Женщины Девятой улицы. Том 3. Мэри Габриэль
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      Hadley Haden Guest, ed., The Collected Poems of Barbara Guest, 9.


      Stevens and Swan, De Kooning, 382–383.


      Grace Hartigan, Notes for Elaine de Kooning memorial, May 12, 1990, Box 9, Grace Hartigan Papers, Syracuse.


      Dr. Guy Fried, telephone interview by author.


      Grace Hartigan, Notes for Elaine de Kooning memorial, May 12, 1990, Box 9, Grace Hartigan Papers, Syracuse; Stevens and Swan, De Kooning, 384–385.


      Grace Hartigan, Notes for Elaine de Kooning memorial, May 12, 1990, Box 9, Grace Hartigan Papers, Syracuse; Stevens and Swan, De Kooning, 385.


      Clay Fried, interview by author.


      Ernestine Lassaw, interview by author.


      Stevens and Swan, De Kooning, 385; Hall, Elaine and Bill, 243.


      Clay Fried, interview by author.


      Stevens and Swan, De Kooning, 383.


      Stevens and Swan, De Kooning, 383–384.


      Maud Fried Goodnight, telephone interview by author; Hess, Willem de Kooning (1968), 101.


      Hall, Elaine and Bill, 100; Ernestine Lassaw, interview by author.


      Chancey, “Elaine de Kooning”, 106; Elaine de Kooning, C. F. S. Hancock Lecture, 3.


      Art Barge – Artists Speak, with Elaine de Kooning, videotape courtesy LTV, Inc.


      Elaine de Kooning, C. F. S. Hancock Lecture, 3.


      Elaine de Kooning, C. F. S. Hancock Lecture, 2.


      Elaine de Kooning, interview by Molly Barnes, 3.


      Elaine de Kooning, C. F. S. Hancock Lecture, 2.


      Oral history interview with Helen Frankenthaler, AAA-SI.


      Clement Greenberg Diary Entry February 3, 1956, Friday, Greenberg Journal, Black Journal 18, 1.1.14, Clement Greenberg Papers, GRI (950085).


      Oral history interview with Elaine de Kooning, AAA-SI; James E. B. Breslin, Mark Rothko, 386–387.


      Wetzsteon, Republic of Dreams, 538–539; oral history interview with Elaine de Kooning, AAA-SI.


      Ashton, The New York School, 199; oral history interview with Sally Avery, AAA-SI; Stahr, “The Social Relations of Abstract Expressionism”, 120.


      Oral history interview with Elaine de Kooning, AAA-SI.


      Oral history interview with Elaine de Kooning, AAA-SI; Breslin, Mark Rothko, 387.


      Elaine de Kooning, “Two Americans in Action”, 176.


      Elaine de Kooning, “Two Americans in Action”, 177.


      Elaine de Kooning, “Two Americans in Action”, 177.


      Stevens and Swan, De Kooning, 386.


      Hess, Willem de Kooning (1968), 100.


      Движение за благоразумие в искусстве, боровшееся с абстракцией, кубизмом и так далее. Прим. перев.


      Stevens and Swan, De Kooning, 387; Hess, Willem de Kooning (1968), 100.


      Hess, Willem de Kooning (1968), 100; Thomas B. Hess, interview by Mitch Tuchman, AAA-SI, 19.


      Thomas B. Hess, interview by Mitch Tuchman, AAA-SI, 20.


      Abstract Expressionists, 1956, warholartstars.org; Naifeh and Smith, Jackson СКАЧАТЬ