The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended. Isaac Newton
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Название: The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended

Автор: Isaac Newton

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Документальная литература


isbn: 4057664105905


СКАЧАТЬ was first instituted upon the eighteenth Olympiad. Socrates and Thucydides made the institutions of Lycurgus about 300 years older than the end of the Peloponnesian war, that is, 705 years before Christ.

      701. Sabacon, after a Reign of 50 years, relinquishes Egypt to his son Sevechus or Sethon, who becomes Priest of Vulcan, and neglects military affairs.

      698. Manasseh Reigns.

      697. The Corinthians begin first of any men to build ships with three orders of oars, called Triremes. Hitherto the Greeks had used long vessels of fifty oars.

      687. Tirhakah Reigns in Egypt.

      681. Asserhadon invades Babylon.

      673. The Jews conquered by Asserhadon, and Manasseh carried captive to Babylon.

      671. Asserbadon invades Egypt. The government of Egypt committed to twelve princes.

      668. The western nations of Syria, Phœnicia and Egypt, revolt from the Assyrians. Asserhadon dies, and is succeeded by Saosduchinus. Manasseh returns from Captivity.

      658. Phraortes Reigns in Media. The Prytanes Reign in Corinth, expelling their Kings.

      657. The Corinthians overcome the Corcyreans at sea: and this was the oldest sea fight.

      655. Psammiticus becomes King of all Egypt, by conquering the other eleven Kings with whom he had already reigned fifteen years: he reigned about 39 years more. Henceforward the Ionians had access into Egypt; and thence came the Ionian Philosophy, Astronomy and Geometry.

      652. The first Messenian war begins: it lasted twenty years.

      647. Charops, the first decennial Archon of the Athenians. Some of these Archons might dye before the end of the ten years, and the remainder of the ten years be supplied by a new Archon. And hence the seven decennial Archons might not take up above forty or fifty years. Saosduchinus King of Assyria dies, and is succeeded by Chyniladon.

      640. Josiah Reigns in Judæa.

      636. Phraortes> King of the Medes, is slain in a war against the Assyrians. Astyages succeeds him.

      635. The Scythians invade the Medes and Assyrians.

      633. Battus builds Cyrene, where Irasa, the city of Antæus, had stood.

      627. Rome is built.

      625. Nabopolassar revolts from the King of Assyria, and Reigns over Babylon. Phalantus leads the Parthenians into Italy, and builds Tarentum.

      617. Psammiticus dies. Nechaoh reigns in Egypt.

      611. Cyaxeres Reigns over the Medes.

      610. The Princes of the Scythians slain in a feast by Cyaxeres.

      609. Josiah slain. Cyaxeres and Nebuchadnezzar overthrow Nineveh, and, by sharing the Assyrian Empire, grow great.

      607. Creon the first annual Archon of the Athenians. The second Messenian war begins. Cyaxeres makes the Scythians retire beyond Colchos and Iberia, and seizes the Assyrian Provinces of Armenia, Pontus and Cappadocia.

      606. Nebuchadnezzar invades Syria and Judæa.

      604. Nabopolassar dies, and is succeeded by his Son Nebuchadnezzar, who had already Reigned two years with his father.

      600. Darius the Mede, the son of Cyaxeres, is born.

      599. Cyrus is born of Mandane, the Sister of Cyaxeres, and daughter of Astyages.

      596. Susiana and Elam conquered by Nebuchadnezzar. Caranus and Perdiccas fly from Phidon, and found the Kingdom of Macedon. Phidon introduces Weights and Measures, and the Coining of Silver Money.

      590. Cyaxeres makes war upon Alyattes King of Lydia.

      588. The Temple of Solomon is burnt by Nebuchadnezzar. The Messenians being conquered, fly into Sicily, and build Messana.

      585. In the sixth year of the Lydian war, a total Eclipse of the Sun, predicted by Thales, May the 28th, puts an end to a Battel between the Medes and Lydians: Whereupon they make Peace, and ratify it by a marriage between Darius Medus the son of Cyaxeres, and Ariene the daughter of Alyattes.

      584. Phidon presides in the 49th Olympiad.

      580. Phidon is overthrown. Two men chosen by lot, out of the city Elis, to preside in the Olympic Games.

      572. Draco is Archon of the Athenians, and makes laws for them.

      568. The Amphictions make war upon the Cirrheans, by the advice of Solon, and take Cirrha. Clisthenes, Alcmæon and Eurolicus commanded the forces of the Amphictions, and were contemporary to Phidon. For Leocides the son of Phidon, and Megacles the son of Alcmæon, at one and the same time, courted Agarista the daughter of Clisthenes.

      569. Nebuchadnezzar invades Egypt. Darius the Mede Reigns.

      562. Solon, being Archon of the Athenians, makes laws for them.

      557. Periander dies, and Corinth becomes free from Tyrants.

      555. Nabonadius Reigns at Babylon. His Mother Nitocris adorns and fortifies that City.

      550. Pisistratus becomes Tyrant at Athens. The Conference between Crœsus and Solon.

      549. Solon dies, Hegestratus being Archon of Athens.

      544. Sardes is taken by Cyrus. Darius the Mede recoins the Lydian money into Darics.

      538. Babylon is taken by Cyrus.

      536. Cyrus overcomes Darius the Mede, and translates the Empire to the Persians. The Jews return from Captivity, and found the second Temple.

      529. Cyrus dies. Cambyses Reigns,

      521. Darius the son of Hystaspes Reigns. The Magi are slain. The various Religions of the several Nations of Persia, which consisted in the worship of their ancient Kings, are abolished; and by the influence of Hystaspes and Zoroaster, the worship of One God, at Altars, without Temples is set up in all Persia.