Navalyayev. Non fictional stories. Serge Ardenne
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СКАЧАТЬ Greta's chest swayed like a cold on a shaky table, which only increased the interest of the chief. His small, red eyes from regular drunkenness, felt the lush forms of the guardian of purity.

      "So it's from Kaliningrad…"

      Mentally, he said, stripping the appetizing lady with a glance.

      "… but do you know, my dear, that the city of Kaliningrad is named after the grandfather of Kalinin Michal Ivanich, the" All-Union headman "?

      Not without a shadow of superiority asked Kakun, as if offering an illiterate cleaner to continue the conversation, the history of her native land, in a more intimate atmosphere. Suddenly, Greta Adolfovna took a proud posture and said ironically:

      – If you started talking about Kaliningrad, the capital of East Prussia, called up to 1255 – Twangste, and then, until July 4, 1946, Koeningsberg, then you can hardly tell me something new.

      Like a razor, she slashed by the arrogance of Yukhim Ostapovich.

      – Besides, I arrived not from Kaliningrad, but from Sovetsk to your information, the former Tilsit, a city where, in the middle of the Neman river, in 1807, in a tent, on a raft, a peace treaty was concluded, between Napoleon and Alexander the First, after The war of the fourth coalition. Are you interested in the details or may be the key issues discussed by the emperors?

      And without that the red eyes of the chief were bloodshot, turning into two ripe cherries.

      – You are a citizen do not forget! What there Prussia?! What emperor?!

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      (German) in Smoked Beer.




(German) in Smoked Beer.