Alpine Flowers. Gillian Price
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Название: Alpine Flowers

Автор: Gillian Price

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Биология


isbn: 9781783620326


СКАЧАТЬ age-old legends. The example par excellence is again the Edelweiss, German for ‘noble white’ from the story of a maiden who resolved to remain pure, and transmuted into the bloom on death. A second explanation comes from the Italian Dolomites, where they say the flower was tailor-made for a princess pining away for her pale homeland, the moon.


      For the purposes of this book, the altitude of 1500m above sea level has been taken as the cut-off level for alpine flowers, although the odd exception found lower down and considered to be of special interest has been included.

      The primary method of identification used here is colour, and to make flower recognition quick and easy – the aim of this guide – flowers have been grouped together under their dominant colour. Naturally, there are infinite variations in shades of colour, especially with blues, reds and purples, so it is always a good idea to leaf through other sections when searching for a flower.

      The colours are presented in the following order in this book:

       RED: shades from pink to red and burgundy

       YELLOW: covering the range through to orange

       BLUE: from light hues through to royal blue

       PURPLE: delicate lilac to rich purple charged with blue and red

       WHITE: predominantly white or creamish. Green has also been included here

      and alphabetically by their English name within each colour section.

      As well as a photograph, key characteristics of each flower are briefly described in simple language for (and by) the non-expert. Notes on name derivation and traditional uses are included. Specialised terminology has been purposely kept to a minimum; however, some terms are necessary for distinguishing similar species and to help observation and identification. Note Even the leading authoritative reference guides disagree on the identification of some plants so there may well be differences of opinion for the flowers in this guide as well.

      Each individual flower heading shows the name in English and then, underneath, in Latin (in italics), then French, German and Italian.

      A Glossary and a simplified diagram of a flower are also provided at the front of the book, after the contents page.


      If not specified in the individual description, the flowers are found widely across the Alps.

      There is a marvellous network of botanical gardens across the length and breadth of the Alpine chain, in Austria, France, Italy, Slovenia and Switzerland. Each has expertly labelled species, which is of great help for interested visitors. A list is given in the Appendix.



      This thistle has successfully attracted two pollen distributors


      Rhododendron ferrugineum – Rhododendron ferrugineux – Rostblättrige Alpenrose – Rododendro ferrugineo

      Thickets of this attractive evergreen shrub cover vast swathes of mountain-sides up to 3200m altitude, often in the company of larch and bilberries. The name derives from the Greek ‘tree of roses’ and it puts on a glorious show June–August with clusters of pink-red bell-shaped blooms. It can be distinguished from the otherwise identical Hairy Alpenrose by rusty-coloured scales underneath its shiny dark green leaves. These contain toxic substances, a savvy protection from grazing livestock. Its dried branches were once fashioned into brooms or used to filter milk.


      Alpine Aster

      Aster alpinus – Aste des Alpes – Alpen-Aster – Astro alpino

      A striking member of the Daisy family that brightens alpine pastures and dry stony places with its pinkish or, less commonly, mauve outer petals and rich yellow disc-like heart. It grows as high as 3200m altitude, and flowers June–August. Aster comes from the Greek for ‘star’.


      Alpine Gypsophila, Creeping Baby’s Breath

      Gypsophila repens – Gypsophile rampante – Kriechendes Gipskraut – Gipsofila strisciante

      A sprawling clump of silvery grey leaves all but smothered with tiny stars of pale pink or lilac. On close inspection five-petalled flowers with minimal notches are revealed. It flowers May–August and prefers dry stony places and bare rock surfaces up to 2900m altitude. The main name means ‘lover of chalk’ while the tag is ‘creep’ and in fact the stems are semi-prostrate.


      Alpine Rock-jasmine

      Androsace alpina – Androsace des Alpes – Alpen-Mannschild – Androsace alpina

      An eye-catching spreading cushion plant that hugs screes and rock surfaces, keeping as low a profile as possible. Very small pretty pale pink or white flowers with five petals are accompanied by lance-shaped leaves covered in short hairs. Unlike the very similar Moss Campion, this has rounded petals and a yellowish centre, as well as woody branches and roots. Widespread, it flowers July–August as high as 4000m altitude.


      Alpine Rose

      Rosa pendulina – Rosier des Alpes – Alpen-Heckenrose – Rosa alpina

      An exceptionally pretty pinkish-purple rose that grows in dense thickets that emanate a recognisable sweet fragrance. The flower centre is white, punctuated with showy yellow anthers. The bushes can grow as tall as 2m and do not generally have thorns. It flowers June–July in clearings and woodland up to 2600m altitude.


      Alpine Thrift, Mountain Thrift

      Armeria alpina – Arméria des Alpes – Alpen-Grasnelke – Armeria alpina

      Just like the seaside version – in fact the name may derive from the Celtic for ‘near the sea’ – this thrift is a multi-bloom tuft atop a slender hairless green stalk, accompanied by slim spiky leaves. The calyx resembles thin plastic sheeting and embraces a bunch of flowers ranging from bright to pale pink. Its habitat is screes and damp meadows up to 3100m, and it flowers July–August across all but the central-north Alps.


      Alpine Willowherb

      Epilobium fleischeri – Épilobe de Fleischer – Kies-Weidenröschen – Epilobio di Fleischer

      While similar to Rosebay Willowherb, this plant is blunter in shape and notably shorter. It bears paler pink flowers distinguished by dark pink stamens. It flowers July–September up to 2700m altitude on moraines and river banks and is widespread with the exception of the СКАЧАТЬ