50 Masterpieces you have to read before you die vol: 2 (Book Center). Джек Лондон
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СКАЧАТЬ second step is to begin to imagine the reality of that which you desire. For example, you may wish to buy a home, and in your relaxed state of mind affirm as follows: “The Infinite Intelligence of my subconscious ind is all-wise. It reveals to me now the ideal home which is central, ideal, is in a lovely environment, meets all my requirements and is commensurate with my income. I am now turning this request over to my subconscious mind, and I know it responds according to the nature of my request. I release this request with absolute faith and confidence in the same way that a farmer deposits a seed in the ground, trusting implicitly in the laws of growth.”

      The answer to your prayer may come through an advertisement in the paper, through a friend, or you may be guided directly to a particular home which is exactly what you are seeking. There are many ways by which your prayer may be answered. The principle knowledge, in which you may place your confidence, is that the answer always comes, provided you trust the working of your deeper mind.

      You may wish to sell a home, land, or any kind of property. In private consultation with real estate brokers I have told them of the way I sold my own home on Orlando Avenue in Log Angeles. Many of them have applied the technique I used with remarkable and speedy results. I placed a sign which read, “For sale by owner,” in the garden in front of my home. The day after, I said to myself as I was going to sleep, “Supposing you sold your house, what would you do?”

      I answered my own question and I said, “I would take that sign down and throw it into the garage.” In my imagination I took hold of the sign, pulled it up from the ground, placed it on my shoulder, went to the garage, threw it on the floor and said jokingly to the sign, “I don't need you anymore!” I felt the inner satisfaction of it all, realizing it was finished.

      The next day a man gave me a deposit of $1,000 and said to me, “Take your sign down. We will go into escrow now.”

      Immediately I pulled the sign up and took it to the garage. The outer action conformed to the inner. There is nothing new about this. As within, so without, meaning according to the image impressed on your subconscious mind, so it is on the objective screen of life. The outside mirrors the inside. External action follows internal action.

      Here is another very popular method used in selling homes, land or any kind of property. Affirm slowly, quietly and feelingly as follows: “Infinite intelligence attracts to me the buyer for this home who wants and who prospers in it. This buyer may look at many other homes, but mine is the only one he wants and will buy, because he is guided by the Infinite Intelligence within him. I now the buyer is right, the time is right and the price is right. Everything about it is right. The deeper currents of my subconscious mind are now in operation bringing both of us together in divine order. I know that it is so.”

      Remember always that what you are seeking is also seeking you, and whenever you want to sell a home or property of any kind, there is always someone who wants what you have to offer. By using the powers of your subconscious mind correctly, you free your mind of all sense of competitor and anxiety in buying and selling.

       How She Succeeded In Getting What She Wanted

      There is a young lady who regularly comes to my lectures and classes. She had to change buses three times; it took her one and a half hours each time to come to the lectures. In one lecture I explained how a young man needed a car in his work and received one.

      She went home and experimented as outlined in my lecture. Here is her letter in part, narrating her application of my method, and published with her permission:

      Dear Dr Murphy,

      This is how I received a Cadillac car - I wanted one to come to the lectures regularly. In my imagination I went through the identical process I would go through if I were actually driving a car. I went to the showroom and the salesman took me for a ride in one. I also drove it several blocks.

      I claimed the Cadillac car as my own over and over again. I kept the mental picture of getting into the car, driving it, feeling the upholstery etc., consistently for over two weeks. Last week I drove to your lectures in a Cadillac. My uncle in Inglewood passed away and left me his Cadillac and his entire estate.

       A Success Technique Employed By Many Outstanding Executives & Businessmen

      There are many prominent who quietly use the abstract term, “success,” over and over many times a day until they reach a conviction that success is theirs. They know that the idea of success contains all the essential elements of success. Likewise, you can begin now to repeat the word, “success,” to yourself with faith and conviction. Your subconscious mind will accept it as true of you and you will be under a subconscious compulsion to succeed.

      You are compelled to express your subjective beliefs, impressions and convictions. What does success imply to you? You want, undoubtedly, to be successful in your home life and in your relationship with others. You wish to be outstanding in your chosen work or profession. You wish to possess a beautiful home and all the money you need to live comfortably and happily. You want to be successful in your prayer life and in your contact with the powers of your subconscious mind.

      You are a businessman also because you are in the business of living. Become a successful businessman by imagining yourself doing what you long to do, and possessing the things you long to possess. Become imaginative, mentally participate in the reality of the successful state. Make a habit of it. Go to sleep feeling successful every night, and perfectly satisfied, and you will eventually succeed in implanting the idea of success in your subconscious mind. Believe you were born to succeed and wonders will happen as you pray!

       Profitable Pointers

      1. Success means successful living. When you are peaceful, happy, joyous and doing what you love to do, you are successful.

      2. Find out what you love to do, then do it. If you don't know your true expression, ask for guidance and the lead will come.

      3. Specialize in your particular field and try to know more about it than anyone else.

      4. A successful man is not selfish. His main desire in life is to serve humanity.

      5. There is no true success without peace of mind.

      6. A successful man possesses great psychological and spiritual understanding.

      7. If you imagine an objective clearly, you will be provided with the necessities through the wonder-working power of your subconscious mind.

      8. Your thought fused with feeling becomes a subjective belief, and according to your belief is it done unto you.

      9. The power of sustained imagination draws forth the miracle-working powers of your subconscious mind.

      10. If you are seeking promotion in your work, imagine your employer, supervisor or loved one congratulating you on your promotion. Make the picture vivid and real. Hear the voice, see the gestures and feel the reality of it all. Continue to do this frequently and through frequent occupancy of your mind, you will experience the joy of the answered prayer.

      11. Your subconscious mind is a storehouse of memory. For a perfect memory, affirm frequently: “The Infinite Intelligence of my subconscious mind reveals to me everything I need to know at all times, everywhere.

      12. If you wish to sell a home or property of any kind, affirm slowly, quietly and feelingly as follows: “Infinite Intelligence attracts to me the buyer for this СКАЧАТЬ