PAT Snooker Vol. 1. Thomas Hein
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Название: PAT Snooker Vol. 1

Автор: Thomas Hein

Издательство: Автор

Жанр: Спорт, фитнес


isbn: 9783946128380




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      you need the best Tip

      for beginners and advanced beginners

      This volume contains information on the PAT system, how to work with Volume 1 and the PAT levels.

      © Litho-Verlag e.K., Wolfhagen 2010

      All rights reserved

      1st Edition 2010

      Printed in Germany

      Printed: ISBN 13: 978-3-941484-22-1

      Ebook: ISBN 13: 978-3-941484-24-5 •




       Chapter Content .................................................Page

       Preface ..............................................................5

       What is PAT Snooker? .......................................6

       How to work with the practice system ................7

       Level tests ..........................................................8

       Test guidelines ..................................................9

       Level 1 WHITE

       Exercise 1: Pink spot run-through ........................................13

       Exercise 2: Around pink ........................................................15

       Exercise 3: 21 set-up ............................................................17

       Exercise 4: Blue screw .........................................................19

       Exercise 5: Blue stun ball .....................................................21

       Exercise 6: Dynamics and straightness ................................23

       Level 2 RED

       Exercise 1: Pink spot ............................................................25

       Exercise 2: Blue screw .........................................................27

       Exercise 3: Black cushion .....................................................29

       Exercise 4: Blue run-through middle ....................................31

       Exercise 5: Blue split ............................................................33

       Exercise 6: Black endless .....................................................35

       Level 3 YELLOW

       Exercise 1: Blue double touch ..............................................37

       Exercise 2: Black screw ........................................................39

       Exercise 3: Pink angle ..........................................................41

       Exercise 4: Blue, pink, black .................................................43
