Colton 911: Family Under Fire. Jane Godman
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Название: Colton 911: Family Under Fire

Автор: Jane Godman

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9781474094641


СКАЧАТЬ door locked.”

      He went to the window and twitched back the drapes. “There’s a flatbed truck parked outside. It’s piled high with boxes.”

      Piled high? With a sinking feeling, Alyssa went to stand beside him. The truck was small, but there were a lot of boxes. And she recognized the woman who was exiting from the passenger side of the vehicle.

      “That’s Patty Griffiths. She’s from the Department of Child Safety.” She looked down at the baby, who had fallen asleep in her arms. “She promised to deliver Kennedy’s things.”

      “I’ll get the door,” Casey said.

      Sure enough, the guy at the door was one of Patty’s colleagues. By way of a greeting, he handed Casey a high chair. “I could do with some help getting the rest of the stuff up the stairs.”

      Ten minutes later, the two men had made several trips from the van to the apartment. There were now several tall stacks of boxes in the small bedroom and the floor space in the living room was rapidly disappearing.

      “We only brought the essentials,” Patty explained to Alyssa. “The rest of it is at her parents’ home.”

      “Rest of it? How much stuff can one small person have?”

      “I’ve been doing this job a long time and I’ve never seen so many toys and clothes.” Patty pursed her lips. “They must have spent a fortune on her.” She handed Alyssa a framed picture. “I know you’ll want to remind her of her birth parents. This was taken recently.”

      It showed Kennedy sitting on a rug. Sean was lying on one side and Delilah was on the other. They were smiling as, propped on their elbows, each moved in to kiss one of their daughter’s chubby cheeks.

      Alyssa stared at it for a moment or two. It was hard to believe such a happy family had been torn apart so tragically. Some might say the Dodds had brought what happened on themselves, but Kennedy was an innocent victim in all of this.

      “I’ll make sure to put it somewhere so she can see it all the time.”

      When Patty and her colleague had gone, Alyssa eased Kennedy onto the sofa and sat next to her.

      “If you’re really doing this, you may need to get a bigger place.” Casey looked down at the sleeping baby. “Are you doing this?”

      “We just found out about the custody request in Sean and Delilah’s will a few hours ago. We were about to talk about what it meant for the future when your brother took off. It’s so sad. This little girl’s parents must have loved her so much…” She shook her head. “Patty mentioned their home. I guess it’s part of the estate Kennedy will inherit.”

      “Sean may have made his money on the wrong side of the law, but Delilah was a clever accountant. She invested it wisely and legally. The Dodds had a very neat property just outside of Cactus Creek. Kennedy will be a wealthy little girl.”

      “I didn’t know them well, and I understand that they were in trouble with the law before they died, but Sean is the last person I could imagine taking his own life,” Alyssa said. “And killing Delilah, as well? It seems totally out of character.”

      “He left a suicide note stating that he would rather die than face prison.” Casey’s grim expression reminded her of the hurt that Sean had caused him in the past.

      Kennedy murmured in her sleep and Alyssa soothed her by gently rubbing her shoulders. Her responsibility to the child hit her all over again. “What a dreadful start for her. It will take a lot of hard work to make sure this doesn’t permanently damage her.”

      “If anyone can give her a normal life, you and Everett are the ones to do it,” Casey said. “I guess that’s why Sean and Delilah chose you. They finally got something right.”

      Sean Dodd was a cattle rustler who had been implicated in a murder. Delilah was a skilled accountant who cooked the books to make it look like his investments were honest. They had chosen a life on the wrong side of the law, but could they have foreseen that they would die this way? It felt like a step too far for a couple who had always struck her as overconfident.

      And they chose us. Not Everett or Alyssa, but the two of them. It was a bittersweet reminder of how good they’d once been together. So good that the Dodds had seen something in them that they wanted for their daughter if there came a time when they were no longer around.

      Her relationship with Everett might have ended, but the feelings it had been built on hadn’t gone away. Their shared past was one of the things that would make this new role hard.

      She wished she could say she didn’t walk away from a challenge. But wasn’t that what she’d done four years ago? She shook away the thought. Times had changed. And this wasn’t about her and Everett.

      It was about working together to make a future out of a tragedy.

      The expression on Joe Meyer’s face as he accompanied Everett into Hoyles’ toy department could hardly have been described as cheery. Dodging between sales assistants dressed as elves and forest animals, Everett marched determinedly to the cash desk at the far end of the store. “FBI? You don’t seriously think this place is pushing drugs or selling guns, do you?”

      Everett couldn’t blame Joe Meyer for his sarcastic comment. Hoyles’ was a Cactus Creek institution and stepping through the doors brought back memories of his own childhood holidays. Ignoring the fact that white Christmases were unusual in Sur County, the toy department was decked out like an icy winter wonderland. With lavishly decorated trees, gingerbread houses, traditional dollhouses and train sets, it was guaranteed to bring a smile to the face of every kid, as well as most adults.

      “I need to speak to the manager.” The young cashier started to protest but was silenced when Everett held up his badge. It didn’t usually see this much daylight when he was on duty. “Now.”

      “Wait here.” After giving him a nervous look, she headed toward a nearby office and knocked on the door. A few seconds later, a tall man emerged.

      “I’m Paul Denmore, toy-department manager. What can I do for you?”

      Because of his suspicions about the possible contents of the package, Everett had decided not to bring it into the busy store. Instead, he had left it in Joe’s delivery van, which was parked on an empty parking lot a block away. He held up his cell phone, displaying a photograph he had taken of the brightly colored package.

      “I need you to tell me everything you know about this.”

      Denmore looked from Everett to the picture, his startled gaze taking in Joe along the way. “It looks like one of our home-delivery gifts.”

      Don’t water an angry seed. That had always been one of Maribelle Colton’s favorite phrases. Everett could almost hear his mom saying it now as he bit back an irritated response.

      “I’m aware of the appearance of this item, Mr. Denmore. What I require from you is confirmation that it did originate in your store. Once I have that, I will be able to safely open the box and check its contents.” Although, having checked it over carefully, he felt confident, based on its weight and size that it wasn’t a СКАЧАТЬ