Название: Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada, from the mss. of Fray Antonio Agapida
Автор: Вашингтон Ирвинг
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр: Документальная литература
isbn: 4057664638137
CHAPTER XXVI. -- Of the Fortress of Alhama, and how Wisely it was Governed by the Count de Tendilla.
CHAPTER XXVII.-- Foray of Christian Knights into the Territory of the Moors.
CHAPTER XXVIII.-- Attempt of El Zagal to Surprise Boabdil in Almeria.
CHAPTER XXIX. -- How King Ferdinand Commenced another Campaign against the Moors, and how he Laid Siege to Coin and Cartama.
CHAPTER XXX. -- Siege of Ronda.
CHAPTER XXXI. -- How the People of Granada invited El Zagal to the Throne, and how he Marched to the Capital.
CHAPTER XXXII. -- How the Count de Cabra attempted to Capture another King, and how he Fared in his Attempt.
CHAPTER XXXIII. -- Expedition against the Castles of Cambil and Albahar.
CHAPTER XXXIV. -- Enterprise of the Knights of Calatrava against Zalea.
CHAPTER XXXV. -- Death of Muley Abul Hassan.
CHAPTER XXXVI. -- Of the Christian Army which Assembled at the City of Cordova.
CHAPTER XXXVII. -- How Fresh Commotions broke out in Granada, and how the People undertook to Allay them.
CHAPTER XXXVIII. -- How King Ferdinand held a Council of War at the Rock of the Lovers.
CHAPTER XXXIX. -- XXXIX......How the Royal Army appeared Before the City of Loxa, and how it was Received; and of the Doughty Achievements of the English Earl.
CHAPTER XL. -- Conclusion of the Siege of Loxa.
CHAPTER XLI. -- Capture of Illora.
CHAPTER XLII. -- Of the Arrival of Queen Isabella at the Camp before Moclin; and of the Pleasant Sayings of the English Earl.
CHAPTER XLIII. -- How King Ferdinand Attacked Moclin, and of the Strange Events that attended its Capture.
CHAPTER XLIV. -- How King Ferdinand Foraged the Vega; and of the Battle of the Bridge of Pinos, and the Fate of the two Moorish Brothers.
CHAPTER XLV. -- Attempt of El Zagal upon the Life of Boabdil, and how the Latter was Roused to Action.
CHAPTER XLVI. -- How Boabdil returned Secretly to Granada, and how he was Received.—Second Embassy of Don Juan de Vera, and his Perils in the Alhambra.
CHAPTER XLVII. -- How King Ferdinand laid Siege to Velez Malaga.
CHAPTER XLVIII. -- How King Ferdinand and his Army were Exposed to Imminent Peril before Velez Malaga.
CHAPTER XLIX. -- Result of the Stratagem of El Zagal to Surprise King Ferdinand.
CHAPTER L. -- How the People of Granada Rewarded the Valor of El Zagal.
CHAPTER LI. -- Surrender of the Velez Malaga and Other Places.
CHAPTER LII. -- Of the City of Malaga and its Inhabitants.—Mission of Hernando del Pulgar.
CHAPTER LIII. -- Advance of King Ferdinand against Malaga.
CHAPTER LIV. -- Siege of Malaga.
CHAPTER LV. -- Siege of Malaga continued.—Obstinacy of Hamet el Zegri.
CHAPTER LVI. -- Attack of the Marques of Cadiz upon Gibralfaro.
CHAPTER LVII. -- Siege of Malaga continued.—Stratagems of Various Kinds.
CHAPTER LVIII. -- Sufferings of the People of Malaga.
CHAPTER LIX. -- How a Moorish Santon Undertook to Deliver the City of Malaga from the Power of its Enemies.
CHAPTER LX. -- How Hamet el Zegri was Hardened in his Obstinacy by the Arts of a Moorish Astrologer.
CHAPTER LXI. -- Siege of Malaga continued.—Destruction of a Tower by Francisco Ramirez de Madrid.
CHAPTER LXII. -- How the People of Malaga expostulated with Hamet el Zegri.
CHAPTER LXIII. -- How Hamet el Zegri Sallied forth with the Sacred Banner to Attack the Christian Camp.
CHAPTER LXIV. -- How the City of Malaga Capitulated.
CHAPTER LXV. -- Fulfilment of the Prophecy of the Dervise.—Fate of Hamet el Zegri.
CHAPTER LXVI. -- How the Castilian Sovereigns took Possession of the City of Malaga, and how King Ferdinand signalized himself by his Skill in Bargaining with the Inhabitants for their Ransom.
CHAPTER LXVII. -- How King Ferdinand prepared to Carry the War into a Different Part of the Territories of the Moors.
CHAPTER LXIX. -- How the Moors made Various Enterprises against the Christians.
CHAPTER LXX. -- How King Ferdinand prepared to Besiege the City of Baza, and how the City prepared for Defence.
CHAPTER LXXI. -- The Battle of the Gardens before Baza.
CHAPTER LXXII. -- Siege of Baza.—Embarrassments of the Army.
CHAPTER LXXIII. -- Siege of Baza continued.—How King Ferdinand completely Invested the City.
CHAPTER LXXIV. -- Exploit of Hernan Perez del Pulgar and Other Cavaliers.
CHAPTER LXXV. -- Continuation of the Siege of Baza.
CHAPTER LXXVI. -- How Two Friars from the Holy Land arrived at the Camp.
CHAPTER LXXVII. -- How Queen Isabella devised Means to Supply the Army with Provisions.
CHAPTER LXXVIII. -- Of the Disasters which Befell the Camp.
CHAPTER LXXIX. -- Encounters between the Christians and Moors before Baza, and the Devotion of the Inhabitants to the Defence of their City.
CHAPTER LXXX. -- How Queen Isabella arrived at the Camp, СКАЧАТЬ