The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Уильям Шекспир
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Название: The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

Автор: Уильям Шекспир

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 9788075834447


СКАЧАТЬ they fall by’th law, then one another.

       Bow not my honor.


       O my noble Brother,

       That oth was rashly made, and in your anger,

       Your reason will not hold it; if such vowes

       Stand for expresse will, all the world must perish.

       Beside, I have another oth gainst yours,

       Of more authority, I am sure more love,

       Not made in passion neither, but good heede.


       What is it, Sister?


       Vrge it home, brave Lady.


       That you would nev’r deny me any thing

       Fit for my modest suit, and your free granting:

       I tye you to your word now; if ye fall in’t,

       Thinke how you maime your honour,

       (For now I am set a begging, Sir, I am deafe

       To all but your compassion.) How, their lives

       Might breed the ruine of my name, Opinion!

       Shall any thing that loves me perish for me?

       That were a cruell wisedome; doe men proyne

       The straight yong Bowes that blush with thousand Blossoms,

       Because they may be rotten? O Duke Theseus,

       The goodly Mothers that have groand for these,

       And all the longing Maides that ever lov’d,

       If your vow stand, shall curse me and my Beauty,

       And in their funerall songs for these two Cosens

       Despise my crueltie, and cry woe worth me,

       Till I am nothing but the scorne of women;

       For heavens sake save their lives, and banish ‘em.


       On what conditions?


       Sweare’em never more

       To make me their Contention, or to know me,

       To tread upon thy Dukedome; and to be,

       Where ever they shall travel, ever strangers

       To one another.


       Ile be cut a peeces

       Before I take this oth: forget I love her?

       O all ye gods dispise me, then! Thy Banishment

       I not mislike, so we may fairely carry

       Our Swords and cause along: else, never trifle,

       But take our lives, Duke: I must love and will,

       And for that love must and dare kill this Cosen

       On any peece the earth has.


       Will you, Arcite,

       Take these conditions?


       He’s a villaine, then.


       These are men.


       No, never, Duke: Tis worse to me than begging

       To take my life so basely; though I thinke

       I never shall enjoy her, yet ile preserve

       The honour of affection, and dye for her,

       Make death a Devill.


       What may be done? for now I feele compassion.


       Let it not fall agen, Sir.


       Say, Emilia,

       If one of them were dead, as one must, are you

       Content to take th’other to your husband?

       They cannot both enjoy you; They are Princes

       As goodly as your owne eyes, and as noble

       As ever fame yet spoke of; looke upon ‘em,

       And if you can love, end this difference.

       I give consent; are you content too, Princes?


       With all our soules.


       He that she refuses

       Must dye, then.


       Any death thou canst invent, Duke.


       If I fall from that mouth, I fall with favour,

       And Lovers yet unborne shall blesse my ashes.


       If she refuse me, yet my grave will wed me,

       And Souldiers sing my Epitaph.


       Make choice, then.


       I cannot, Sir, they are both too excellent:

       For me, a hayre shall never fall of these men.


       What will become of ‘em?


       Thus I ordaine it;

       And by mine honor, once againe, it stands,

       Or both shall dye:—You shall both to your Countrey,
