Alphabet of the Human Mind – 2. Global Psychotherapy. Nikita Mikhailovich Danilov
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СКАЧАТЬ of psychoanalysis, the deeper, more accurate and effective the research will be. Each of them may not be limited to one book. Each Participant of the AHM Community can try Himself in the role of the Author – this has become possible today. If there will be many such attempts, then we have plans to open an imprint, an integrated publishing house only for those who promote world science using AHM classifications. Now back to the question.

      Schema 1. Forced Necessity of AHM.

      Answer text:

      Hello! Rubric “Question of the Week”, cycle “Psyche As Is”.

      Today the question from Victor won, with which we congratulate him!

      The question sounds like this.

      I think a very popular question:

      “I have 3 minutes! Convince that I need AHM”.

      Hello, Victor! You are an extremely free person.

      Not everyone today has 3 minutes of free time.

      This means that the AHM has already interested you, and this is very good.

      Let’s now understand why everyone needs AHM today.

      This diagram, it consists of three circles.

      Let us call this scheme the Forced Necessity of AHM scheme.

      The first circle is any success.

      Success in absolutely any business or affair.

      Starting from going to the store, ending with success in personal relationships or in a career.

      The second circle, with which any business is surely in contact, this is pandemy. The Pandemy of a Particular-Primitive Type of Thinking of PPM. Not visible for people with low psychoanalysis. But very dangerous, btw.

      Or mental illness which is in full swing today.

      And the third circle, with which all this is in contact.

      This is psychotherapy.

      Psychotherapy, a brief definition – this is the impact some kind on the human psyche.

      In the pandemy, every business become from “start” stage to “over”. Not “finished” because of many reasons and cases.

      This is an effect, conscious or unconscious, but on the human psyche.

      What determines the success of any business?

      The success of any business ultimately depends on how good psychotherapy is.

      How competent is the impact on the human psyche.

      And this is the intersection of the AHM, which is created between all these three circles.

      This is exactly high-level psychotherapy.

      Psychoanalysis, good psychoanalysis.

      And, in general, the level of psychic literacy.

      No matter how good the intuitive or innate psychotherapy, acquired by trial and error, all this is only a fraction of a percent.

      Comparable with AHM power the classification of the AHM gives, even to Beginners.

      It is a high level of psychoanalysis.

      You can understand what types of personality you are communicating with.

      In a working atmosphere, home, on the street.

      Literally in seconds in some situations.

      And it will depend on how competently you will influence their psyche.

      And get the result, a successful result in every business.

      All the best, Victor, and everyone who watched this video.

      Ask all your questions on the official website of the Alphabet of the Human Mind.

      And related resources.

      And excellent Psychic Literacy.

      We can summarize the answer like this. At a times when it is extremely difficult to keep a healthy psyche and the volume of such failures (in attempts to keep a healthy psyche) is comparable to an epidemic, almost any business will require not only an understanding of the main context but also mental processes of all psychotypes that are involved in this process. Competent control and accounting of such processes of the psyche that will most likely guarantee success. In addition to the main business, skills, and resources, of course.

      Chart of respect

      In this chapter, we will try to answer the questions that practically everyone has when they come into contact with the human psyche.

      A generalized question is something like this, but the personal question may differ slightly: “How respectful is it to make diagnoses and determine psychotypes?”

      First, we need to understand what is respect. A definition from Wikipedia. “Respect is the position of one person in relation to another, recognition of the dignity of the individual.” Also promoting these virtues.

      The important point is that there should be virtues in a person for whom you can promote and which you can recognize! Otherwise, it will be called hypocrisy, sneakiness, deceit, etc. But not respect.

      When a person has a cold, everyone thinks that a cold will pass in a week. And all the abilities, skills and strength of this person will be restored. As well as other advantages. Let’s turn to a simple example! Some young man is a master at sports throwing spears, but due to illness he lost this ability for a couple of weeks. Even if he tries to throw a spear without recovering, the result will be much worse and the disease may worsen from overload. Or sneeze while running and drop a spear. But no one will notice this, because the training is every two weeks, and by this moment the athlete will fully recover. And during an illness, others will talk about this athlete in the context of this sport without taking into account the common cold.

      Things are worse if something more social is a virtue. For example, a young man works in a company and brings 5—10 significant clients a day. Then the employer and the whole team will be forced to notice that during these two weeks of illness this dignity is not available. And the team will be forced to admit the temporary shortcomings of this employee. The fact that during this period he is not able to bring customers to the company. But it’s not so scary, the employee will be given paid leave and after a while, they will forget everything. Although new customers are important to any company, this can be detrimental to the company. Nevertheless, СКАЧАТЬ