them. He turned to
his friends and said,
“Why do you think
that man is stand-
ing up there on
that hill?” One said,
“He must be up
there because it’s
cooler there and
he’s enjoying
the breeze.” He turned
to another
and repeated
his question, “Why
do you think that
man’s standing up
there on that hill?”
The second said,
“Since the hill is
above the rest
of the land, he
must be up there
in order to
see something in
the distance.” And
the third said, “He
must have lost his
friend and that is
why he is stand-
ing there alone
on that hill.” Af-
ter some time walk-
ing along, the
men came up the
hill and the one
who had been stand-
ing there was still
there: standing there.
They asked him to
say which one was
right concerning
his reason for
standing where he
was standing. ¶“What
reasons do you
have for my stand-
ing here?” he asked.
“We have three,” they
answered. “First, you
are standing up
here because it’s
cooler here and
you are enjoy-
ing the breeze. Second,
since the hill
is eleva-
ted above the
rest of the land,
you are up here
in order to
see something in
the distance. Third,
you have lost your
friend and that is
why you are stand-
ing here alone
on this hill. We
have walked this way;
we never meant
to climb this hill;
now we want an
answer: Which one
of us is right?”
¶The man answered,
“I just stand.” ¶When
I was studying
with Schoenberg
one day as he was
writing some
counterpoint to
show the way to
do it, he used
an eraser.
And then while he
was doing this
he said, “This end
of the pencil
is just as im-
portant as the
other end.” I
have several
times in the course
of this lecture
mentioned ink. Com-
posing, if it
is writing notes,
is then actu-
ally writing,
and the less one
thinks it’s thinking
the more it be-
comes what it is:
writing. Could mu-
sic be composed
(I do not mean
improvised) not
writing it in
pencil or ink?
The answer is
no doubt Yes and
the changes in
writing are pro-
phetic. The So-natas and In-terludes were com- posed by playing the piano, listening to differences, making a choice, roughly writing it in pencil; later this sketch
was copied, but
again in pen-