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Читать онлайн книгу THE COMPLETE WORKS OF ÉMILE ZOLA - Эмиль Золя страница 164


Автор: Эмиль Золя

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 9788027233410


СКАЧАТЬ The only answer they gave was that the people had been provoked; and, almost at the same moment, he had his arm broken with a bullet. He had barely time to withdraw, when firing became general, and was accompanied by an avalanche of stones and tiles falling on the soldiers’ heads. There was a noise like the rumbling sound of thunder, and the street became full of smoke. The soldiers in surprise, threw themselves on either side, along the houses; and a skirmishing warfare commenced as in the Grande Rue. These encounters at cross roads are terrible, for a few men are often able to keep an army at bay.

      While firing was thus proceeding at two points, another column, destined to be more fortunate, advanced towards the barricade, blocking up the Grande Rue, from the side of the Law Courts. This column which had come from the Hôtel de Ville, did not approach very near. As soon as one of the sentinels had fired, it withdrew; and seeing it was impossible to carry the entrenchment without artillery, decided on turning the position.

      It, therefore, entered the Rue Belzunce, where it found some thirty rioters who fired and then ran away, some into the Rue des Marquises, the others into the Rues Sainte Marthe, Sainte Barbe and Moulin d’Huile. The soldiers followed them at double quick time, receiving a few shots to which they answered, and searching, moreover, two or three houses where they arrested a certain number of people; but they did not dare enter the Rue des Marquises, which would have led them straight to the Place aux Œufs. This street, which they supposed to be barricaded, seemed to them narrow and dangerous and they feared being crushed beneath an avalanche of objects cast from the roofs and windows.

      The column continued turning the stronghold. On reaching the Place Sainte Martin, it divided: one part going into the Rue de la Lune d’Or and the other into the Rue de la Vieille Monnaie. The idea was to issue in a body on the Place aux Œufs, where as a matter of fact, two of the detachments arrived almost simultaneously.

      The soldiers rushed on to the barricades, which on this side had been less solidly built, and the rioters, surprised at this irresistible charge, fled in disorder, seeking refuge in the houses. There they stopped the column, for a few moments, by opening a well-fed fire upon it from the windows. But this fire soon slackened, and the soldiers passing beneath the bullets at the double, found themselves in the centre of the Place aux Œufs. When Marius perceived the uniforms of the conquerors, he understood his brother would be lost if he were not able to place him beyond danger of arrest. He ran to the barricade in the Grande Rue, where Philippe, with his back turned to the square, had been so busy with the defence on that side, that he had not perceived the victory of the military in the rear. Marius soon found him, but as the two brothers set out towards the house where Fine and Joseph were, they saw that they would not have time to reach the door, so they rushed in at another one, which was opposite, and barricaded the entrance in despair, not daring to refer to their mutual alarm at being obliged to abandon the young woman and child.

      A frightful tumult reigned on the square. As soon as the rioters saw the soldiers and National Guard advancing to secure the position, they imitated Philippe and Marius and fled for refuge into the adjoining houses. The columns attacking the barricades in the Grande Rue, and the Rue Requis Novis, were at first astounded to see the firing cease. Then, guessing what was taking place, they removed the abandoned obstructions and advanced to join the conquerors. The square was thus full of troops, preparing to besiege the houses amidst a most deafening din. It was at that moment that the man watching over the three prisoners in the little shop, fled. Mathéus slipped into the crowd and disappeared; whilst M. Martelly and Abbé Chastanier, sad and motionless, remained standing on the threshold, in the expectation of terrible reprisals; and, occasionally, the inquisitive head of M. Girousse showed itself at the window, which he had not left since the commencement of the action.



      SAUVAIRE had lost sight of M. de Cazalis on entering the stronghold, and was furious at not being able to discover where he could have got to, after having had the trouble of watching him, for nearly an hour, under a doorway. The worthy man continued to ignore his rank of captain. He had one fixed idea, that of coming to the assistance of the brother of his friend Marius. He turned about on the square, anxious and embarrassed, when it all at once occurred to him that Philippe must be hidden in Fine’s old abode. He looked at the house and caught sight of the head of M. de Girousse.

      “Eh! I say, you, up there!” he shouted to the old Count, “come down quick and open the door!”

      M. de Girousse who was extremely anxious about Philippe, decided to go down, knowing that the two brothers had taken refuge in the house opposite, and hoping to be of some help to them, but when he was once below in the corridor, he found himself in the presence of the rioters, who had fastened the bolts, and would not allow him to go out.

      He succeeded, however, with some trouble, in making them set the door ajar, and after pushing him out, they again closed it. Sauvaire and M. de Girousse found themselves face to face.

      “Eh! the deuce!” exclaimed the ex-master-stevedore, “you should have left the door open. I am going to have you arrested.”

      The nobleman examined the captain with curiosity.

      “You are going to have me arrested,” he said; “Well! arrest me yourself, and kindly conduct me to the persons who are over there.”

      He pointed to M. Martelly and Abbé Chastanier. Sauvaire accompanied him, and apologized, when he heard he had put his hand on a Count and wealthy landlord.

      “It only required transportation,” said M. de Girousse laughing, “for my day to be complete!”

      He then held a whispered conversation with the shipowner, and explained to him the position.

      “We saw nothing of all that,” said M. Martelly, “they shut us up in that shop, in the company of an individual who looked like a regular villain. Do you say Philippe and Marius are hidden in that house there?”

      “Yes, and I am very much afraid they have been arrested, but the worst of it is, that I have left Marius’ wife and Philippe’s child in that other house.”

      This news completed making the shipowner quite sad. Abbé Chastanier, however, pointed out that Fine and Joseph were not running any very great danger: if the house were sacked, there would always be time to intervene, but they must think above all of the two brothers, and endeavour to assist them to escape. The misfortune was, that it seemed almost impossible to do anything to help them.

      In the meanwhile the troops who had invaded the rioters’ stronghold were not inactive. A few shots were still being fired from windows, here and there, and this had to be put a stop to. So the order was given to take, by assault, all the houses that were closed, and on the roofs of which the insurgents were discharging their last cartridges. A few sappers were sent forward and these began hacking at the doors with their axes.

      Sauvaire was in despair. He wished to lead the soldiers away from the dwelling where he supposed Philippe was hidden, but could see no way of doing so. He got his men together, posted them on the opposite side of the square, and set them searching other buildings. But unfortunately a shot was fired from the very house he wished to protect. A lieutenant was wounded, and all the soldiers rushed towards the door.

      “The idiots!” murmured Sauvaire, “what need had they to wound that man! Now my young friend’s affair is settled.”

      He approached, wishing at least to be one of the first to enter the place.

      While these events were occurring, Mathéus and M. СКАЧАТЬ