Название: Quest Biographies Bundle — Books 11–15
Автор: Gary Evans
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Биографии и Мемуары
Серия: Quest Biography
isbn: 9781459723979
Byng, Lord, and Lady Byng. See Governor General
Cameron, Nina, 27,28
Canadian Citizenship Act (1947),131,16.5
Canadian Corps, 112 , 163
Canadian Expeditionary Force, 118
Canadian Liberal, 56
Canadian Press Association, 13
Cardin, P.J.A., 120
Carillon (Peace Tower, Ottawa),81, 159
Carruthers, Mrs. James. See Markham, Violet
Chamberlain, Sir Neville, 98
Chanak crisis (Dardanelles), 70
Chicago, Illinois, 30-32, 148, 1.50
Chinese immigration to Canada, 44 , 1.50, 152
Churchill, Sir Winston, 112, 133, 147, 162-164
Colorado, .53-58, 69
Colorado Fuel and Iron Company,57,1.54
Commonwealth (British), 80, 101,106 ,13.5, 160,162
conscription, 1, 63, 67, 104-108,112-115, 118-126, 156, 162-164
Conservative Party of Canada, 63,73, 76, 79, 86-88, 1.54, 1.57-160;
joins with Progressives, 163
Conservative Party of Ontario, 107
Co-operative COInmonwealth Federation (CCF Party), 96,160 , 161
Cross, Charlie, 30
Cummins, Geraldine (spiritualist,
London, England), 136-138, 16.5
Customs scandal (192.5), 76
Declaration of War (by Canada, 1939), 10.5, 162
Detroit, Michigan, 90
Diamond Jubilee (of Canadian Confederation), 66, 80, 1.59, 16.5
Diefenbaker, John G., 162, 163
Duplessis, Maurice, 108, 119. 120, 161
Edward VIII (King of England),102 , 161
Elizabeth, Queen (King George's wife), 104 , 162
Elizabeth, Princess (wedding of),137 ,165
England. See Britain Ethiopia, 97
Fair Wages Resolution Act, 39
Family Compact (Upper Canada),5,143,144
Fanny (King family dog) , 4, 16-18
First World War, .55, 104, 119, 136 , 155 , 1.56
Flora (great-aunt), 6
France, 36, 118 , 120 , 130 , 151, 1.5.5
Fulford, Senator and Mrs. , 90
Gatineau Hills, Quebec, 37
Geneva, Switzerland, 97, 161
George VI (King of England), 98 ,
105, 136, 161, 16.5;visits
Canada, 162
Germany, 97, 98,101,113,1.51 ,
162, 164
Gerry family, 3.5, 1.50
Gibbes, Miss. E.B. (assistant to
Geraldine Cummins), 136 , 137
Gibson, James (secretary), 2
Gladstone, "'.E. (British prime
minister), 26, 28, 47, 73, 9.5, 102,
112, 113, 12.5, 148 149; death,
Goodling, Mal)' Ellen (spiritualist
pastor, Baltimore), 102, 103
Gouzenko affair, 132, 164
Governor General
Aberdeen, Earl of (from 1893 to 1898), 137, 149, 150, 160
Athlone, Earl of (from 1940 to 1946), 124, 162
Byng, Lord (from 1921 to 1926)
and Lady Byng, 71-78, 157-159,164
Grey, Earl (from 1904 to 1911),45, 112, 133, 152
Tweedsmuir, Lord (from 193-5 to 1940),106,161
Willingdon, Viscount (from 1926 to 1931), 81, 1.58
Grange Road (King horne in Toronto), 25
Grant, Julia (Ulysses Grant's grand-daughter), 35, 134, 150
Grant, Ulysses S., 35, 134, 137, 148, 150
Grey, Earl. See Governor General
Grosset, Mathilde, 34, .5, 150 17,5
Halibut Fisheries Treaty (with U.S.), 71,157,158
Handy (secretary), 127
Harper, Henry Albert (Bert), 21,
35, 37, 39, 40; drowns (1901),
Harvard University, 20, 35, 36, 39,40
Head, Sir Francis Bond
(Lieutenant Governor, Upper
Canada), 71, 145
Heeney, Arnold (secretary, War
Committee), 106
Hepburn, Mitchell (premier of
Ontario), 107, 108, 160, 162
Herridge, Rev., and Mrs. (family
friends), 40, 42
Hitler, Adolf, 97-9, 102, 105, 132,
161, 162
Holland, 130; liberation of, 164
Hull, Cordell (secretary of state,
Hull-House, СКАЧАТЬ