to cover the dark marches and the small
confidences laid on cushions before daybreak
when fountains plash and mirrors reflect
the thick mud where armies have passed.
Upside Down
Old slugger-the-bat
don’t try to control me
I’ve a cold in my head
and a pain in one side
it’s the cautious climate
of birds.
Where the bitter night shows
fat as an owl the skeleton
not counting the skin.
This species can’t bite,
but it has a hurt. We’ve all got birds
flying at us
little ones over the toes.
The hand that holds is webbed
no knuckles
but the bone grows.
Seeing You Off
Bracketed in my own barn
where ignorant as those armies
I flash my light upon the Hudson
and shout continental factories
take fire! Send navies out from Jersey
let there be more edens
of soap and fats
Such splendors make rigid a democracy
define its skeleton
permit the night to cleanse its air
with moving vans
olympic as dawn
Upon the big liner
moored at last
by little landscape poems
frail as lifeboats
settling down to rest
While we kiss in the saloon
far above the cries
from plows and auto parts
sending up goodbyes
as ugly as those waifs of paper
on the pier
or that truck profiled into gloom
his whole insides protest
Departures make disgust into a cartoon
of rose Nabiscos and I digest
the sinking afternoon in a fleet
of taxicabs dead sure as you
and Carthage after?
we’ll float on that wine-dark sea
Safe Flights
To no longer like the taste of whisky
This is saying also no to you who are
A goldfinch in the breeze,
To no longer wish winter to have explanations
To lace your shoes in the snow
With no need to remember,
To no longer pull the two blankets
Over your shoulders, to no longer feel the cold,
To no longer pretend in the flower
There is a secret, or in the earth a tomb,
And no longer water on stone hurting the ear,
Making those five noises of thunder
And you tremble no longer.
To no longer travel over mountains,
Over small farms
No longer the weather changing and the atmosphere
Causing delicate breaks where the nerves confuse,
To no longer have your name shouted
And your birthmark again described,
To no longer fear where the rapids break
A miniature rock under your canoe,
To no longer repeat the mirror is water,
The house is a burden to the weak cyclone,
You are under a tent where promises perform
And the ring you grasp as an aerialist
Glides, no longer.
We were walking down a narrow street.
It was late autumn. In my hotel room
the steam heat had been turned on. In the office
buildings, in the boutiques, coal was lit.
That morning I had been standing at the window
looking out on the Tuileries. I had been crying
because the yellow tulips were gone and all the children
were wearing thin coats. I felt an embarrassing pain
distributed over my arms which were powerless
to order the leaves to blossom or the old women
on the stairs to buy shoes to cover their feet.
Then you took my hand. You told me that love
was a sudden disturbance of the nerve ends
that startled the fibres and made them new
again. You quoted a song about СКАЧАТЬ