From Time Management to Time Intelligence. Zach Davis
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Название: From Time Management to Time Intelligence

Автор: Zach Davis

Издательство: Автор

Жанр: Экономика


isbn: 9783941546271


СКАЧАТЬ which the activities are very difficult to delegate to others.

      For Zach, health is a very important topic. Important activities for him include doing regular sports and eating a healthy diet, something many people perceive to be a sacrifice. They could not be more mistaken. It would be much more sacrificial not to do these things. The reason is simple: if Zach didn’t take care of himself this way, he would not have the energy necessary to handle his work load, or he would collapse on the couch at the end of the week! A fairly typical week for Zach includes three days of seminars and two presentations in various locations, writing an article or chapter for a book, doing a media interview, speaking with his employees and customers, checking contents of some form, preparing a proposal for a potential business cooperation, and more.

      Your workweek certainly has its own distribution of activities. Our point here, though, is that most of us bear multiple responsibilities. Nevertheless, it is possible to remain relatively relaxed and find your work to be fun most of the time. Zach has been quoted as saying that he usually “only” works around 45 hours a week.

      In working with thousands of people over the years, we have observed many patterns and commonalities:

      • in people who are both successful (an individual definition, of course) and very stressed

      • in people who are successful and hardly stressed (what an exciting combination!)

      • in people who are not successful and hardly stressed

      • and in people who are not successful and very stressed (quite a tragic combination)

      On the one hand, there are people who are successful and content. They experience fulfillment because they have managed to reconcile, among other things, private life and work. On the other hand, there are people with seemingly the same preconditions who have a much harder time. This latter group often includes people who feel they are caught up in the proverbial rat race.

      To the external observer, some people appear to be very successful although they in fact are inwardly dissatisfied. Such situations are often a result of neglecting individual aspects of their lives, with the classics in this realm being health, free time, and family life. Let’s look together at these patterns and commonalities among people, asking what is significant and looking for solutions. The strategies presented in this book have been tried and tested – without neglecting individual differences and the variety of situations in which people find themselves.

       Learning from the Best

      It can be inspiring and motivating to see what others have achieved and made of their lives, especially in areas that mean something to us personally. Some people inspire us because they live the type of life we would love to have, others due to their extraordinary expertise. Still others inspire us through having experienced hardships we can hardly imagine, and yet radiating happiness and well-being. Here are three such people.

      Brian Tracy is a very successful American speaker and author in economics, business, and self-development. He usually writes and publishes multiple books a year, most of which become bestsellers. He has around 100 training and speaking engagements a year and is always working on countless other projects in parallel, and yet he takes more than 100 days off per year. What an excellent example of effectiveness as it can actually be lived! He has achieved far above average results at work and at the same time has a healthy amount of free time – now that’s real effectiveness.

      Meet Anne Jones from the U.K., who won the World Championship Speed Reading Competition six years in a row. Yes, there really is such a thing – a competition in which a bunch of people get together and have their reading speed and text comprehension measured. Reading speed is measured in words per minute, while the level of comprehension is measured by having the candidate answer questions about the text. The percentage of questions that are correctly answered is multiplied with the number of words read per minute to produce a score, and the candidate with the highest score is the speed reading winner. At a public performance, Anne Jones read one of the roughly 800-page volumes of Harry Potter in 47 minutes and answered more than 70% of the subsequent comprehension questions correctly.

      Are people like Brian Tracy and Anne Jones simply lucky to have been born with their talent? Is genetics the most important factor here? Or are there also patterns, reasons, and behaviors that lead to extraordinary results in various larger or smaller aspects of life? We are of the opinion that the law of cause and effect is active in many areas of human development. Where there is an effect (for example, being able to read quickly with good comprehension), there is most often at least one identifiable cause that has led to that effect.

      The biography of a gentleman named W. Mitchell is extraordinary in a different way. Due to a motorcycle accident that he only barely survived, W. Mitchell suffered extreme burns over more than 80% of his skin. He survived, amazingly, and somehow managed to put himself together again, both physically and psychologically. After spending months in rehabilitation, he was able to start a new career and managed to become mayor of a small city (despite his rather unusual appearance).

      Four years after Mitchell’s motorcycle accident, the small plane that he was piloting had an accident during takeoff. Although all the passengers were able to leave the plane with only minor injuries, Mitchell was injured so badly that he has been paralyzed since that time. Most people would have given up on life after this second blow of fate – if in fact they had not done so earlier. Not Mitchell! For quite a few years now he has been on stage and has become an internationally sought-after speaker on the topic of taking responsibility. Despite the lasting effects of his injuries, which present him with challenges most people can’t begin to imagine, he manages his life well and is a role model for thousands of people.

      We can also learn a lot from the people around us who have less spectacular stories, people who lead normal lives and have totally normal everyday problems. Such people might be children who don’t want to sleep when their parents really would like them to or colleagues with different work goals. Since there are similarities among most of us, we can find solutions to our problems by observing those who have had similar problems and challenges before.

      Following the principle of observing and learning from others, we will explore together the thought patterns of highly effective people, so that you can continue to see the forest despite all the trees in situations where you need to plan and make decisions in the heat of the moment. This will help you keep the overview and with it your time intelligence and time mastery.

      You will be able to profit from this technique of observation over the course of this book and learn from the ideas we’ve culled from the very best in many different areas. We find it useful to remember the words of the great English scientist Isaac Newton: “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”

      We would also like to draw your attention to the collection of individual tips (40, to be precise) included in this book, which are aimed at helping you to save time here and there in various life situations. These tips are primarily professionally oriented, though some of them concern private life too.

      Sometimes it is the confluence of several small changes that causes a noticeable rise in quality of life. In sum, our goal is to manage more in less time.

       Some Key Terms

       “I knew it was time to simplify our organization when we started to abbreviate our abbreviations.”

      What exactly is the difference between effectiveness and efficiency? Let’s take a look at СКАЧАТЬ