Название: Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives
Автор: Archie Henderson
Издательство: Автор
Жанр: Зарубежная публицистика
isbn: 9783838266053
Websites with information:
Finding aids:
[0546a] Christian Identity and Far Right Wing Politics collection, 1910-2015 (bulk 1970-2010), ARC Mss 83
Location: Library, Department of Special Collections, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106-9010
Description: The collection consists of over 100 pamphlets, booklets, books, and audiovisual works concerning Conservative Christian ideologies and political philosophies, mainly that of the Christian Identity movement. Series I. Christian Identity and Other Christian Conservative Tenets 1925-2015, includes copies of "The Civil War and The Jews," undated; "His Example. Tom Anderson's Christmas essay," by Tom Anderson, 1969; "The Promise Keepers: Politics and Promises," by Bryan Brickner, 1999; "Book of Esther," by Reverend Bertrand Comparet, undated; "The Cain-Satanic Seed Line," by Reverend Bertrand Comparet, undated; "Your Heritage: an identification of the True Israel through Biblical and Historic Sources," by Reverend Bertrand Comparet, undated; "An Open Letter to Any Minister Who Teaches 'the Jews are Israel,'" by Sheldon Emry, undated; "The Old Jerusalem is Not, The 'New' Jerusalem," by Sheldon Emry, undated; "Jesus Christ The Galilean," by Sheldon Emry, undated; "Heirs of the Promise," by Sheldon Emry, undated; "Cinderella: A Bible Story," by Sheldon Emry, undated; "Who Killed Christ?," by Sheldon Emry, 1977; "Racial and National Identity," by William Gale, 2002; "Did you Say You were from the Church of Israel?" by Pastor Dan Gayman, undated; "The Wolf and The Sheep," by Richard Kelly Hoskins, 2002; "Exploding the 'Chosen People' Myth," by Col. Gordon Mohr, undated; "Things Christians need to know (about Jews, Judaism, and Zionism)," by Col. Gordon Mohr, undated; "Thank God!: my Savior was not a Jew!: a critical look at the historical Christ, free of Jewish distort!," by Col. Gordon Mohr, circa 1990s; "The Inadvertent Confessions of a Jew" by Pastor Peter J. Peters; "The Real Hate Group," by Pastor Peter J. Peters, 1987; "The Bible and Space Travel," by Howard Rand, 1969; The Ku Klux Klan in Prophecy, by Bishop Alma White, 1925; "The Bible Devil and Satan Defined," by America's Promise Ministries, circa 1990s; The Dragon Slayer Newsletter, 2003-2015 [newsletters from Scriptures for America Worldwide, an international Christian Identity outreach ministry of the LaPorte Church of Christ directed by Pastor Peter J. Peters]; Aryan Nation Newsletters and Aryan Nation Youth Korps Quarterly, 1992-1999; and Silver Legion of America publications. Series II. Far Right and Christian Identity Political Theory, 1910-2015, contains copies of anti-abortion materials, including anti-abortion pamphlets; Abortion: Genocide in America, by John Coleman, 2009; Thou Shalt Not Kill, ed. Richard Ganz, 1978; Anti-Socialism and Anti-Communism materials, circa 1910-1966, including The Phoenix Papers, If Not Treason What? by James Bales, 1966; Strange Fire, by Kenneth Goff, 1954; "Communism...a religion!" by William Strube, undated; "Communism, Diagnosis & Treatment," by Fred Schwarz,; "How Red is the Federal Council of Churches?" undated; "World Government and American Freedom," by Edward D. Gates, 1952; "The Bible says: Russia Will Invade America! (And Be Defeated)," by Sheldon Emry, undated; Anti-communism ephemera, undated; anti-homosexuality materials, including "Death Penalty for Homosexuals is Prescribed in the Bible" by Pastor Peter J. Peters, 1993; Ephemera and educational pamphlets by the Family Research Institute, 1998; extreme Right Wing and Anti-Government Rhetoric, circa 1960s-2015, including "The Cliches of Zoning," by Raymond Buker, circa 1990s; "Firearms and Freedom! Gun Control Means People Control," by Col. Gordon Mohr, undated; "Warning! Vaccinations Are Dangerous," by Pastor Peter J. Peters, 1993; "The Marriage License Issued by God or the State?" by Kingdom Identity Ministries, undated; "Will you Let Your Church be Destroyed?" by Christian Defense League, 1965; "Saving the Environment: New World Order Style," by Pastor Peter J. Peters, 1992; Baal Worship, by Pastor Peter J. Peters, 1995; "The Hitler Cult," by Col. Gordon Mohr, undated [online at https://israelect.com/reference/JackMohr/jm030.htm]; "Right? or Wrong? God and Lincoln on Negro-White Marriages," by Sheldon Emry, undated; "God, Man, Nations and the Races," by Wesley Swift, 1972; "Authority: Resistance or Obedience," by Pastor Peter J. Peters, undated; "God Wrote the Law of Segregation and the Ten Commandments on the Two Tables of Stone," by Mrs. B. J. Gaillot; and "George Washington's Vision and Prophecy for America," by John Grady, undated [online at http://famguardian.org/subjects/LawAndGovt/history/gwvisionprophecy.htm].
Finding aids:
[0547] Christian Nationalist Crusade Collection, 1945-1968, S0467
Location: The State Historical Society of Missouri, 222 Thomas Jefferson Library, University of Missouri-St. Louis, One University Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri 63121
Description: The Christian Nationalist Crusade collection documents racist and anti-Semitic sentiments in St. Louis primarily in the 1940s and 1950s. It contains the group's political tracts and issues of its newsletter, The Cross and The Flag, from 1947-1952. The collection also includes literature from related groups such as the Patriotic Tract Society, Associated Industries of Missouri, the National Citizens Protective Association, the Minutemen, and the United States Constitution Council. Pamphlets, books and other publications by Frank L. Britton, John W. Hamilton, Gerald L. K. Smith, John E. Rankin, Don Lohbeck, Robert DePugh, Gordon Winrod, and Herbert G. Moore ("The Plot Against the McCarran-Walter Act," National Republic, December 1952); literature of the Patriotic Party (Robert B. DePugh); issues of The White Sentinel (National Citizens Protective Association); anti-United Nations and anti-fluoridation tracts.
Finding aids:
[0548] Records of Christianity Today International, СКАЧАТЬ