Argument in Composition. John Ramage
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Название: Argument in Composition

Автор: John Ramage

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Философия

Серия: Reference Guides to Rhetoric and Composition

isbn: 9781602353152


СКАЧАТЬ Ethics and Argument


       2 The History of Argument

       Philosophy vs Rhetoric

       Rhetoric’s Ossification Problem

       Key Figures of Modern Argument Theory

       Introduction to Kenneth Burke

       Introduction to Chaim Perelman and Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca

       Stephen Toulmin



       3 Issues in Argument

       The Fallacy Debate

       The Pragma-Dialectical Approach to Fallacies

       Alternatives to Focusing on Argument in a Writing Class: Critical/Cultural Studies

       Expressivist Pedagogy

       Procedural Rhetoric

       To Teach or Not to Teach . . . Propaganda

       What Is Propaganda? Burke and Ellul

       Propaganda in a Nutshell


       4 Introduction to Best Practices

       What Works in Teaching Writing

       Best Practices

       Liberatory Rhetoric

       Works Cited

       For Further Reading

       Argument Textbooks

       Scholarly Works

       Feminism and Argument

       Works Cited

       For Further Reading

       Argument Textbooks

       Scholarly Works

       Service Learning and Argument

       Works Cited

       For Further Reading

       Argument Textbooks

       Scholarly Works

       Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) and Writing in the Disciplines (WID)

       Works Cited

       For Further Reading

       Argument Textbooks

       Scholarly Works—General





       Political Science

       Computers and Writing

       Works Cited

       For Further Reading


       Scholarly Works

       Visual Rhetoric

       Works Cited

       For Further Reading


       Scholarly Works

       5 Glossary of Terms

       6 Annotated Bibliography

       Works Cited


       About the Authors

      Series Editor’s Preface

      Charles Bazerman

      In the large and growing house of rhetoric and writing, argument and its sister persuasion share an extensive and venerable room, being built since the founding of rhetoric in ancient Greece. The core concerns of classical rhetoric are all carried out through argument: deliberation on governance and citizenry, determination of guilt and innocence, asserting rights and obligations, forging alliances and agreements, rallying action against enemies, increasing communal commitment. Core institutions of society have been formed to create structural conditions (such as procedures, criteria, and exigencies) to bring arguments to successful resolutions for communal action: courts, legislatures, religions, electoral democracy.

      The great chamber of argument and persuasion has large doorways to many neighboring rooms that see themselves in different terms. Philosophy, the long-standing dialectical opponent of argument, itself structures its discussion through argument. Academic disciplines are argumentative fields, though organized as cooperative endeavors. Team deliberations on planning and choices—whether architectural, medical, or military—depend on the expression of varied views, though often elliptically framed within specialized knowledges, goals, and roles.

      Argument can serve private purposes. Through argument with others an individual can work through personal beliefs, values, commitments, and life choices. Social occasions of argument provide opportunities for the individual to investigate and think through individually shaped questions in the context of contending views. Modern concepts of individual development, consciousness, conscience, and responsibility depend on an individual having access to and participating in argument to come to personal persuasions.

      While some see engaged argument as an oral phenomenon, confronting the embodiment СКАЧАТЬ