Название: The Great Hollenberg Saga
Автор: Heinz Niederste-Hollenberg
Издательство: Автор
Жанр: Биографии и Мемуары
isbn: 9783837252385
Several years of research were needed, including the familiarisation with the old German letters and their sym-bols, plus the editing of texts and pictures to complete this account.
The translation of the old Latin documents might be a bit amateurish considering my engineering education, but, nevertheless, it should reflect the intentions and decisions of the superiors of the Church around 1146 AD in the land of the Saxons.
The book, after all, is very much addressing all the genealogically interested and related folks, their offspring and friends who left Europe for America centuries ago for freedom, a better life or for many other personal reasons. All of them carry the historical burden of being more or less tied to the Hollenberg name.
The immigration waves from Europe to America defined and determined in a dramatic way the historical bonds across the Atlantic with noticeable contributions by the miscellaneous genealogical tables of the “Old Hollenberg Families”.
These particulars cover several hundred years of marriages, name changes, new blood lines, off-springs, emig-rations etc., with plenty of inspiration to take those data as a starting point for new personal genealogical endea-vours.
The direct name-bearer of those many immigrants is relatively easy to trace. Others, with different names by mar-riage or otherwise, are much more cumbersome. The many personal details presented provide plenty of reasons to interconnect with all of the Hollenbergs, and can, at the same time, also be a starting point for further research in the “book of ancestors”.
In reviewing the details of the family tree, the reader is going to find, besides the two Hollenberg strings of Nie-derste-Hollenberg and Oberste-Hollenberg, many other names which are either directly or otherwise connected to the original base of the two estates which, however, started out at one place for the first time mentioned in an
old Church document as
“Holenberg” around “1146 A.D.”
Those names, to name a few, are e.g., Echelmeyer, Dasmann, Teepe (later in America to become Tapy), Knüp-pe, Hoffmann, Gerlemann, Diekmann, Telgemeyer and many others.
Our friends and distant relatives in the New World should be encouraged to get in touch with them and gather additional information and data about their struggle, anxieties, hopes and achievements.
That longing for: “Where did I come from? How was it at the time? How did it all happen?”
All those questions are still valid to us and throughout times.
And yet, it is already at this point my utmost desire to thank - outside of my family – all and everyone who did encourage me on my work and gave helpful hints and comments.
Special credit is given throughout the book where applicable.
However, a few names need to be mentioned for their outstanding help and support:
Krista Hollenberg-Cussen, Brigitte Jahnke, Lois Rupert Edmister, Rachel Clark, Dr. Gunter Böhlke.
Particularly invaluable was the support of my son Sascha and my daughter Sassia. I am very grateful and thankful to my wife Sigi for her unrelenting patience and enduring help, her constructive critique and advice.
After all and in conclusion, a never ending gratefulness to my parents and the parental home at the Hollenberg Street 5, (49492) Westerkappeln, Westphalia, Germany, is going to be with me until the end of my days.
Fripp Island, South Carolina – USA
Wald-Michelbach ---- Germany
Heinz Niederste-Hollenberg
PS/ --Errors and mistakes in wording and grammar should be excused with grace and lenity.
Another note-worthy remark: All of the following is not only meant to be a summary of family affairs, it is also, in part, a way of taking position on historical and present day political matters.
As such, I am particularly concerned about “Our Situation” in general, i.e. our relation across the Atlantic:
The European-American Relations.
“The Western World” (the old classical Occident), and that is Europe and America, is being challenged politically, strategically, economically, and even in the long run, militarily.
These challenges come, for different reasons, from different directions and different power centers, and they are aiming at the very basic foundation of our society:
• Our culture
• Our understanding of liberty and freedom
• Our religion
• Our democracy and free-market economy
• The common basis of our “Mediterranean Logic”
All our commonalities on both sides of the Atlantic (85%) make present day differences (15%) look minor, if we realize that our platform is not shared by anyone else in other parts of the world. We are one part of the same.
Europe is still busy with its own fate and needs time to find its own identity.
Americas’ power, on the other hand, is not without limitations.
Both need each other, and less resentment on one side and less political arrogance on the other is needed.
Our commonalities go way beyond the elements of consanguinity and culture. In particular included is the “Medi-terranean Logic”, which originated in the Jewish-Christian source of our religion in the Middle-East, then moved via Greece and Rome to the Renaissance and Enlightenment in Europe, all the way into the 20th century with the tremendous sacrifice America made to help form a unified, peace-loving, democratic Europe.
Although, it all started out as a family story, and the history of an old farm in Germany, it now turned out to be much more than that: It is a reflection on a life between Europe and America, and a review of events in politics and society across the Atlantic over a span of a life time.
I am convinced: Both, Europe and America, need each other in view of the challenges ahead. Let us put together our assets and our strengths!
Together, we can face all challenges.
This Is The Place
The People
The Location
Great Hollenberg Saga