Planning the Church Year. Leonel L. Mitchell
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СКАЧАТЬ tone for the service. It is hard to move from it to the Gloria or another festal hymn. This might be an option to use during Lent. On the other hand, some people feel that, by using the penitential material at the beginning, it can be treated as a preparation for a festal service without further penitential elements.

      The Prayer Book provides for the service to begin with a hymn, psalm, or anthem. The anthem might well be a canticle. Most of the time you will choose to begin with an entrance hymn. Beginning with a chant has a different feeling than beginning with a hymn and one worth using for particular occasions. Another possibility is to enter to organ music or in silence and begin with the acclamation. This works well if you are going to sing Gloria in excelsis or a hymn of praise, and it avoids putting two major vocal pieces so close together at the beginning.

      Gloria, Kyrie, or What?

      Shall we sing the Gloria in excelsis, Kyrie eleison, Trisagion, or a hymn of praise? The Prayer Book directs that the Gloria, or “some other song of praise,” be used from Christmas through Epiphany and on the Sundays of Eastertide and be omitted during Advent and Lent. But it makes no other recommendations. Again, setting a policy is better than making separate decisions for individual services. Sometimes only Gloria will do (e.g., Christmas and, perhaps, Easter). Kyrie eleison (“Lord, have mercy”) has been the traditional choice for ordinary occasions. Trisagion (“Holy God, Holy and Mighty”) is an ancient hymn of praise used at the beginning of the Byzantine liturgy. It is less obviously festive than Gloria in excelsis and works well both during Lent and for ordinary Sundays. The Supplement to Volume I of the Accompaniment Edition of The Hymnal 1982 (S 355) suggests canticles that might possibly be used at this place. A metrical hymn either here or at the opening can set a particular tone for the service and the possibility should not be overlooked. The hymn “Christ, the Fair Glory of the Holy Angels’ (hymn 282/283), for example, makes an excellent choice as a replacement for Gloria in excelsis on the feast of St. Michael and All Angels.

      Sermon Hymns

      Any necessary decisions about the readings, or (on a few occasions) choices between alternative collects, will have been already made, and the sermon topic already settled. A hymn between the Gospel and the sermon is not an option envisioned by the Prayer Book, as it interrupts the natural connection between the readings and the exposition of the Word. A hymn after the sermon does not do violence to the structure, but it does obscure the creed as a response to the Word and also tends to put the thought of the sermon out of the congregation’s mind—a mixed blessing.

      The creed is an option on weekdays, but most planning will be for Sunday or major holy day services, so it will be either said or sung.

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