Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong
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Название: Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary

Автор: Phan Van Giuong

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Книги о Путешествиях


isbn: 9781462910939


СКАЧАТЬ löông adj. dishonest, crooked

      baát maõn adj. dissatisfied with

      baát nhaõ adj. rude, impolite

      baát nhaân adj. non-benevolent, inhumane

      baát quaù adv. at most, only

      baát taøi adj. incapable

      baát thình lình v., adv. to act suddenly; suddenly; all of a sudden, unexpectedly

      baát thöôøng adj. unusual, extraordinary

      baát tieän adj. inconvenient

      baát tænh adj. unconscious, insensible

      baát trò adj. incurable, unruly

      baät v. to snap, to switch [lights] on

      baät löûa n. cigarette lighter

      baáu v. to pinch, to snip off

      baàu 1 n. bottle gourd, cal-abash 2 v. to elect, to vote

      baàu cöû n. election

      baây giôø pron., adv. now, at [the] present [time]

      baáy giôø adv. at that time

      baáy laâu pron., adv. so long, since then

      baáy nhieâu pron. that much

      baày n. flock, herd, group, pack

      baåy v. to pry up, to prize

      baãy v., n. to trap; to snare; trap, snare

      baäy adj., adv. wrong; improperly; nonsense

      be n. wine flask

      be beùt adj. crushed to pulp; completely messed up

      beù adj. small, young, little, tiny

      beø 1 n. faction, clique, party 2 n. raft

      beø phaùi n. faction, clique, party

      beû v. to break; to bend [something long or flexible] in a curve; to snap; to pick [fruit, flower]; to pinion

      beõ adj. ashamed

      beùn adj. sharp

      beùn muøi v. to become familiar with, to be accustomed to

      beøn adv. then, instantly, immediately [precedes main verb]

      beõn leõn adj. shy, timid

      beùo adj. fat, plump, stout, obese

      beùo bôû adj. profitable, easy to do

      beùo toát adj. fat and healthy

      beøo n. duckweed, marsh lentil, water hyacinth

      beïp adj. crushed, flattened, put out of shape

      beùt adj. last [in rank], lowest, worst

      beït adj. flattened

      beâ 1 n. calf [of cow] 2 v. to carry with both hands

      beâ beát adj. smeared all over, splashed all over

      beâ boái adj. in a pother, in a stew

      beâ toong/toâng n. concrete

      beâ treå v. to leave undone, to neglect

      beá v. to hold in one’s arms

      beá maïc v. [of a conference] to close, to adjourn, to end, to finish, to be over

      beá quan toûa caûng n. the closed-door policy

      beá taéc adj. obstructed, deadlocked

      beà n. side, dimension

      beà boän adj. jumbled, in a jumble, busy, mess

      beà maët n. surface, area, appearance

      beå 1 n. sea; cistern, tank 2 v. [of glassware, china, etc.] to be broken

      beä n . platform, pedestal; throne

      beä raïc adj. slovenly, squalid

      beä veä adj. stately, imposing

      beân n. side; edge; party

      beán n. landing place, pier, port; bus or railroad station

      beàn adj. strong, durable, solid; long-wearing

      beânh v. to protect, to defend, to take the side of

      beänh n., v. sickness, disease; to be sick

      beänh hoa lieãu n. venereal disease

      beänh lyù n. pathology

      beänh taät n. illness and infirmity

      beänh tình n. patient’s condition, history of ailment

      beänh vieän n. hospital, clinic

      beáp n. kitchen; stove

      bi n. marbles

      bi ai adj. sorrowful, sad, lamentable, tragic

      bi ñaùt adj. lamentable, tragic, heart-rending

      bi haøi kòch n. tragedy-comedy

      bi kòch n. tragedy, drama

      bi quan adj. pessimistic

      bi thaûm adj. tragic

      bi traùng adj. pathetic

      bí 1 n. pumpkin, squash, winter melon 2 adj. obstructed; constipated; to be stumped

      bí aån adj. hidden, secret

      bí danh n. pseudonym, pen name

      bí hieåm adj. mysterious

      bí maät adj., adv. mysterious, secret; mysteriously, secretly

      bí quyeát n. hint, secret [formula]

      bí thö n. secretary

      bí tæ adj. unconscious

      bæ adj. scornful or contemptuous of

      Bæ n. Belgium, Belgian

      bó adj. cornered, unfortunate, unlucky

      bò n. bag, knapsack

      bò СКАЧАТЬ