The Forgiveness Solution. Philip H. Friedman
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Название: The Forgiveness Solution

Автор: Philip H. Friedman

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Социальная психология


isbn: 9781609251000


СКАЧАТЬ more effective when I wrote them each down on an index card and read over them a few times a day. With each affirmation, I was able to see the way I viewed situations and events in my life in a negative way, and by applying each one to my life it allowed me to shift my thought process to a more positive one. There are things that happen every day that one of these affirmations can apply to.

       From Fear to Love

      A lifetime of personal and spiritual growth and practicing psychotherapy has led me to understand that underneath all distressing emotions is the core emotion of fear, which is itself a lack of love. Love is the core positive emotion that we experience when we are connected to our inner Being or true Self. When we feel separate from our inner Being or true Self, we experience fear. All other distressing emotions are secondary to fear. The essence of our Being is love, and our journey through life is a quest to return to our core, which is love.

      Whenever we experience distressing emotions, we are, in fact, calling for love. On one level, we are calling for love from other people, but on a deeper level we are calling for love from and toward ourselves. So it follows that whenever someone else is expressing negative or distressing emotions, feelings, judgments, or complaints toward us or toward themselves, they are calling for love. Therefore, it can be said that every communication is either an expression of love or a call for love. Forgiveness allows you and me to remove the blocks and barriers to the experience of that love. For example, if your spouse, lover, friend, parent, sibling, or child is expressing a lot of negativity, anger, resentment, bitterness, or frustration, rather than seeing it as a sign of disrespect you can learn to see it as a call for help and a call for love. In fact, you can learn to see that underneath the negativity are hurt and disappointment, and underneath the hurt and disappointment is fear. By forgiving these people you care about and by staying calm and centered, you can learn to respond in a more resourceful, compassionate, and beneficial way to their calls for help and for love.

       Identifying Stressors

      In life, we're often going along, doing fine, when we encounter a stressor, either:

      1 something that is happening that you don't want to happen or

      2 something that isn't happening that you do want to happen.

      When we encounter stressors, we tend to judge them negatively and react automatically with a grievance, attack thought, or should, as in “that shouldn't have happened” or “something else should have happened.”

      The next set of exercises will help you identify the stressors in your life (if you don't happen to know what they are!).

       Exercise: Stressors

      Image In the space below, write down a list of stressors you have experienced in the last year that you didn't want to happen. Let's call them Disappointment Stressors. These can be small stressors, such as the washing machine breaking down, or large ones, such as your father, mother, or pet dying. Make a chart in your journal like the one you see below. After each stressor, write a number from 1 to 10 that indicates how strong your emotional reaction was to that stressor, with 1 being no reaction at all and 10 being a very strong emotional reaction. For example, the washing machine stressor may have triggered an emotional intensity reaction of 3 out of 10, and the death of a parent may have triggered an emotional intensity reaction of 9 out of 10. If you need more space, copy the form below or use a blank sheet of paper.




      Image Now list those stressors that had to do with things you wanted to happen and didn't. Let's call them Expectational Stressors. Again, these can be small stressors, such as you wanted to get a small promotion at work and didn't get it, or large ones, such as you wanted your partner to propose to you and it didn't happen. After each stressor, write down a number from 1 to 10 that indicates how strong your emotional reaction was to that stressor. Let 1 be no reaction at all and 10 a very strong emotional reaction. If you need more space, copy the form below.




       Discovering Your Old Films and Old Tapes

      If you are like many people, you will have an automatic emotional reaction in response to the stressor. Usually this is because there are some old films and tapes playing inside your head in the form of unresolved grievances, judgments, complaints, hurts, guilt, fears, and anger; that is, negative emotions that have not been released. These old films and tapes are always from the past—for example, when you were young, you were poor, or one of your parents died suddenly when you were eight. Maybe when you applied to be in the school play, you were turned down, or when you were hoping to be invited by a certain boy or girl to the school prom, they invited someone else.

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