Twelve Upon A Time... August: The “Yad Gnihton Taerg” on the Mirror Planet Bedside Story Collection Series. Edward Galluzzi
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СКАЧАТЬ the three moons of the mirrored planet (Iont, Eoj and Atrebor) dwindled with its twin rising suns (Al and Llib), preparations on Tenalp were being made for the 500-year celebration of the “Yad Gnihton Taerg”; or to non-inhabitants, the “Great Nothing Day.”

      The Yad Gnihton Taerg is celebrated every 500 years by the Tenalpians. The festival was started in honor of the first leader of Tenalp, Sir Gnihton. Sir Gnihton guided the Tenalpians nearly ten million years ago. Yad Gnihton Taerg is celebrated every 500 years. It is during this time that Tenalp’s twin suns and three moons orbit in the same trajectory around Tenalp.

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