VERNANIA: The Celebrated Works of Jules Verne in One Edition. Жюль Верн
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СКАЧАТЬ of the gallery. Hans appeared.

      He drew close to my uncle, laid his hand upon his shoulder, and gently woke him. My uncle rose up.

      “What is the matter?” he asked.

      “Watten!” replied the huntsman.

      No doubt under the inspiration of intense pain everybody becomes endowed with the gift of divers tongues. I did not know a word of Danish, yet instinctively I understood the word he had uttered.

      “Water! water!” I cried, clapping my hands and gesticulating like a madman.

      “Water!” repeated my uncle. “Hvar?” he asked, in Icelandic.

      “Nedat,” replied Hans.

      “Where? Down below!” I understood it all. I seized the hunter’s hands, and pressed them while he looked on me without moving a muscle of his countenance.

      The preparations for our departure were not long in making, and we were soon on our way down a passage inclining two feet in seven. In an hour we had gone a mile and a quarter, and descended two thousand feet.

      Then I began to hear distinctly quite a new sound of something running within the thickness of the granite wall, a kind of dull, dead rumbling, like distant thunder. During the first part of our walk, not meeting with the promised spring, I felt my agony returning; but then my uncle acquainted me with the cause of the strange noise.

      “Hans was not mistaken,” he said. “What you hear is the rushing of a torrent.”

      “A torrent?” I exclaimed.

      “There can be no doubt; a subterranean river is flowing around us.”

      We hurried forward in the greatest excitement. I was no longer sensible of my fatigue. This murmuring of waters close at hand was already refreshing me. It was audibly increasing. The torrent, after having for some time flowed over our heads, was now running within the left wall, roaring and rushing. Frequently I touched the wall, hoping to feel some indications of moisture: But there was no hope here.

      Yet another half hour, another half league was passed.

      Then it became clear that the hunter had gone no farther. Guided by an instinct peculiar to mountaineers he had as it were felt this torrent through the rock; but he had certainly seen none of the precious liquid; he had drunk nothing himself.

      Soon it became evident that if we continued our walk we should widen the distance between ourselves and the stream, the noise of which was becoming fainter.

      We returned. Hans stopped where the torrent seemed closest. I sat near the wall, while the waters were flowing past me at a distance of two feet with extreme violence. But there was a thick granite wall between us and the object of our desires.

      Without reflection, without asking if there were any means of procuring the water, I gave way to a movement of despair.

      Hans glanced at me with, I thought, a smile of compassion.


      [1] Sixty-three. (Tr.)

      [2] As Sir Humphry Davy died in 1829, the translator must be pardoned for pointing out here an anachronism, unless we are to assume that the learned Professor’s celebrity dawned in his earliest years. (Tr.)

      [3] Redactor: In the original version the initial letter is an ‘m’ with a superscore over it. It is my supposition that this is the translator’s way of writing ‘mm’ and I have replaced it accordingly, since our typography does not allow such a character.

      [4] In the cipher, audax is written avdas, and quod and quem, hod and ken. (Tr.)

      [5] The degrees of temperature are given by Jules Verne according to the centigrade system, for which we will in each case substitute the Fahrenheit measurement. (Tr.)

      [6] Recherche was sent out in 1835 by Admiral Duperré to learn the fate of the lost expedition of M. de Blosseville in the Lilloise which has never been heard of.

      [9]The name given by Sir Roderick Murchison to a vast series of fossiliferous strata, which lies between the non-fossiliferous slaty schists below and the old red sandstone above. The system is well developed in the region of Shropshire, etc., once inhabited by the Silures under Caractacus, or Caradoc. (Tr.)

      He rose and took the lamp. I followed him. He moved towards the wall. I looked on. He applied his ear against the dry stone, and moved it slowly to and fro, listening intently. I perceived at once that he was examining to find the exact place where the torrent could be heard the loudest. He met with that point on the left side of the tunnel, at three feet from the ground.

      I was stirred up with excitement. I hardly dared guess what the hunter was about to do. But I could not but understand, and applaud and cheer him on, when I saw him lay hold of the pickaxe to make an attack upon the rock.

      “We are saved!” I cried.

      “Yes,” cried my uncle, almost frantic with excitement. “Hans is right. Capital fellow! Who but he would have thought of it?”

      Yes; who but he? Such an expedient, however simple, would never have entered into our minds. True, it seemed most hazardous to strike a blow of the hammer in this part of the earth’s structure. Suppose some displacement should occur and crush us all! Suppose the torrent, bursting through, should drown us in a sudden flood! There was nothing vain in these fancies. But still no fears of falling rocks or rushing floods could stay us now; and our thirst was so intense that, to satisfy it, we would have dared the waves of the north Atlantic.

      Hans set about the task which my uncle and I together could not have accomplished. If СКАЧАТЬ