Название: The Arcane Teachings (Complete Collection)
Автор: William Walker Atkinson
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр: Сделай Сам
isbn: 9788075839725
I. The First Principle—Substance. Substance, as the term is used in the Arcane Teaching, means the underlying "body" of things—their material quality. Everything that is manifested in the Cosmos has its "body" or material quality. Substance includes all that we may think of as Matter, in its various degrees of solidity, or lack of solidity—from the hardest steel or granite, to the most rarefied gas or vapor known to science. It includes all that science dares to think of as material body, even in the highest flights of its reason or imagination—and then all that lies beyond those conceptions. The field of substance recognized by science, as compared with the real extent of the Principle of Substance, is as no more than a hair-line drawn across a yard-stick. There are forms of matter as much more solid and dense than steel or granite, as the latter are more solid and dense than hydrogen gas. And at the other end of the scale there are forms of substance that could not be described in words, so near akin to Nothing are they. Between these two extremes there lies a bewildering number of degrees. That which science calls electricity and other subtle forms of energy, are not "energy" at all, but merely energy or motion manifesting through subtle forms of substance, which act as its body. There are forms of substance many times finer and rarer than even these. There are bodies worn by beings on higher planes which are finer and rarer than electricity. Even the ordinary Astral Bodies of beings on our own plane and stage of development, are far rarer and finer than is electricity, or the finest rays of light or magnetism. These bodies are just as real as is the piece of the hardest steel through which they may pass as easily as the X Ray passes through stone. The Universal Ether, which science assumes to be the extreme limit, and infinity, of subtle tenuity and fineness, is solid and compact when compared with many of the higher forms of substance. So much for Manifest Substance.
Unmanifest Substance is held by the Arcanes to be identical with Pure Space. In the preceding Lesson, you have seen that Pure Space is considered as Nothing. This Nothing is merely the extreme limit of the fineness or rareness of Substance. Space is not a mere idea—it is substance carried to its extreme highest limit. The Arcanes do not object to the term Abstract Substance, although they do not regard "abstract" as meaning "not." One of the old Egyptian Hierophants was once asked by the Ruler of Egypt: "What is that which would exist were there no universe; no gods; no anything?" His answer was "Space!" And this Pure Space is the Unmanifest Cosmos, in its aspect or principle of Substance.
II. The Second Principle—Motion. Motion, as the term is used in the Arcane Teaching, means the underlying "energy; force; or motive power" of things— their quality of action. Motion, in the Arcane Teaching is the Principle in which is gathered the cause of all that we know under the names of Energy; Force; Motive Power; Action; Activity; Attraction; Repulsion; of any and all kinds or degrees. Without Motion there could be no activities, energy or force of any kind. We are familiar with many manifestations of the Principle of Motion, such as Gravitation; Cohesion; Chemical Affinity; Electronic Attraction; Expansion; Contraction; Centrifugal and Centripetal Force; the Motive Force or Energy of Light, Heat, Electricity, Magnetism; the Energy of the Ultra-Electric Rays; etc. But these are only a very small fraction of the forms and varieties of energy and force known to the advanced students of the Arcane Teachings, not to speak of the Masters, or those on higher planes of life. There are Finer Forces not dreamt of by even the most daring scientist. Motion, like Substance, is found in each and every manifestation of the Cosmos. Wherever there is Substance there is Motion. In its highest form of manifestation Motion manifests in vibrations of such exceedingly high degree and effect that there seems to be a condition of Absolute Rest. This condition is the one existing before the first stirrings of the dawn of the new Cosmic Day. Motion is then Motionless, to all intents and purposes,— but it has not perished or been destroyed. It is Motion in Latency. There is no such thing as Absolute Rest in the Manifest Cosmos, but in the Unmanifest Cosmos there is Motion of so high a degree that it seems motionless and at rest. Thus do extremes meet, in Infinity. When the Cosmos becomes manifest, Motion decreases its rate of action or vibration, and manifestation is really a lowering in the scale of Motion; just as manifestation is a lowering in the scale of Substance. There must first be Involution before there is Evolution, of both Substance and Motion.
III. The Third Principle—Consciousness. Consciousness as the term is used in the Arcane Teaching, means the principle of "awareness" or "mind action" of things—their quality of mentalizing or consciousing, or becoming "aware" of other things, inner and outer. We are familiar with the form and degree of consciousness manifested in ourselves and other human beings, and we recognize different shades and degrees in this. We know a little about consciousness in the lower animals, in varying degrees. And some of us know of the degrees of consciousness in plants, in varying degrees. And, those who have studied along occult lines have become aware of the existence of mind and consciousness in so-called inanimate objects—the minerals, metals, etc., and even in the atoms—and finally in the Ether. Everything in the Manifest Cosmos has some degree of Consciousness. But there are many other higher and lower degrees of Consciousness, than those just mentioned. From the Unconscious-Consciousness of the Cosmic Night, when the Cosmos is conscious of Nothing, because there is but Nothing of which to be conscious; to the moment of the High Noon of the Cosmic Day, when the Cosmos is fully conscious of itself as a whole—the extreme of Cosmic Consciousness; there is a scale impossible for man to grasp by reason or imagination. There are degrees and planes of Consciousness awaiting the Advancing Ego, which transcend any possible dream or picture. The race has just begun to manifest Consciousness worthy of the name. It is just beginning to enter into the glorious possibilities of Cosmic Consciousness— it is just "beginning to begin."
And, so, when "The Law superimposes the Infinity of Nothingness," the stirrings of Manifestation are felt by the Unmanifest. The Three Principles of the Cosmos are awakened into activity—Substance, Motion, and Consciousness begin to combine and become active. There is manifested an unrest and tendency to stir into activity the latent possibilities of the Cosmos. Consciousness begins to awaken from its slumber of ages, and strives to know itself, and to realize its being. This imparts activity to Motion, which lowers its vibrations in its effort to manifest itself. This bestirs Substance into changing degrees of being. Thus do the first indications of the Cosmic Day begin to manifest themselves. From thence onward, throughout the Cosmic Day, until its close, there is constant change of form, shape and degree of Substance; constant change in manifestation of Motion; constant change in manifestation of Consciousness.
This first stirring of Cosmic activity has been symbolized by the first stirring of the embryo within its temporary home, in which it has lain quietly since its conception. It is the first signs of the sprouting of the tiny seed of the plant. It is the peculiar, weird and mysterious light which precedes the first actual glimmer of the rising sun. Creation is beginning. The Cosmic Will or Universal Life Principle is becoming active. The birth of the new Cosmos is approaching. The One Life is arousing itself. Infinity is preparing to become Manifest. The "0" is evolving into the ∞.
In the Manifestation of the Cosmos there is exhibited an infinitude of variety, degrees, shapes, form, and combinations of the Three Principles. It almost staggers the imagination to think of the fact that in the entire Cosmos there is never a single instance of exact duplication—there are never two things precisely alike. In view of this fact does it not seem folly to endeavor to make human beings adhere to a common standard—to fit into a common mould—to be cut from a common pattern?
And yet through the entire Cosmos there is ever manifest the Law of Analogy—that law which ever manifests a correspondence and agreement between all things on all planes. So true is this that if we discover certain fixed principles in one thing we may reason by analogy СКАЧАТЬ