Название: Pleasure Dome
Автор: Yusef Komunyakaa
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Поэзия
Серия: Wesleyan Poetry Series
isbn: 9780819574725
till your clothes are rags.
Mr. Ditch Commissioner
of La Acequia Del Llano,
did you know a gopher hole
can swallow a man?
A Different Story
Teenyboppers crowd No Exit.
Lep Zeppelin & illegal
shadows. I hate words
burning twist lemon menthol 100s.
No, nothing I say can stop them
from splitting themselves open
like those honeydew melons
I saw last summer
driving the midwest.
They clap hands & laugh
like Sam River’s sax,
dancing the rose’s perfect vernacular
as they push their lives into streets
on the tongues of men.
One-Breath Song
you are the third term
carried to the fourth power of numbers
two steps overlooked inbetween
colors of night-burning sky
a priori light blue of your dress
our faces everything except
against odds of self-discovery
we find our bodies locked
together in a room of breath
threefold at the rotting threshold
divided into ontogenetic questions
a fluke of radio waves in the storm
the song that uses up our lives.
Frontal Lobe Postscript
God’s love is busy with the trees.
Arch-mechanic of electrical sky,
blood-red tree of knowledge, ichnology,
witch hazel, mid-May. I think of Bob,
with his “little piece of string & sharp
stone,” over at Minnie’s Can-Do Club,
as if the go-go dancer in her cage cares
who knows injustice’s oblique cape.
Sagittarius Approaching Thirty-Five
Yes, you’re still a little eccentric
around the velvet edges of your voice.
Your martini eyes say you wish you could
stop Cherokee Creek behind the unpainted house
you were born in. Boards drop off like slabs
of digital ice. The mortar of the doorsteps
cracks with green flames. You’re crouched
in a corner, crying because your face plays
the girl who returns summers to watch the yard
swell with wildflowers. The iron signpost,
an arm holding the nameplate
almost corroded away.
Deep-eyed painter through black windows
Across night
Mountain rain
Drips blue
Cezanne thinking Six triangles of sun
Around from Kentucky Fried Chicken
at Liberty Belle, I met someone
who looked like somebody’s dream.
We talked about the obsequy
behind John Berryman’s eyes,
about how we loved
reading The Voice in bed
while sipping Southern Comfort.
She showed me where some bastard
kicked his baby out of her.
We said we didn’t know why
we loved walking in the rain
till everything disappeared,
but knew why Eric Dolphy
pried the lids off skulls.
New Mexico peels off
plum skin.
A night-blooming cereus
leans against an adjacent building
like the town’s drunk.
Morning swells in my brain
till my fingers retrace a woman
on the air. We all use our hands
for something, against something.
The Orange Pekoe taste of her
stays, even after a brown bottle
wraps my voice in cerecloth.
Again, I find myself
watching the old silversmith
work plains of buffalo
from his head. I return
to my rented room,
put a bullet into the chamber