Madeira. Susanne Lipps
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Название: Madeira

Автор: Susanne Lipps

Издательство: Автор

Жанр: Биология


isbn: 9783938282106


СКАЧАТЬ in gardens and parks. In Funchal you find some speci-mens in the Parque Santa Catarina (198), in the Avenida do Infante and in the Avenida Luis Camões that leads towards the hospital.

      Interesting to know:

      The tree is native to the African savannahs where, in contrast to Madeira, it sheds its leaves in the arid season. Today it is one of the most popular ornamental plants in all countries that correspond to its climatic requirements. It is a fast growing tree; the wood is hardly usable. The outer buds bloom first while the inner, brown and hairy buds still remain closed. Birds in search of nectar will land on the latter ones. On Madeira, pollination is not taking place.


      In the Gardens

      Blue Jacaranda,

      Brazilian Rosewood

      Jacaranda mimosifolia

      Bloom time

      From April to May.


      The gnarled growing tree grows up to 20 m (22 yd.) tall. In winter it sheds off its leaves. Before they sprout again in spring the bleak tree develops the popular blue-violet panicles of flowers. They consist of many single blossoms. As those of many fern species, the tender leaves are bipinnate.


      In the south of Madeira the Blue Jacaranda is growing in gardens and parks up to an altitude of 300 m (330 yd.). In Funchal, Jacaranda is lining whole streets. There you may discover an especially conspicuous effect of the flowers at the end of April when they produce strongly violet shining avenues, e.g. in Avenida Arriaga, in Avenida do Infante or in Rua João de Deus.

      Interesting to know:

      The tree origins from the savannahs of South Brazil. The Portuguese explorers adapted the Indian name: the “j” at the beginning is pro-nounced like in journal, the emphasis is on the last syllable. Today Jacaranda is cultivated in many countries because of its spectacu-lar flowers. It is said that in Pretoria (South Africa) there are cultivated 6000 specimens.


      In the Gardens

      Pride of Bolivia, Tipu Tree

      Tipuana tipu

      Bloom time

      From June to September; dur-ing this time there are con-stantly emerging new blos-soms.


      The imposing tree has dense foliage and a broad crown. It grows up to 10 m (11 yd.) tall. The long leaves are pinnate; the single com-pounds are longish and ovate. The yellow blossoms emerge from short panicles.


      Although you may find the Pride of Bolivia on Madeira in regions up to an altitude of 600 m (655 yd.), it mainly grows in coastal areas. Especially in Funchal the tree is lin-ing many roads, e.g. the Avenida Zarco or the Rua Arcipreste behind the market hall.

      Interesting to know:

      The tree is native to South America (Brazil, Ar-gentina, Bolivia) where it can grow up to 35 m (38 yd.) tall. Its botanical denomination refers to the Valle Tipuana, a Bolivian valley in which the Tipu Tree develops larger populations. It belongs to the family of Fabaceae; thus it is not related to Jacaranda (Bignonia family, cf. p. 22). Anyway it is also called Yellow Jacaranda because of its pinnate leaves and blossom pan-icles. Pride of Bolivia is a fast growing, unde-manding and flexible tree, characteristics that make it popular as a street tree. Today it is even cultivated in mild regions of the Mediterranean.


      In the Gardens

      Flame Tree

      Brachychiton acerifolius

      Bloom time

      From April to September.


      The Flame Tree grows up to 10 m (11 yd.) tall. The leaves consist of three to five lobes and are shed off in winter. In spring the plant develops the main blossoms before new leaves sprout. The scarlet blossoms are little and bell-shaped; they grow in long, hanging racemes.


      At Madeira’s southern coast you will often find the Flame tree being cultivated as an ornamen-tal plant up to an altitude of 200 m (220 yd.). You may frequently see the plant in Funchal where it is both lining roads and growing in gardens and parks. An eye-catching specimen shades the inner courtyard of Funchal’s market hall.

      Interesting to know:

      The tree is native to Australia where it grows in the rainforest at the eastern coast. In South Africa you might see it frequently as a park tree. Its frost tolerance allows cultivating it even in the Mediterranean regions. The wood is extremely light and soft; thus you could hammer against the trunks of older speci-mens and will notice that they sound empty. The wood is sometimes employed to produce life belts; moreover it can serve as a substi-tute for balsa wood in model construction.


      In the Gardens

      Tropical Hydrangea Tree,

      Pink Ball Dombeya

      Dombeya wallichii

      Bloom time

      From November to February.
