A Smart Girl's Guide to Parties. Apryl Lundsten
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Название: A Smart Girl's Guide to Parties

Автор: Apryl Lundsten

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература

Серия: American Girl

isbn: 9781609581299



      • Don’t let a clique’s bad attitude affect you. It’s usually not really

      about you, but about them feeling powerful and better than you.

      • Don’t put on an act to try to impress anyone. There’s no need to

      pretend to be something you’re not or go along with the crowd’s

      opinion if you really disagree.

      • Pal up with other guests at the party who aren’t part of the

      clique. If you don’t know them, introduce yourself.

      • Don’t keep to yourself or say nothing at all just because you’re

      worried what the girls in the clique might think of you. It’s best

      to be yourself.

      If you’re the only one at the party who isn’t part of the clique and are stuck standing alone, offer to help out the hostess or her parents with anything that needs to be done for the party. Lending a hand will keep you busy and make you feel useful.

Someone has spilled purple juice all over a green chair!


      Oh, no! You dropped salsa down the front of your sweater. Comfort yourself by keeping in mind that we’re all human and “oops” moments happen to everyone.

      Oops: You blurted out something you wished you hadn’t said. Quick fix: Sometimes our mouths seem to move without checking with our brains first. Just apologize. “I can’t believe I just said that! I’m really sorry!”

      Oops: You spilled something all over the chair or on another guest. Quick fix: For the furniture, immediately tell the hostess’s parents. Don’t try to clean up the mess yourself (the stain may require a special cleaning solution), and don’t try to pretend it didn’t happen by covering it up with a napkin. If you spill on someone else, apologize and get a napkin or paper towel right away.

      Oops: You tripped in front of everyone and fell flat on your face. Quick fix: As long as you’re not badly hurt, make a joke of your mistake. Jump up and dust yourself off, take a bow, pretend you’re winning an Olympic medal, or finish the “stunt” with a twirl. Or simply say, “I meant to do that!” Then laugh it off.

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