Distracted Thoughts. L.F. dos Santos
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Название: Distracted Thoughts

Автор: L.F. dos Santos

Издательство: Автор

Жанр: Контркультура


isbn: 9783962299507


СКАЧАТЬ narcissistic.

      Serving the poet a delicious dish

      argumentative, deign to exist.

      Blue and yellow progressively

      scatter away vanishing.

      The red paints intensity

      while descending.

      Offering beauty and warmth

      graciously bowing to the sky.

      Lessening its contrasts of light

      foreboding a goodbye.

      Scattering the sound of the waves through the wind

      the day succumbs to the night is feet.

      Enchanting all the beings of earth

      escorting them into calm and peaceful sleep.

       The Ritual

      Consumed by the waves of time

      perpetually untouchable

      in the penumbra

      deeply inside the rocks is cave

      a fleshless corpse lies.

      Where the moonlight evanesce,

      where the salt water

      had no room to embrace.

      Fireflies welled up surprisingly

      to bright this mystical place.

      Every night in the same field,

      where hope and dreams

      were formerly forged.

      They enter the cave

      wearing the spirit

      of a resplendent woman

      performing an unusual ritual.

      Shimmering energies,

      portraying memories

      dancing freely bare-foot

      among the apple trees.

      Grass stirs

      breeding sounds

      of joyful laughs

      to fade in the first rays of dawn.

       The Return

      Creeping along like a worm

      stuck in mud infested with alcohol

      spewing out guts and dreams.

      Blank eyes, pallid orbs deep in bone

      appearance a tangled mess.

      He is lying on the autopsy table

      declared dead.

      He opens his eyes:

      Where the hell are my glasses?

       The Real Path

      My will just as my soul

      have painted the patterns

      of this magnificent tapestry.

      My life is not delineated yet

      but transfigures itself

      with every step I take.

      Every breath feeds

      my ravenous mind

      releasing a million thoughts

      of unravelled mysteries.

      Alluringly attracting me

      extending an invisible carpet

      where I could strive safely,

      disconnected from earthly criteria.

      A wild mind aware of the essence of life

      living freely connected with nature.

      A biological calling, ingenuous and pure

      beyond superficial clichés

      a caring brave heart tamed

      with the whip of freedom.

       The Pact

      The prince is fire in shape

      image and splendour.

      A magnificent species a flamed lover

      in the art of amour.

      No match on earth

      nor in the moon.

      Both succeeded

      fertilising a bloom.

      Under the magic brilliance,

      of the mystical moon.

      A grown-up being

      was born.

      A womb of soil,

      rocks, roots, and dust.

      The white haired princess`

      breathing trust.

      An incomparable beauty

      emerald green eyes, round.

      Ruby hues in her lips

      her rose skin as hard as diamond.

      A successful arrangement

      a pact to balance the spun.

      The princess was promised

      to the prince of the sun.


      Leaves fall from the trees

      dry fruits hang on their barely bare branches

      with СКАЧАТЬ