Название: Aaker on Branding
Автор: David Aaker
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Маркетинг, PR, реклама
isbn: 9781614488330
The brand-as-asset view had both face validity and quantitative support. Face validity came from a realization that, especially in service and BtoB contexts, customers were making buy decisions and appraising their use experience on brand elements that went beyond price and functional attributes. Quantitative support was based on data-based efforts that showed that brands did have substantial asset value and made the new paradigm palatable to the CFOs and CEOs of the world.
The academic world played a role in the elevation of brands to strategic status as well, stimulated by the influential 1988 brand conference hosted by Marketing Science Institute (MSI), a consortium of firms that both funds and guides academic research. The conference provided an outlet for top marketing executives to signify the need to elevate brand to a strategic level. After this conference, brand equity research vaulted to the number one academic research priority. Academic research in brand extension decisions, quantifying the impact of brands on financial performance, refining relevant tools such as brand personality measurement, and conceptualizing brand equity was accelerated.
It was a perfect storm of ideas and timing. However, the surge of interest and organizational change did not immediately impact all industries and firms. Many firms were slow to join the parade, particularly those in which marketing strengths were not in evidence and/or those that were highly decentralized. One barrier, in addition to buying into the message, was the difficulty of actual implementation. However, the willingness of firms to adopt the brand-as-asset view and, as important, their ability to implement the new perspective, has grown steadily over time, proving this is not some management fad.
The implications were and are extraordinary.
One paradigm, once dominant, posits brand management as tactical. Brand management is something that can be delegated in part to an advertising manager or agency because it is mostly about managing the image, creating an advertising campaign, managing a distribution strategy, developing sales promotions, supporting the sales force, getting packaging right and other such tasks.
When brands are considered assets, the role of brand management radically changes, from tactical and reactive to strategic and visionary. A strategic brand vision linked to both the current and future business strategies and providing a guidepost for future offerings and marketing programs becomes imperative. Brand management also becomes broader, encompassing issues like strategic market insights, the stimulation of “big” innovations, growth strategies, brand portfolio strategies, and global brand strategies.
With a strategic view, the brand needs to be managed by people higher in the organization, often the top marketing professional in the business organization and his or her executive colleagues. For marketing-driven organizations, where there is marketing talent at the top, the ultimate brand champion will be a top executive, perhaps the CEO. When the brand represents the organization, as it often does in a BtoB or service firm, the CEO often is involved in bringing the brand to life because, in that case, the brand is intertwined with the organizational culture and values as well as its business strategy.
Marketing now gets a seat at the strategy table, a participant at creating and managing the business strategy. The elevation of brands and brand building as a driver of business strategy provides a point of entry for the marketing team. Once in place, marketing has much to offer to business strategy development starting with customer insights that can and should enable growth initiatives and be the basis for strategic resource allocation. Further, the very heart of business strategy is market segmentation and the customer value proposition, the prospects of which will be informed by the marketing team.
Shifting the emphasis from tactical measures, such as short-term sales, to strategic measures of brand equity and other indicators of long-term financial performance is a monumental change. The guiding premise is that strong brands can be the basis of competitive advantage and long-term profitability going forward. A primary brand-building goal will be to build, enhance, or leverage brand equity, the major dimensions of which are—awareness, associations, and loyalty of the customer base.
• Brand awareness, an often-undervalued asset, has been shown to affect perceptions, liking, and even behavior. People like the familiar and are prepared to ascribe all sorts of positive attributes to items they find familiar. Further, brand awareness can be a signal of success, commitment, and substance, attributes that can be critical to industrial buyers of big-ticket items and consumer buyers of durables. The logic is that if a brand is recognized, there must be a reason. Finally, awareness can affect whether a brand is recalled at a key time in the purchasing process and thus among the brands the customer considers.
• Brand associations include product attributes (Crest, Volvo), design (Calvin Klein, Apple), social programs (Avon, Patagonia), quality (Lexus, Southwest Airlines), user imagery (Mercedes, Nike), product breadth (Amazon, Marriott), being global (VISA, Ford), innovation (3M, Virgin), systems solutions (IBM, Salesforce.com), brand personality (MetLife, Singapore Airlines), and symbols (Tiffany blue box, Golden Arches).… anything that connects the customer to the brand. They can be the basis for a customer relationship, purchase decision, use experience, and brand loyalty. A critical part of managing brands as assets involves determining what associations to develop, creating programs that will enhance those associations, and linking them to the brand.
• Brand loyalty is at the heart of any brand’s value because once obtained, loyalty is persistent. Customer inertia will benefit the brand that has earned loyalty. Breaking a loyalty link is difficult and expensive for a competitor. As such, one brand-building goal is to strengthen the size and intensity of each loyalty segment by making the basis of the customer relationship consistent over time and, whenever possible, rich, deep, and meaningful.
Brand management has historically been about focusing on a single brand and country as if it was operating in isolation within the firm and the world market. That approach is a legacy of the classic P&G brand management system that can be traced to a 1931 memo with a job description for a “brand man” written by Neil McElroy, then a P&G junior marketing manager who later became CEO and then Secretary of Defense, who was struggling to manage a Camay soap brand that was overshadowed by the Ivory soap brand. The premise was that each brand was autonomous, with its own brand program, a view that is no longer strategically viable.
More and more organizations are realizing that strategic brand management has to involve a “family” of brands, managed as a portfolio. The essence of brand portfolio strategy is to make sure the brands of the organization, including subbrands, endorsers, and branded innovations, work in concert to create clarity and synergy, cooperating instead of competing. Each brand needs a well-defined role, which might actually include helping other brands. And these roles could change over time, as can the product scope, as a brand is extended both horizontally and vertically. Firms are finding ways to allocate resources over brands and markets to protect the brand stars of the future and to make sure each brand has the resources to be successful in its current and future assigned roles.
When brand is viewed as an asset, the opportunity arises to leverage that asset to generate growth, an objective of most firms. It can СКАЧАТЬ