Название: Kant's Critique of Judgement
Автор: Immanuel Kant
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр: Языкознание
isbn: 4057664114778
The text I have followed is, in the main, that printed by Hartenstein; but occasionally Rosenkranz preserves the better reading. All important variants between the First and Second Editions have been indicated at the foot of the page. A few notes have been added, which are enclosed in square brackets, to distinguish them from those which formed part of the original work. I have in general quoted Kant’s Introduction to Logic and Critique of Practical Reason in Dr. Abbott’s translations.
My best thanks are due to Rev. J. H. Kennedy and Mr. F. Purser for much valuable aid during the passage of this translation through the press. And I am under even greater obligations to Mr. Mahaffy, who was good enough to read through the whole of the proof; by his acute and learned criticisms many errors have been avoided. Others I have no doubt still remain, but for these I must be accounted alone responsible.
Trinity College, Dublin,
May 24, 1892.
* * * * *
More than twenty-one years have passed since the first edition of this Translation was published, and during that time much has been written, both in Germany and in England, on the subject of Kant’s Critique of Judgement. In particular, the German text has been critically determined by the labours of Professor Windelband, whose fine edition forms the fifth volume of Kant’s Collected Works as issued by the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences (Berlin, 1908). It will be indispensable to future students. An excellent account of the significance, in the Kantian system, of the Urtheilskraft, by Mr. R. A. C. Macmillan, appeared in 1912; and Mr. J. C. Meredith has published recently an English edition of the Critique of Aesthetical Judgement, with notes and essays, dealing with the philosophy of art, which goes over the ground very fully.
Some critics of my first edition took exception to the clumsiness of the word “representation” as the equivalent of Vorstellung, but I have made no change in this respect, as it seems to me (and so far as I have observed to others who have worked on the Critique of Judgement), that it is necessary to preserve in English the relation between the noun Vorstellung and the verb vorstellen, if Kant’s reasoning is to be exhibited clearly. I have, however, abandoned the attempt to preserve the word Kritik in English, and have replaced it by Critique or criticism, throughout. The other changes that have been made are mere corrections or emendations of faulty or obscure renderings, with a few additional notes. I have left my original Introduction as it was written in 1892, without attempting any fresh examination of the problems that Kant set himself.
The Palace, Kilkenny,
January 6, 1914.
Absicht; design.
Achtung; respect.
Affekt; affection.
Angenehm; pleasant.
Anschauung; intuition.
Attribut; attribute.
Aufklärung; enlightenment.
Begehr; desire.
Begriff; concept.
Beschaffenheit; constitution or characteristic.
Bestimmen; to determine.
Darstellen; to present.
Dasein; presence or being.
Eigenschaft; property.
Empfindung; sensation.
Endzweck; final purpose.
Erkenntniss; cognition or knowledge.
Erklärung; explanation.
Erscheinung; phenomenon.
Existenz; existence.
Fürwahrhalten; belief.
Gebiet; realm.
Gefühl; feeling.
Gegenstand; object.
Geist; spirit.
Geniessen; enjoyment.
Geschicklichkeit; skill.
Geschmack; Taste.
Gesetzmässigkeit; conformity to law.
Gewalt; dominion or authority.
Glaube; faith.
Grenze; bound.
Grundsatz; fundamental proposition or principle.
Hang; propension.
Idee; Idea.
Leidenschaft; passion.
Letzter Zweck; ultimate purpose.
Lust; pleasure.
Meinen; opinion.
Neigung; inclination.
Objekt; Object.
Prinzip; principle.
Real; real.
Reich; kingdom.
Reiz; charm.
Rührung; emotion.
Schein; illusion.
Schmerz; grief.
Schön; beautiful.
Schranke; limit.
Schwärmerei; fanaticism.
Seele; soul.
Ueberreden; to persuade.
Ueberschwänglich; transcendent.