing about all of these men is not just the size of the wealth they have created, but the speed at which they have done so. Henry Ford created all of his wealth in his lifetime and Steve Jobs did the same. Trump had a small head start, but the speed and magnitude of his wealth is just as unexpected.

      When I began to study these men, I learned that they all understood how to create wealth by putting Money, People, and Deals together. This is the skill of the entrepreneur and the key to creating the fastest wealth possible. In my business I made the decision to focus on the fastest ways to wealth and placed less emphasis on the slow ways. Life is too short to only rely on the slow ways to reach your destination.

      money people deal


      Why Speed Wins

      In the days of the Roman Empire, war and business were synonymous. War was business and business was war. The entire Roman Empire was built on conquest and plunder. Ancient Romans often became wealthy through the spoils of war and later in life would venture into real estate, trade, or politics. In a similar way, The Art of War by Sun Tzu, a brilliant ancient Chinese military strategist, is found in the “business” section of the bookstore instead of the war section. Today, the same principles that apply in warfare also apply in business.

      A wise man once said, “Wars are won by legs, not by arms.” In history, smaller armies have been able to wear down massive opponents and take victory over large distances: Attila the Hun was able to wreak havoc on the much larger Roman legions by having a small, fast, elite, and mobile force. Erwin Rommel and his Afrika Korps were able to beat the British into the submission in World War II with a small elite, mobile force. Lawrence of Arabia deployed similar tactics in the pre-Second-World-War era that evolved into modern-day guerrilla warfare.

      There are two commonalities between Attila the Hun, Erwin Rommel, and Lawrence of Arabia. All three men employed the following into their strategies and tactics: 1) speed and 2) distance.

      History has proven that speed and distance are just as powerful on the battlefield as they are in the boardroom. Allow me to show you why.

      In business, speed wins. Advantageous terms like “first-mover advantage,” “speed of implementation,” and “velocity of money” are all concepts that revolve around speed. In business, if you have a chance to be fast or slow, it’s usually better to be fast.

      In business and warfare, distance is just as important as speed. Strategically, we need to have a short position, a medium position, and a long position, whether we are building a company or managing an investment portfolio. In addition, our lasting power, or “ability to win over distances,” whether short, medium, or long, is imperative to success.

      Strategies that are effective in short positions may not be effective in medium positions, and medium positions will not offer the same advantages

      The Four Fastest Ways to Profit


      as long positions. In business, we need to have an effective mix of three СКАЧАТЬ