Название: Jake's Adventures: The Secret of the Shark Tooth Crab Claw
Автор: Melissa Perry Moraja
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Детские приключения
Серия: The Wunderkind Family
isbn: 9780983475194
“Dad, do you think we can go explore the ocean this weekend?” I asked.
“Maybe,” replied my dad.
My dad's maybe meant yes to me!
I lowered my head, eager to read all about the mysteries of the ocean.
The Rules
“Finally,” I mumbled as the elevator stopped on the tenth floor.
That ride was the most grueling ride of my life. Every floor we stopped on, my parents groaned and sighed. It wasn't like Josh, Madison, and I meant to press every elevator button. Each of us just wanted to be the first one to press the button for our floor.
As soon as the door opened, my siblings and I bolted out and ran down the hallway in search of our hotel room.
“Eight…nine…ten…found it!” all three of us shouted, standing in front of room number 1010.
My dad gave all us a firm look and said, “There are other people on this floor. Please use your inside voice.”
“Yes, sir,” we all mumbled.
My dad opened the door.
As Josh, Madison, and I were fighting our way in, I overheard my mom say to my dad, “Let's review a few rules.”
Rules? I thought. Not again!
No matter what we do, there were always rules. Rules for eating. Rules for brushing our teeth. There were even rules for what color shirt we should wear with certain colored shorts.
Within seconds, my dad said, “Kids, before we do anything, your mom and I need to review some rules.”
We all sighed.
With our heads dangling between our shoulders, we moped over to the couch and sat down.
My dad pulled up a chair directly across from where we were sitting and my mom took a seat on the bed.
“As a family,” he said, “your mom and I feel that we all need to agree on some rules. This will make our vacation a lot more enjoyable.”
Not my vacation, I thought.
My dad made eye contact with me first.
Sometimes being the oldest had its perks, like being able to stay up late or being the first one to stay home alone.
But this time it wasn't a perk.
I sat frozen on the couch unable to even take a breath, waiting for my dad to ask me a question.
“Jake, what do you think rule number one should be?” my dad asked me.
I thought for a moment and then said, “Uh—no running in the hallway?”
My dad smiled, nodded, and said, “Yes! Rule number one is that there will be no running in the hotel hallway or lobby.”
My siblings and I frowned and replied, “Yes, sir.”
“Rule number two,” said my dad, glancing at Josh. “Josh, what do you think rule number two should be?”
My mom took a deep breath in and calmly said, “Michael, let's speed things up, so we don't end up missing vacation.”
My dad's name is Michael. And my mom's is Melissa.
“Got ya,” replied my dad, winking at my mom.
My dad looked at Josh and said, “Why don't I just state the rules, and if you agree, say yes, and if you disagree say, no.”
Josh nodded.
“Rule number two. No pushing or elbowing?”
“Yes,” answered Josh.
“Does everyone else agree?” asked my father.
Madison and I nodded.
My dad smiled, turned his head toward Madison, and said, “Okay, Madison, rule number three…”
“Grrrrr,” sounded from Josh's stomach.
Everyone turned and looked at Josh.
Josh giggled.
Josh is always hungry. He said he is going to marry a chef someday, so he gets the best cooked meals for the rest of his life.
Not a bad plan.
“Okay, rule number three,” my dad said again. “We all stay together.”
“Dad, when you say stay together, do you mean on the beach, too?” I interrupted.
“Yes, Jake,” said my dad.
Those were words I didn't want to hear. Seriously, how could I become the best explorer if I had to hang out with my overprotective parents?
“Okay, everyone knows the rules. Now let's get our bathing suits on!” my dad said.
Josh, Madison, and I leaped off the couch.
“Wait, wait, wait!” my mom cried out, holding both of her hands up in the air like she was trying to stop traffic. “I have two additional rules to add to your father's.”
“Ugh!” I sighed, throwing my body back onto the couch.
The twins threw their bodies, too.
“Rule number four,” said my mom. “No fighting or yelling.”
“You too, Mom,” I blurted out.
Josh and Madison chuckled.
My mom smirked and said, “That's fair. Your dad and I aren't allowed to yell, either.”
“I know rule number five,” Josh interrupted.
“Really?” said my mom. “What is rule number five?”
“Eat lots of pasta!” said Josh.
My mom shook her head.
Josh loved pasta. If СКАЧАТЬ