Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5. Вадим Зеланд
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Название: Reality Transurfing: steps 1-5

Автор: Вадим Зеланд

Издательство: ИГ "Весь"

Жанр: Эзотерика


isbn: 978-5-9573-2880-3


СКАЧАТЬ is hard to believe in the existence of parallel worlds. Having said that, how easy is it to believe in the theory of relativity, which claims that an accelerating body increases its mass, reduces its size and slows down the time through which it moves? It is impossible to test the theory firsthand but that does not matter. It does not matter whether we understand a theory. What matters is the practical benefit that can be derived from it.

      In the context of infinite space it is ridiculous and even petty to argue about the advantages of one model over another. Try to imagine the infinite in terms of increasing distance that never reaches a horizon. Oddly enough, infinity in terms of decreasing distance has no limit either. We can observe only a limited portion of the visible universe for telescopes and microscopes have their limits too. Nonetheless, infinity in the context of the microcosm is no different from infinity in terms of the macrocosm.

      There is a theory that the visible universe emerged as a result of the ‘Big Bang’. According to the theory the universe has been constantly expanding ever since. Celestial bodies move through the cosmos with phenomenal speed but when we take into account the huge distances involved it seems as if the expansion of the universe is taking place incredibly slowly.

      It is also a well established fact that in a vacuum, at any given moment in time elementary particles are born out of nowhere and then immediately disappear. We do not yet know the exact structure of elementary particles but given the relativity of time and space there is nothing to stop us perceiving each particle as if it were a separate universe like our own. Physicists claim that they can appear either in the form of waves or in the form of particles. The further one goes into the microcosm the more relative distances appear huge, and for the internal observer time slows down. To an external observer our universe might appear to last for just one brief moment like a particle birthed and extinguished in a vacuum, whereas we, its internal observers, perceive the universe to have been in existence for billions of years.

      The next time you take a mouthful of coffee ask yourself how many universes you have just swallowed. Infinity cannot be divided into parts and so if you think about it, every time you swallow a mouthful of coffee you are swallowing an infinite number of universes. Flying through a microcosm takes as long and seems as far as it does flying through the boundless expanse of outer space. Time like space goes on for infinity whether you look backwards or forwards. Intervals of time can be as infinitely large as they can be infinitely small. Any point within a time interval can be seen as a reference point–both sides of which extend into the infinity of time. Changing the reference point to another place within the time interval does not change the extent of infinity in either direction.

      The infinity of worlds within worlds exists simultaneously. The centre of the universe is at the same time to be found in every point of matter because every point is surrounded by infinity on all sides. All events exist concurrently for the same reason that the centre of the universe is located in every point at the same time. This is difficult to imagine but so is it impossible to grasp infinity in one moment of contemplation. Even more convoluted theories have been designed which claim that the visible universe becomes a finite sphere in fourth-dimensional space, but that does not help particularly, because theoretically speaking, an infinite number of dimensions could exist. Unable to clearly imagine all of this, we have to content ourselves with a narrower perspective and at least pretend that we understand something of these theories.

      There are many things about contemporary science that are impossible to explain or comprehend; however, this should not prevent us from benefiting from the fruits of scientific thinking. Applying the principles of Transurfing can lead to stunning results. The important thing is to decide from the very beginning not to torture yourself with questions of why and how exactly it all works which would be as productive as a child asking a physicist why different bodies attract. The scientist would reply: “Because of the law of gravity.” The child then follows with the next question: “How does the law of gravity work? Why do bodies attract?” There is no answer to this question, so we will leave the thankless task of trying to explain these things, for it is not ours to know and understand everything. We will simply enjoy the results of the alternatives model.

      From the alternatives model it follows that man can create his own destiny. In Transurfing the concept of fate differs from other more widely accepted interpretations. The difference is that in the context of Transurfing a person can choose their happiness; they do not have to fight for it. There is no need to accept or reject the alternatives model straight away. First ask yourself this question: Have you achieved much by battling with the world to find happiness? Each person will decide for themselves whether they wish to carry on in the same vein or whether they would prefer to try using a different method. A person can spend their entire life battling without achieving anything at all. Would it not be simpler to act in a way that encouraged life to meet you half way, for all life does is help manifest your personal choice.

      Whatever you ‘order’, your choice is always granted unconditionally. Choice however, is different to desire. Wishes are only granted in fairy tales and most people just keep on wishing. It is no wonder that the belief is so ingrained in our minds that wishes are very difficult, if not impossible to fulfil. We have already taken the first small step towards solving the Guardian’s riddle. Soon you will find out why wishes are not granted and dreams do not come true.


      Reality is manifest in an infinite variety of forms.

      Variability is the world’s most fundamental quality.

      Any model of the universe represents just one manifestation of reality.

      Any branch of knowledge bases itself on one chosen aspect of the manifestation of reality.

      Your choice is always realized. You always receive what you choose.

      The alternatives space is an information field recording all that was, is and ever will be.

      The information field contains potential alternative scenarios to any event.

      Each alternative has a script and scenery.

      Space can be divided into sectors and each sector contains an alternative scenario of an event.

      The greater the distance between sectors, the more the alternatives will differ.

      Sectors with roughly uniform parameters are arranged in a life line.

      Material realisation moves through space like a bundle of density.

      The radiation of thought energy materializes an alternative.

      Every organism contributes to the creation of material realization.

      When the parameters of thought energy change, a shift occurs to a different life line.

      You cannot change the fact that scenery exists, but you can choose a different type of scenery.

      You do not have to fight for happiness. You simply have to choose an alternative reality that is more to your liking.

      Chapter II. Pendulums

      Rent Yourself Out

      Destructive Pendulums

      We are taught from childhood to obey the will of others, to perform our duties, serve our country, our family, the company СКАЧАТЬ