Название: As the Eagle Flies
Автор: J. D. Oliver
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Вестерны
isbn: 9781771430029
When I got back to the truck Faith was waiting for me, “Uh,” I said, “aren’t we forgetting something?”
Faith looked around, “I don’t think so sweetheart.” She said with a straight face. Then she smiled, “don’t worry Grandma is changing her; they’ll be right here. Did you actually think I would forget Alita?”
“No, I guess not. But you know I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer.” I said, giving her a hangdog look.
She snuggled close and kissed me on the cheek, “don’t you worry Baby, you’re sharp enough for me.” Now that perked me up, right smart. Now there’s one thing I had found out about women when I was just a little squirt; ‘don’t act any smarter than you need to be’. Of course that doesn’t work with all women; just those that love you.
Felicia came out with Alita on one arm and the diaper bag in the other, Dad was right behind her. I really don’t think that they were going to let each other out of sight.
Dad said, “Now you kids be careful; we don’t know if this Dipper Tick is dangerous or not. Do you need any money?”
Faith said, “No, we don’t need money; I’ve got plenty.” I added, “Don’t worry, all we’re going to do is just try and find out who this guy is; personally. Plus, I think we’ll make this a little vacation for the three of us, just have fun.”
Faith took Alita and buckled her in the built in car seat. We said our goodbyes to the folks. I don’t know where Alona and Jake were; probably off doing chores or something. I hoped it wasn’t something.
I sure like this truck it handled like a dream. I was finding more out about it all of the time. Turns out it also had an electronic stabilizer system built in; to keep it from rolling over. Teddy must have been quite the engineer or just spent a lot of money getting someone else to do it.
I looked over at Faith, “Say Honey,” I said, “you said that you had plenty of money. Just what did you mean?”
“Just that, you might say that I’m rich. You see Teddy had a life insurance policy, the face value was two million, but it had a double indemnity rider; for accidental death it doubled. Four million, tax free. I haven’t touched any of it. It’s just drawing interest. But I do have an ATM card.”
“Well I guess that’s good. I have about a hundred thousand in my bank account, plus about three thousand in cash in my billfold.” I said.
“Yeah, I know what’s in your billfold, I looked. I just wanted to make sure you weren’t carrying any condoms in there. I was happy to see that there weren’t any. You can feel free to look through my purse anytime you want to.” Faith said.
“Now that’s a funny thing. My mother told me when I was just verily walking; you don’t ever get in a woman’s purse. That’s one thing I will never do, unless it’s an emergency.”
“I don’t have any secrets to hide from you.” Faith said.
“That’s not the point, a woman’s purse is more personal then seeing her naked. A man has no purpose in a woman’s purse.” I said.
“Do you have that hang up about your wallet?” Faith asked.
“No, of course not, a man doesn’t carry any secrets in his wallet, they’re all in his head. And a smart wife can dig them out of there with no trouble at all. You might say, what you see is what you get.” I said.
“Is that right? Can I get what I see anytime that I want it?” Faith said, with a sly smile.
“Yep, anytime. But tit for tat, that goes for me also.” I said, right back.
“Of course, sweetheart, I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Faith said, licking her lips.
We got on Route 84, which ran through Abiquiu and then on to Santa Fe. We didn’t stop in Abiquiu, just slowed down so we wouldn’t get a ticket. The next town of any size was Espanola, we did stop there, Faith had to use the facilities. Would you believe they still had a full service gas station?
The attendant was a young white man. I hadn’t paid much attention as to how Faith was dressed, but he did. Faith was wearing a light summer dress, of course in the pickup, it had worked itself up to show pretty much all of her legs. When she swung around to get out, it showed all of her legs, clear up to her panties. Then when she reached in to get Alita, that must have been quite a sight also.
I had to tell him twice, to top off the tank. Couldn’t blame him for looking; Faith was a 10 for sure. But in my eyes she was clear off the scale. He was taking his time, washing the windshield and checking the air pressure in the tires, just waiting for her to come back. I couldn’t help but smile, in his shoes I would of probably did the same. When Faith and Alita came back, he stood there with his mouth open. I reached over and pushed his jaw shut, “Careful there Pardner, you’ll catch flies in there,” I said, as I paid him. I slipped him an extra five, he didn’t even notice….
Faith said, “Would you get me a Soda?”
“What kind?” I said. “A Diet Cola is fine.” She said. I went to the machine and put a dollar bill in, out came one. Of course there was no change. The machine beside that one, dispensed bottled water, I got two of them, one for Alita and one for me. That attendant was still standing there staring at Faith.
As we got back on the road, I said. “Do you always get a reaction like that?”
“What reaction? What are you talking about?”
“You know, that attendant.”
“Oh, him. Sometimes, but usually not so overt. Are you jealous?”
“No, not really. When you have the most beautiful woman in the world, I guess you have to get used to it.” I said, patting her knee.
“Thank you Sweetheart, that was nice of you to say that. But you know you’re no slouch yourself. I have noticed how women look at you also. And yes, I am jealous, so there!
“You have no reason to be. I would never cheat on you. My Mother would rise from her grave and give me hell, if I did.” I said.
Alita was asleep in her car seat. Faith was nodding off herself. I turned the radio down low, so as not to disturb them. I was reflecting back over the past couple of weeks.
So much had changed in my life and you could say in Faith and Alita’s also. I wasn’t disappointed on how my life had changed. I don’t think Faith was either.
Alita was at that age where her personality was starting to kick in; she was a happy child. She sure smiled a lot at me anyway. Or maybe I just tickled her funny bone, somewhat like a clown would.
I seen some flashing lights up ahead. Looked like the Highway Patrol had somebody stopped. I slowed down and started to move to the left, to give them the required room. I was just about past them, when I seen a flash and the Patrolman staggered back from the window. I knew what had happened; he had just got shot.
I whipped the truck around far enough to block the car from moving. СКАЧАТЬ