Pruebas de inglés. Niveles A1—C1. Serie de pruebas con claves. Tatiana Oliva Morales
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СКАЧАТЬ ], [wɔ: ], [tək], [wɔ: k]

      [wə], [wɔ: ], [tə: k], [wɔ: k]

      16. Ted, bird, born, earl

      [ted], [bə: d], [bɔ: n], [əl]

      [ted], [bə: d], [bɔn], [ə:l]

      [ted], [bə: d], [bɔ: n], [ə:l]

      [ted], [bəd], [bɔ: n], [ə:l]

      17. Dot, naught, win, wing

      [dɔt], [nɔ: t], [win], [wiŋ]

      [dɔt], [nɔ: t], [win], [wi: ŋ]

      [dɔt], [nɔ: t], [wi: n], [wiŋ]

      [dɔ: t], [nɔt], [win], [wiŋ]

      18. Send, land, puck, park

      [send], [lænd], [pʌk], [pa: k]

      [send], [lænd], [pʌk], [pak]

      [send], [lend], [pʌk], [pa: k]

      [send], [lænd], [pʌ: k], [pa: k]

      19. Luck, lark, loose. book

      [lʌk], [la: k], [lu: z], [bu: k]

      [lʌk], [la: k], [lu: z], [buk]

      [lʌk], [la: k], [luz], [buk]

      [lʌk], [lak], [lu: z], [buk]

      20. Doom, bull, but, Bart

      [du: m], [bul], [bʌt], [bat]

      [dum], [bul], [bʌt], [ba: t]

      [du: m], [bul], [bʌt], [ba: t]

      [du: m], [bu: l], [bʌt], [ba: t]

      21. Dim, team, live, leave

      [dim], [ti: m], [liv], [li: v]

      [dim], [ti: m], [liv], [li: v]

      [dim], [tim], [liv], [li: v]

      [di: m], [tim], [liv], [li: v]

      22. Pit, beat, dip, deep

      [pit], [bi: t], [di: p], [dip]

      [pit], [bi: t], [dip], [di: p]

      [pi: t], [bit], [dip], [di: p]

      [pit], [bi: t], [dip], [dip]

      23. Duck, lark, den, pan

      [dʌk], [la: k], [de: n], [pæn]

      [dʌk], [lak], [den], [pæn]

      [dʌk], [la: k], [den], [pæn]

      [dʌ: k], [la: rk], [den], [pæn]

      24. Tan, bang, cot, caught

      [tæn], [bæŋ], [kɔt], [kɔt]

      [tæn], [bæŋ], [kɔt], [kɔ: t]

      [tæn], [bæŋ], [kɔ: t], [kɔ: t]

      [ten], [bæŋ], [kɔt], [kɔ: t]

      25. Bell, hurl, ball, lawn

      [bel], [hə: l], [bɔ: l], [lɔun]

      [bel], [hə: l], [bɔ: l], [lɔ: n]

      [bel], [hə: l], [bɔl], [lɔ: n]

      [bel], [həl], [bɔ: l], [lɔ: n]

      [bel], [hə: rl], [hɔ: l], [lɔ: n]


      Traduzca la oración al español. Elija la opción correcta.

      1. … you here?





      2. … he often come to see you?





      3. I… not at home now.





      4. Their teacher… not often give them a lot of homework to do.





      5. Mary and Boris… friends.





      6. … you live here?





      7. I… not a teacher.





      8. Paul… ill.





      9. Where… your sister study?





      10. They are… home now.



