Walking in Cyprus. Nike Werstroh
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Название: Walking in Cyprus

Автор: Nike Werstroh

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Книги о Путешествиях


isbn: 9781783625512


СКАЧАТЬ families gather together to harvest grapes that grow on sunny slopes. At any time of the year elderly people are often found gossiping in front of their homes on the narrow streets of peaceful villages.

      After a day spent exploring the trails, walkers might enjoy a well-deserved dinner in a rustic restaurant in one of the seaside towns or villages. Cypriot cuisine is strongly related to Greek and Turkish cuisine but with a local twist; fresh vegetables, olives, halloumi cheese, meat, fish and Greek yoghurt are among the ingredients common to traditional Cypriot food. Wine is a necessary accompaniment for local dishes, and in Cyprus people have been making it for thousands of years. Commandaria, the sweet dessert wine, is believed to be the oldest named wine in the world: it was served at the wedding of Richard the Lionheart in Limassol and the king was so impressed that he pronounced Commandaria ‘the wine of kings and the king of wines’.


      The Profitis Elias chapel among the vineyards near Pano Panagia (Walk 7)

      Due to its location, the island played a significant role in trading from around 3000BC and through the medieval centuries. It has belonged to different empires in its eventful past, with numerous artefacts and remains of ancient buildings around the island attesting to its diverse culture and troubled history. However, unlike other Mediterranean islands, it is not only the distant past that has left its legacy: after the island gained independence in 1960, tensions between the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities grew, resulting in an eventual coup by the Greek Cypriots and an invasion by Turkey. The UN-controlled buffer zone (known as the ‘Green Line’) that runs like a long scar across the island, dividing its inhabitants, demonstrates that the recent past is still affecting the lives of many in Cyprus. This, as well as the island’s earlier history, is described further in ‘Brief history’.

      However, while Cyprus may be politically divided, the amazing scenery can be enjoyed on both sides of the island regardless of political views. Cypriots – whether they speak Greek or Turkish, attend church or mosque – greet visitors with a friendly welcome on both sides of the Green Line.

      Cyprus, surrounded by three continents, lies in the north eastern corner of the Mediterranean Sea. It is only 74km south of Turkey, about 100km from Syria and approximately 800km from mainland Greece. The island is 240km long and 100km wide at its widest point. It is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, from which it rose millions of years ago.

      The foundation rocks of Cyprus were once part of the oceanic crust of the Tethys Ocean and as such weren’t connected to any continental plate. In the late Miocene period, the African Plate levered the floor of the Tethys Ocean, causing Cyprus to emerge. The Troodos mountains were once part of the ocean bed and today they form the best-preserved example of ocean floor on the Earth’s surface. Here geologists can study the prehistoric sea floor.

      Cyprus’s two mountain ranges – the Troodos and the Kyrenia mountains – dominate its landscape. Troodos, located in the middle of the island, is mainly formed of igneous rock with its lower slopes covered by chalk. The Kyrenia, running across nearly the entire northern part of the island, consists of limestone and marble. About two million years ago the Kyrenia and Troodos mountains were islands; the land was constantly rising and the area between the two mountain ranges became the Mesaoria Plain.

      There are approximately 1800 identified plant species on the island, of which around 140 are endemic. Some of the endemic plants’ habitats are restricted to specific areas such as the Troodos mountains or the Akamas Peninsula.

      Calabrian pine (Pinus brutia) forest, which thrives from sea level to an altitude of 1400m, covers the slopes of the Troodos and Kyrenia mountains and part of the Akamas Peninsula.

      In Troodos the golden oak (Quercus alnifolia) appears at around 700m and the black pine (Pinus nigra) grows at higher altitudes. The Cyprus cedar (Cedrus brevifolia) can only be found in the Paphos Forest – especially around Trypilos Mountain. Cypress, juniper, alder and plane trees are quite common on the island.

      The carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua) is typical to the Mediterranean region and has been used in many different ways since ancient times. It can be found growing in the wild but is widely cultivated for its edible pods. The word ‘carat’ – the unit used to measure the purity of gold – is derived from the Greek word keration as the pods’ small seeds were used to measure gold in ancient times.

      Colourful wildflowers begin to bloom from late February and the meadows can be carpeted with flowers well into May. Walking is the best way to observe the flowers, and even without specialist knowledge you can admire the extensive colours. Rock roses – their colours ranging from white and yellow to pink – often cover the hillsides.

      The Kyrenia mountains are home to many wildflowers, including orchids. The greatest number of wild orchids appear in March and April. More than 30 species of orchid can be found in Cyprus, in places ranging from shady forest floors to rocky hillsides. The Cyprus bee orchid and the Lapithos bee orchid are endemic.


      The Italian orchid (Orchis italica) – or as it is commonly known, the ‘naked man orchid’ – is native to the Mediterranean region

      The island’s national flower, the Cyprus cyclamen (Cyclamen cyprium), which blooms pink or white, flowers in the early autumn in moist forests. The dark-coloured, protected Cyprus tulip (Tulipa cypria) grows in the Akamas Peninsula, the Kormakitis/Kormacit Peninsula and in some parts of the Kyrenia range. The St Hilarion cabbage (Brassica hilarionis) can be found mainly in Northern Cyprus, especially near St Hilarion Castle (Walk 36).

      Typical plants and flowers are labelled on most nature trails in Southern Cyprus, so walkers can learn to recognise them.

      There are 21 known species of mammal on the island. Only the luckiest walkers will spot the biggest of these – the shy Cypriot mouflon – hopping on the steep slopes in the less busy areas of the Paphos Forest and the mountains of Troodos. There is, however, a mouflon enclosure at Stavros Tis Psokas in Paphos Forest, providing an opportunity to see these endemic animals.

      Mouflon once populated the mountains of Cyprus in greater numbers, but by the middle of the 20th century hunting had decreased this population significantly. Then in 1939 the whole Paphos Forest was designated a Game Protected Area, and today it is also a Special Protected Area; thanks to these great efforts to protect the mouflon and their habitat, their numbers have increased to a satisfactory level.

      Further north, dark-coloured wild donkeys inhabit the Karpaz/Karpass Peninsula. These animals are descendants of the domesticated donkeys abandoned by people who were displaced by political conflict in the 1970s (see ‘Brief history’).

      Two bird species – the Cyprus warbler and Cyprus wheatear – are only found in Cyprus, and there is a conservation project in place to protect the endangered Griffon vulture.

      Due to its geographic location, Cyprus is an important stopping place for migrating birds, and is therefore a great place for birdwatching. Unfortunately, despite the activity being outlawed in 1974, many birds are illegally trapped, killed and served as a delicacy in some restaurants.

      Some of the sandy beaches on the island are important hatching places for the green turtle and the loggerhead turtle – both of which are endangered СКАЧАТЬ