Автор: Cleon E. Spencer
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Биология
Серия: "THEY" Cripple Society
isbn: 9781927360507
“Collin is my first name” replied Collin, warmly, “A high I.Q. in itself is not a liability, but in certain other combinations it certainly can be, although I wouldn’t exchange it, Albin, for a lesser I.Q.”
“Thank you sir” responded Albin nervously, with his shyness settling in on him again.
“That’s interesting” added Dr. Eldren, “I think we should explore that avenue more fully as you relate your experiences to one another. One would, off-hand, think of a higher I.Q. as being an asset at anytime - if a person has the initiative and is willing to put it to good use.”
Not always, Dr. Eldren, not always, Collin thought again, but dared not yet say aloud. There’s a whole big world out there that just hates high I.Q’s when they are in certain combinations with other traits. You’re a good type, doctor, maybe you’ll understand that when we talk about it later. But I have to know you better first. I wouldn’t discuss it at this stage of the game - not yet.
There was a pause. A silence came over the whole group. Dr. Eldren was waiting for more discussion on the I.Q. matter. He looked at Collin expectantly. Collin did a fast maneuver to avoid the subject. It would be ill-timed indeed to discuss it now. Discussions of life experiences should come first for needed illustrations.
“Your group discussions last spring, apparently will be continued now,” shot Collin quickly changing the trend of thought. “So could I have at least a briefing on what was said, and the general attitude in the group towards it.”
“Yes, yes,” responded Dr. Eldren with a slight jump in his speech, in reaction to the change in the subject. Then he simmered down quickly. “Well, on second thought I would suggest we start from the beginning again as though no experiences were related at all last spring. As we know, we only barely got started, and it was very sketchily done at that time. Let us have a new beginning, with each of you telling relevant portions of your life’s story with more detail and depth, which in turn will allow a more thorough analysis.
Everyone agreed to start anew and to go into more detail and depth.
The unconventional support group proceeded immediately and in earnest with Leo Aidan telling his story. He had had a clash with an English Professor whom he claims was discriminating against him. English was important to Leo. He wanted to major in it, feeling this would be a stepping stone into journalism.
To look at Leo, one wouldn’t take him to be a person to initiate trouble. His pleasant manner befitted his clean-cut appearance. His little better than average height balanced well with his broad well developed shoulders and the medium build of the remainder of his body. His casual-business clothing was tasteful - navy blue pants with a contrasting light blue blazer with small, subdued checks and an appropriate conservative bluish tie. His black shoes were polished and in good condition. Leo Aidan undoubtedly had a cultured taste for quality. His attire went well with his black wavy hair, cut to medium length and parted at the left side, which had the effect of minimizing any possible bushiness that sometimes accompanies wavy hair. The roots of his hair came low on his forehead to meet the permanently planted lines that ran horizontally across his brow. At the sides his hair was neatly trimmed. At its roots it crowded in toward the sides of his forehead and upper face.
Yes, Leo has a good head of hair, observed Collin to himself, it blends wonderfully well with the slightly darkened tincture of his complexion and his full and rounded face. In addition, his pleasant general facial expression, augmented at times by a broad seemingly uncontrollable smile produces the effect of a smart looking chap indeed, - and more. Yes, Leo Aidan would stand out in any crowd. Not that he would want to though. Yes, he would stand out in any crowd no matter what clothes he wore. Very interesting indeed, mused Collin in his private thoughts.
Collin Seldon was the new-comer to the group. But now, with his curiosity and enthusiasm aroused as they had never been before, he could not help but take the initiative in leading the group the way he would like to see it go in order to attain the highest degree of accomplishment possible. He was still able to conceal his feelings. That, out of necessity, he had developed well over the years so that it was now a part of him. But he was stirred on the inside.
“Leo” he asked, “I wonder if before you review any of your family and earlier life’s experiences with us, would you first relate in detail your skirmish with the English professor. Having done that, you could then turn to experiences in your earlier life and bring us up to the present time. In that manner we would be able to compare past and present and observe whether or not there are similarities in circumstances, causes, etc.”
“Wonderful idea,” interjected Dr. Eldren.
Leo agreed, “I think so too, O.K., here goes,” he said as his face grimaced a little. “Well it’s simple really. I was taking two evening courses in English last year. It is important to me that I do well in English especially. In one course I was doing well, very well-getting A’s in my papers and tests. In the other course I was getting B’s, and many B minuses at that. Now I fully recognized that it is not an uncommon occurrence for a student to do well in one course and not so well in the other, even possibly two courses in the same subject, but this was different.”
Everyone present listened intently to Leo as he continued, obviously feeling the pain of the matter. “To go back to the beginning of the year: I was registered in English 2002 and English 2007. It was in English 2007 I had my first paper to hand in. I was pleased when I was given a B grade for it, but also I wanted to improve. I went to the professor with my paper, asked him how I could improve my future grades in that subject. His response was pleasant and co-operative. In fact he was delighted I was taking such an interest. He spent considerable time with me, as he did with other students who approached him. My work improved to A grade in a short time and remained so throughout the year - in English 2007 that is.”
“In English 2002 it was an altogether different story,” said Leo as he leaned forward in his wooden arm chair, and with his fore-arms placed on the chair arms, then bringing his hands upward and shaking them in a gesture of frustration. “I just couldn’t get anywhere with that - that, how can anyone be like that anyway,” he said with a mixture of anger and frustration.
“I know already that it is a disturbing experience for Leo,” interjected Dr. Eldren, “perhaps even somewhat traumatic. However may I suggest that we refrain from expressing our feelings and opinions about people involved in the experiences we relate, at least until we have the whole factual story in sufficient detail so as to allow us to view the problems involved objectively. Then after our objective assessment has been made, we will be able to discern whether adverse feelings are justified or not.”
“I’m sorry sir” replied Leo, “I’ll try to keep better control of my feelings.”
“No harm done Leo,” said Dr. Eldren, sympathetically. “To express ones feelings is often therapeutic, but in this case we need an objective account as much as is possible. So if you can, just keep calm and tell us in as objective a manner as possible, your experiences with the professor of English 2002.”
“Right sir,” replied Leo as he tossed his head slightly in a gesture of disgust with himself, “I’ll have to keep my cool, won’t I.”
The doctor smiled and nodded his head in approval.
Leo proceeded with his story. “In English 2002 my first paper СКАЧАТЬ