Название: Transurfing in 78 Days. A Practical Course in Creating Your Own Reality
Автор: Вадим Зеланд
Издательство: ИГ "Весь"
Жанр: Эзотерика
Серия: Transurfing Reality
isbn: 978-5-9573-3471-2
Intention is referred to as ‘outer’ because it exists external to the individual human being and, as a result, lies beyond the mind’s control. That said people are capable of gaining access to it in certain states of consciousness. Anyone who subordinates their will to this powerful force becomes capable of incredible things.
However, in the contemporary world, most people have long lost the skills honed by the inhabitants of ancient civilisations like Atlantis. Fragments of ancient knowledge have been preserved to the present day in the form of scattered esoteric teachings and practices but it is quite difficult to apply this kind of knowledge in everyday life.
Despite the intricacy of its practical realisation, the secret to mastering outer intention is fairly simple. The answer to the enigma lies in the phenomenon known as lucid dreaming.
In an ordinary dreaming state, events develop independently of the mind’s will. Until the dreamer becomes conscious of the fact that they are dreaming, they are not able to control what happens. The dreamer is totally under the power of non-lucid dreaming in which the dream just ‘happens’ to them.
The moment the dreamer becomes conscious of the fact that it is all just a dream; they discover that they have amazing abilities. The impossible is possible in a lucid dream. You can control events in the dream by the power of intention and do incredible things, like fly.
The ability to control one’s dream is acquired the moment a person becomes conscious of himself or herself in the dream world comparative to physical reality. At this stage of awareness, the dreamer has their physical reality as a reference point to which they can return the moment they wake up.
Physical reality, in turn, is like a non-lucid dream in waking. The dreamer is under the power of circumstance and life just ‘happens’. They don’t remember their past lives and so they have no reference point relative to which, they could rise to the next level of awareness.
Yet not all is lost. There is an alternative method in Transurfing, which you can use to get outer intention to work.
People are capable of creating their own reality but this means following certain rules. The ordinary human mind tries to influence the reflection in the mirror but is unsuccessful. It is the image itself that has to be changed, and the image is created by the focus and nature of a person’s thoughts.
Desire alone is not enough to bring what you want into reality. The image or thought form on one side of the mirror has to coincide with certain parameters of the corresponding sector of the variants space, located on the other side of the mirror. But that is not all. You have to know how to communicate with the mirror, which, it has to be said, is most strange and complex.
Imagine this unusual scenario. You are standing in front of a mirror but there is nothing in the reflection, just emptiness. The image gradually begins to appear but only after some time, as in a photograph that is being developed. At some point, you begin to smile but the mirror still reflects the former serious expression on your face.
This is exactly how the mirror of the variants space works, only the delay factor is incomparably greater, and therefore the changes that take place cannot be clearly perceived. Material realisation is inert, but if you fulfil certain conditions, a new reflection will appear, which means that a dream can become a reality.
Your thought form acts like an existing physical object that is standing in front of a mirror. Your reflection, which has no material substance, is imaginary, metaphysical and at the same time, as real as the form itself. Unlike the scenario with an ordinary mirror, in Transurfing, the material world is the reflection. The images in it, which are served by the intention and thoughts of God, as well as all living beings, are His manifestations.
The variants space is a kind of matrix, a template for ‘cutting’ and ‘sewing’ as well as a format for the ‘fashion show,’ the movement of all matter. It stores information about what should happen in the material world and how. Each possible variation of potential reality represents a different sector of the variants space, which contains scripts and set designs for the trajectory and form of moving matter. In other words, the sector determines in each individual case what should happen and what that should look like.
Therefore, the mirror divides the world into two halves, the actual and the imaginary. Everything that acquires material form resides in the actual half and unfolds in accordance with the laws of natural science. Science and the ordinary perception of the world deal only with what happens ‘in reality’. By reality, it is generally accepted to mean everything that can be observed and directly influenced.
When we reject the metaphysical side of reality and only take into account the material world, the activities of all living beings, including man, are reduced to primitive movements within the confines of internal intention. Internal intention helps us achieve our goals by means of directly influencing the world around us. In order to achieve something, we have to take certain steps, we push, shove, elbow our way ahead and generally carry out a specific type of work.
Material reality instantly responds to direct action, which creates the illusion that results can only be achieved by direct influence. However, in the context of the material world, the range of goals that are realistically achievable using this approach is greatly narrowed. Here, we can only rely on what is already available to us. Everything comes down to material resources, which as a rule, are never enough, and which are severely limited.
In this world, everything is imbued with the spirit of rivalry. There are just too many people wanting to achieve the same thing. Of course, within the limits of internal intention, there really is not enough. So where can we find the conditions and circumstances necessary to achieve our goals? The answer is, only in the variants space.
On the other side of the mirror, everything exists in abundance and there is no competition. None of the products is in stock but the beauty of it is that you can choose anything at all as if from a catalogue and place an order for what you want. Sooner or later, your order will be delivered and you will not even have to pay for it; you just have to fulfil certain straightforward conditions, and that’s it. Sounds like a fairy tale?
Not at all! It is more than realistic. Thought energy never disappears without trace. It is capable of materialising any sector of the variants space whose characteristics correspond to the quality of the thought waves being emitted. It only appears to us as if everything in the world were a result of interaction between material objects. Equally important here is the role played by processes which occur on the subtle planes, when virtual variants of potential reality become embodied in physical reality. The causal relationships involved in subtle processes cannot always be perceived, and yet together they comprise the better half of reality.
The physical embodiment of sectors within the variants space takes place, as a rule, irrespective of individual will since people so rarely use thought energy in a purposeful way, to say nothing of less intellectually developed beings.
A person who is firmly grounded in the ‘realities of life’ is like a shopper, who wanders along empty shelves in a store stretching up to reach for goods which are already marked ‘sold’. There are only poor quality products left and even those are expensive. Instead of just looking at the catalog and placing an order, they rush about randomly searching for things, waiting in long queues, desperately struggling to squeeze through the crowd and getting involved in conflicts with the shop keepers and other customers. As a result, they don’t get what they want and end up with more problems than they started with.
Meanwhile, this grim reality germinates СКАЧАТЬ