Best of Bordeaux. Rolf Bichsel
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Название: Best of Bordeaux

Автор: Rolf Bichsel

Издательство: Автор

Жанр: Кулинария


isbn: 9783033059160


СКАЧАТЬ 153 Château Pétrus

       176 Château Soutard

       179 Château Tertre Roteboeuf

       181 Château Troplong Mondot

       182 Château Trotanoy

       183 Château TrotteVieille

       184 Château Valandraud

       185 Château Vieux Maillet

       186 Château Villars

       187 Château Vrai Croix de Gay

       188 Clos du Clocher

       191 Clos Fourtet

       193 Clos L‘Église

       194 Clos René

       200 Vieux

       Château Certan



       The following 200 pages contain our selection of the most

       important Bordeaux estates from A to Z. Here are some hints on

       how to read and understand the profiles:


       Area of origin (AOC / AOP) of the wine listed.


       Name of the estate: (†) indicates old names or recently defunct estates.




       cial classification category and year of classification. As Crus Bour-

      geois classifications must be earned annually, this designation is given in

       brackets for estates which have historically held the classification, even if they

       no longer do so. Pomerol and Fronsac do not have any o


       cial classifications.


       Personal subjective rating, not evaluating absolute quality so much as its

       significance from a historical, wine technique and taste perspective, taken as

       an average of the last five to ten years. Half a star indicates a rising trend.

       Reliable wine.

       Good wine recommended in its category.

       Very good wine, in line with its status and classification.

       Great wine, one of the best in the world.

       Outstanding wine promising a unique tasting experience.


       A brief history, from the foundation of the estate to the current owners.

       This information has been sourced from the estate particulars, further re-

      searched to the best of our knowledge and belief, checked whenever possible

       and supplemented with information from recognised standard works and

       archive documents.


       A personal and deliberately subjective description of the wine including

       style, special characteristics, notes on storage life, special vintages etc.


       Facts about the estate in our possession at the time of printing.

       Production: average value which can vary significantly from year to year.

       Under top vintages I have only listed years for which I have found my perso-

      nal scores or notes (with two or three exceptions).

       Price: lowest price in euros at which the 2012 vintage (2011) of the wine could

       be purchased from reputable specialist dealers in early 2016, which should be

       viewed as a starting price and an indicator of scale. Prices vary significantly

       according to vintage, age and supplier and can be several times higher than

       what is listed here, which is why we chose to base them on an underrated


       Notes to aid


       200 Bordeaux brands Guidance

       Area of origin

       Facts & figures:

       Vineyard area: XX hectares I Production: XXX,XXX bottles

       Top vintages: XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX,

       Price: from XX I Second wine: XXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX

       Name of the estate

       F-XXXXX Locality | Tel. +33 (0)XXX XX XX XX

       [email protected] |

       Name of the estate

       Grand Cru Classé since XXXX

       «Emquame senis volupta sim volorer