Diet for a New America 25th Anniversary Edition. John Robbins
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Название: Diet for a New America 25th Anniversary Edition

Автор: John Robbins

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Спорт, фитнес


isbn: 9781932073553


СКАЧАТЬ persuade us of dietary requirements that are inaccurate and promote dietary habits that shorten our lives. In his exposé of their corrupt and corrupting practices, John Robbins stands in the fine American tradition of courageous whistle-blowers, like Ralph Nader and Rachel Carson. In this case, it is both ironic and strangely fitting that the message comes from—or through—the scion of America’s largest ice cream company.

      A major contribution of Diet for a New America is the welcome news it brings that we need far less protein than we thought we did. Many of us who turned from meat protein in an effort to live more lightly on the earth believed we should compensate by eating an equal amount of dairy and vegetable protein and by combining grains and legumes to produce it. Frances Moore Lappé, in the first edition of her milestone book Diet for a Small Planet, showed us how to do that. Robbins’s book marks an equally significant milestone, for it shows convincingly that our actual protein requirements are far lower than previously assumed. Using a plethora of recent medical studies, including research and revisions by Lappé herself, Diet for a New America debunks what it calls the protein myth, showing that if we eat less protein we can not only survive but live healthier lives. The incidence of osteoporosis, to take an example, declines with lowered protein consumption.

      I am grateful that this book is not a sermon. It is too important for that—too important for our health as individuals, as families, as a society, and as a planet. John Robbins does not scold or moralize; he takes us on a journey with him, sharing his love for life and his reverence for all life-forms, ours included. While he shares as well his surprise and pain at what he discovers in the Great American Food Machine, he wisely lets us draw our own conclusions about how we want to live.

      The title is appropriate. There is a new America taking birth in our time. I encounter it everywhere I go in this land, in cities and small towns, in churches and schools, where folks are fed up with violence and disease and alienation, where they are creating new forms, new lifestyles, determined to live in ways that lend meaning and sanity to their lives. This new America takes seriously the values of individual dignity, freedom, and justice that were heralded at the birth of our nation. It wants to share these values with all beings—knows it must share them in order to survive. It is fed up with consuming over half the world’s resources; it is sick of being sick. That is why, I suspect, the fantasy that occurred to me on the beach may not be so unrealistic.

      —Joanna Macy

      Author of Active Hope


      Iwas born in the heart of the Great American Food Machine. From childhood on it was expected that I would someday take over and run what has become the world’s largest ice cream company—Baskin-Robbins. Year after year I was groomed and prepared for the task, given an opportunity to live the Great American Dream on a scale very few people can ever hope to attain. The ice cream cone–shaped swimming pool in the backyard of the house in which I lived was a symbol of the success awaiting me.

      But when the time came to decide, I said, “Thank you very much, I appreciate the kind offer, but no!” I had to say no, because something else was calling me, and no matter how hard I tried, I could not ignore it.

      There is a sweeter and deeper American dream than the one I turned down. It is the dream of a success in which all beings share, because it is founded on a reverence for life. A dream of a society at peace with its conscience because it respects and lives in harmony with all life-forms. A dream of a people living in accord with the laws of Creation, cherishing and caring for the natural environment, conserving nature instead of destroying it. A dream of a society that is truly healthy, practicing a wise and compassionate stewardship of a balanced ecosystem.

      This is not my dream alone. It is really the dream of all human beings who feel the plight of the earth as their own and sense our obligation to respect and protect the world in which we live. To some degree, all of us share in this dream. Yet few of us are satisfied that we are doing all that is needed to make it happen.

      Almost none of us is aware of just how powerfully our eating habits affect the possibility of this dream becoming a reality. We do not realize that one way or another, how we eat has a tremendous impact. Diet for a New America is the first book to show in full detail the nature of this impact, not only on our own health but in addition on the vigor of our society, the health of our world, and the well-being of its creatures. As it turns out, we have cause to be grateful, for what’s best for us personally is also best for the other life-forms and for the life-support systems on which we all depend.

      The more I have uncovered about the dark side of the Great American Food Machine, the more appropriate it has felt to have declined the opportunity to be part of it. And the more urgent it has seemed that people be made aware of the profound and far-reaching consequences of their eating habits.

      Diet for a New America exposes the explosive truths behind the food on America’s plates. These are truths the purveyors of the Great American Food Machine don’t want you to know, for in many cases they are not pretty truths. But if exposing them makes America healthier, and the world a kinder and more life-sustaining place, then so be it.

      In the past few decades, the animals raised for meat, dairy products, and eggs in the United States have been subjected to ever more deplorable conditions. Merely to keep the poor creatures alive under these circumstances, even more chemicals have had to be used, and, increasingly, hormones, pesticides, antibiotics, and countless other chemicals and drugs end up in foods derived from animals. The more unnaturally today’s livestock are raised, the more chemical residues end up in our food.

      But that’s just the half of it. The suffering these animals undergo has become so extreme that to partake of food from these creatures is to partake unknowingly of the abject misery that has been their lives. Millions upon millions of Americans are merrily eating away, unaware of the pain and disease they are taking into their bodies with every bite. We are ingesting nightmares for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

      Diet for a New America reveals the effects on your health, on your consciousness, and on the quality of life on earth that come from eating the products of an obscenely inhumane system of food production. You don’t have to forgo animal products to derive great benefit from this book. You don’t have to be a vegetarian to be concerned about your health, and to want your life to be a statement of compassion. It’s not the killing of the animals that is the chief issue here, but rather the unspeakable quality of the lives they are forced to live.

      The purveyors of the Great American Food Machine don’t want you to know how the animals have lived whose flesh, milk, and eggs end up in your body. They also don’t want you to know the health consequences of consuming the products of such a system, nor do they want you to know its environmental impact. Because they know only too well that if word got out, the resultant public outcry would shake the foundations of their industry.

      But I want you to know. I’m letting the cat out of the bag. I don’t care about their profits. I care about your health, your well-being, and the welfare of our planet and all its creatures.

      Eating should be a pleasure. It should be a celebration and a communion with life. The information in this book will provide you access to a whole new sense of pleasure in eating—a pleasure all the deeper for being at no one’s expense, a pleasure all the more wonderful for being productive of radiant health.

      Exciting things have been learned in the past few decades regarding health and food choices. There have at last been enormous breakthroughs in the science of human nutrition, and for the first time we are now receiving irrefutable scientific evidence of how different eating СКАЧАТЬ