Название: Edgar Cayce on Healing Foods
Автор: William A. McGarey M.D.
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр: Спорт, фитнес
isbn: 9780876047668
Our bodies are surely tremendous creations. I think the following reading would have pretty well covered Isabelle’s state of health and identified the various physiological changes that were occurring in her body, although the reading itself was given for someone else, years earlier:
But we would make changes in the manner in which the assimilations are carried on, the manner in which the circulations are distributed through the impulses from various ganglia or centers along the cerebrospinal system from which organs of the body may be made to properly coordinate: the organs of the pelvis as well as the hepatic circulation and the activities to the respiratory system.
Thus there may be allowed the elimination of drosses, the elimination of energies or used forces that become as drosses in the activity of the system; so that the activity may become nominal or normal.
Getting rid of a cancer is not simply removal of the group of cells that are apparently causing the difficulty. It means correcting the basic cause of the problem—whether it be attitudes, circulation, neurology, acid-alkaline balance, or whatever—and changing the physiology of the body so that it functions constructively, not in a destructive manner to bring death to the body. This is the manner in which Cayce saw the “forces” within the body acting, always related to emotions, stresses, attitudes, and the belief patterns of the unconscious mind.
The Nature of Your Body
From the point at which conception occurs until the human being is a grown adult, there is a pattern the body fulfills that is called a genetic pattern, but which is as yet not really understood.
For the purposes of this book, we will explore Edgar Cayce’s interpretation of genetic patterns, for this man, in his unconscious state, apparently tapped universal sources of information.
The very first thing that occurs in conception is that the sperm and the egg join forces. A globular nucleus is formed, which is the beginning of the pineal gland. From that beginning, there is a kind of a force field created, or—as Cayce called it—an aerial, which extends from the nucleus and creates the central area from which the rest of the body gradually develops.
The external, timeless body is really an energy complex of a finer vibration around which the atoms of this dimension are congregated to form you or me.
The fully formed body, then, is a structure of energy. For what is an atom, really, but potential energy? The body is a manifestation of duality, since each atom has positive and negative charges. And the body is primarily an electrical creation, with each movement, each breath becoming an electrical manifestation through the nervous system and the various tissues of the body.
In a number of the readings, Cayce suggested, that electricity was, in the earth, a manifestation of God, or Creative Force—not God, but the manifestation of God:
Know then that the Force in nature that is called electrical or electricity is that same force ye worship as Creative or God in action!
. . . whatever electricity is to man, that’s what the power of God is. Man may in the material world use God-Force, God-Power or electricity, to do man’s work or to destroy man himself.
If this is true, while those forces of Creation are moving through us, the various parts of ourselves are conscious of that movement, at least to some degree. For the cells of our bodies—even the atoms comprising those cells—have their own type of consciousness.
Each one of us is really, then, in a relationship with universal forces and with every atom of our bodies. Through the Forces of Creation, we are also in touch, at some level, with all people throughout the earth—and probably with those in other dimensions, too.
The parts of our bodies, then, that bring us life—the internal organs and systems that can well be called the life support systems—all have their own degree of consciousness and must work cooperatively and in coordination with each other, in order that perfect health should come about.
That means that the organs of elimination—the lungs, the kidneys, the skin, and the liver/intestinal tract—must be coordinated in their activity. The lungs and the upper intestinal tract are part of the assimilatory system, and they must also coordinate their activities.
The internal secreting glands (the endocrines) also affect each other through their nervous system attachments, their hormones placed into the bloodstream, and, undoubtedly, through their own areas of consciousness, much as it is with the other organs and systems.
It is extremely fortunate for us, in our present state of development, that all of these things work fairly well, even if they are only given half an opportunity to do so, for it would be difficult to live a normal life if we had to direct the beating of the heart with our conscious minds. Think of it a moment, and you will appreciate the manner in which this wonderful body of ours works to keep us alive and healthy. We do indeed need to cooperate with the efforts that are found within.
The lymphatic system, under the direction of the thymus gland, one of the endocrine organs, is our protective system. If it is up to par at any given time, for instance, you will not be subject to catching a cold or acquiring any infection. This is the immune system, the force within our bodies that will try to reject an organ transplant, because the new organ is foreign to the body. The immune system keeps out all foreign invaders, if it is doing its job properly.
Our lymphatics naturally do become depressed at times, mostly because of stresses, but often because of what we have been feeding our bodies. The diet, then, plays an important part in our health. Because every part of the body has a pH—that is, an acidity or an alkalinity, a hydrogen-ion concentration—it is important to keep the body in its normal acid-alkaline balance. This is probably no easier to accomplish constantly than it is to keep harmony all the time in a family of ten or twelve children, for all parts of the body have their own electrical and acid-alkaline nature and their own consciousness.
When food is metabolized it creates within the functioning parts of the life support system a reaction that is acid or alkaline—or, we might say, a specific pH (hydrogen-ion concentration) that is either high (alkaline) or low (acid).
Cayce saw foods having their effect on portions of the body because of their acid-alkaline balance or because the foods did not combine well within the body and caused drosses or acids or poisons in the body. Thus his comments about the proper diet were to a large extent associated with these two qualities—the acid-alkaline balance and food combinations. The following readings exemplify the manner in which he treats these questions:
(Q) Any advice regarding the diet?
(A) As indicated, keep to those that are more alkaline than acid. Those that are naturally easily assimilated, and that make for increase in the lymph and the blood flow . . .
The conditions then to be met are those about the portion where the lesion exists, and the effect same has upon the system—especially producing the fermentation, or acidity and fermentation, in an improper proportion and manner.