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Читать онлайн книгу THE COMPLETE WORKS OF ÉMILE ZOLA - Эмиль Золя страница 231


Автор: Эмиль Золя

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 9788027233410



      “They are sending me to the devil,” he went on, trying to laugh. “I am going to Cochin China.”

      Madeleine was able to speak at last.

      “Very well,” she said in a hollow voice. “I will go with you to the station.”

      She could not think that she had any right to utter a single reproach to this man. He had warned her beforehand, and it was she who had wished to stay. But her feelings revolted, and she felt a strange longing to clasp him round the neck and beg him not to go. Her pride nailed her to her chair. She wished to appear calm, and not to show the young man, who was whistling coolly, how his departure was tugging at her heartstrings.

      Towards evening, a few friends came. They all went in a body to the station, Madeleine smiling, and her lover gaily joking, comforted by her apparent good spirits. He had never felt towards her anything but a goodnatured affection, and he went away happy at seeing her so calm. Just as he was going into the waiting-room, he was cruel without meaning to be.

      “I don’t ask you to wait for me, dear girl,” he said. “Console yourself and forget me.”

      He went off. Madeleine, who had, up to this, preserved a strange pained smile, went mechanically out of the station, without feeling the ground under her feet. She did not even notice that one of the young doctor’s friends was taking her by the arm and going with her. She had been walking in this way nearly a quarter of an hour, stunned, hearing and seeing nothing, when the noise of a voice falling on the chilly silence of her brain, gradually compelled her to listen in spite of herself. The student was proposing to her unceremoniously to share his room with him, now that she was free. When she understood his meaning, she looked at the young fellow with an air of terror; then she let go his arm with a movement of supreme disgust, and ran and shut herself up in the room in the Rue Soufflot. There, all alone at last, she could sob to her heart’s desire.

      Her sobs were sobs of shame and despair. She was A widow, and her grief at her desertion bad just been sullied by a proposal which, to her, seemed monstrous. Never yet had she so cruelly comprehended the misery of her position. The right to weep was being denied her. The world seemed to think that she had already been able to obliterate the kisses of her first lover. And yet she felt that these kisses were in her soul: she said to herself that they would always be burning there. Then, in the midst of her tears she swore to remain a widow. She felt the eternity of the bonds of the flesh; any fresh love would degrade her and fill her with avenging memories.

      She did not sleep in the Rue Soufflot. She went the same night, and took up her quarters in another hotel in the Rue de l’Est. There she lived for two mouths, unsociable and solitary. One time, she had thought of shutting herself up in a convent. But she did not feel that she had faith enough. While she was at school, God had been represented to her as a nice young man. She did not believe in a God like that.

      It was at this period that she met William.


      Véteuil is a little town of ten thousand inhabitants, situated on the borders of Normandy. The streets are clean and deserted. It is a place that has had its day. People who want to travel by rail have to go fifteen miles by coach, and wait for the trains that pass through Mantes. Round the town, the open country is very fertile; it spreads out in rich grazing-land intersected by rows of poplars: a brook, on its way to the Seine, cuts a course through these broad flat tracts and traverses them with along line of trees and reeds.

      It was in this forsaken hole that William was born. His father, Monsieur de Viargue, was one of the last representatives of the old nobility of the district. Born in Germany, during the “emigration,” he came to France with the Bourbons, as into a foreign and hostile country. His mother had been cruelly banished, and was now lying in a cemetery at Berlin: his father had died on the scaffold. He could not pardon the soil which had drunk the blood of his guillotined father, and did not cover the corpse of his poor mother. The restoration gave him back his family possessions, he recovered the title and the position attached to his name, but he preserved a no less bitter hatred against that accursed France which he did not recognise as his country. He went and buried himself at Vétcuil, refusing preferment, turning a deaf ear to the offers of Louis XVIII. and Charles X., and disdaining to live amongst a people who had assassinated his kindred. He would often repeat that he was no Frenchman; he called the Germans his fellow countrymen, and spoke of himself as though he were a, veritable exile.

      He was still young when he came to France. Tall, strong, and of fiery activity, he soon grew mortally bored in the inaction which he was imposing on himself. He wished to live alone, far from all public events. But his intelligence was of too high an order, the restlessness of his mind was too great, to be satisfied with the boorish pleasures of field sports. The dull unoccupied life which he was setting himself dismayed him. He looked round for something to do. By a singular inconsistency, he was fond of science, that new spirit of method the breath of which had turned upside down the old world that he regretted. He devoted himself to the study of chemistry, he who would dream of the splendour of the nobility under Louis XIV.

      He was a strange scholar, a solitary scholar who studied and made researches for himself only. He turned into a huge laboratory a room in La Noiraude, the name given in the country to the château which he lived in, at five minutes’ walk from Véteuil. In it he would spend whole days, bending over his crucibles, always eager, and yet never succeeding in satisfying his curiosity. He was a member of no learned society, and would shut the door in the face of people who came to talk with him about his researches. He wanted to be considered a gentleman. His servants were never, under pain of dismissal, to make any allusion to him, or to the employment of his time. He looked upon his taste for chemistry as a passion whose secret follies no one had a right to penetrate.

      For nearly forty years, he shut himself up every morning in his laboratory. There, his disregard for the bustle of the world became more pronounced. Though he never owned it, he buried his loves and his hatreds in his retorts and alembics. When he had weighed the substance in his powerful hands, he forgot all about France, and his father’s death on the scaffold, and his mother’s in a foreign land: nothing of the gentleman remained but his cold and haughty sceptical nature. The scholar had killed the man.

      No one, moreover, could get to the bottom of this strange organization. His own friends were ignorant of the sudden void that had been made in his heart. He kept to himself the secret of the blank, that blank which he thought he had touched with his finger. If he still lived far from the world in exile, as he never ceased to say, it was because he despised his fellowmen both rich and poor, and compared himself to a worm. But he remained solemn and disdainful, icy even in his coldness. He never lowered his mask of pride.

      There was, however, one shock in the calm existence of this man. A foolish young woman, the wife of a notary in Véteuil, threw herself into his arms. He was then forty, and still treated his neighbours like serfs. He kept the young woman as his mistress, publicly acknowledged her ten miles round, and even had the audacity to keep her at La Noiraude. This was an unprecedented scandal in the little town. The brusque ways of Monsieur dc Viargue had already caused the finger of dislike to be pointed at him. When he lived openly with the wife of the notary, people were for tearing him to pieces. The husband, a poor fellow who had a mortal dread of losing his place, kept quiet for the two years that the intimacy lasted. He shut his eyes and ears, and seemed to believe that his wife was merely spending a little holiday at Monsieur de Viargue’s. The woman became enciente and was delivered of her child in the château. A few months later, she grew tired of her lover, who was again passing his days in the laboratory. One fine morning, she went back to her husband, taking care to forget her child. The count was not fool enough to run after her. The notary quietly took her back, as if she had returned from a journey. Next day, he went for a walk СКАЧАТЬ